Mar 6, 2020

Selling is Understanding the difference between a Solution, and a Problem

Selling is Understanding the difference between a Solution and a Problem- to drive success goal Closure 
Stop pitching Active listening

Where people are taught these, “always be closing”, “high pressure” tactics…
Aggressive selling method memorizes to close the target to fulfill quota- what has taught in job training or commission-based sale aggression a HORSE ON RACE!!  

Every day, there are people seeking knowledge on how to succeed in their endeavors, and how to make life-changing income from whatever they are pursuing. Where people are taught these, “always be closing”, “high pressure” tactics…

Aggressive selling method memorizes to close the target to fulfill quota- what has taught in job training or commission-based sale aggression a HORSE ON RACE!!  
This is an IT age buyers are more aware, learned than ever…with a quick Google search and some browsing, prospects can gather as much information about a product as a salesperson has.
As a result, it’s harder for salespeople to demonstrate their expertise. And if they can’t demonstrate expertise, it becomes all the more difficult to establish credibility and eventually build trust. Without credibility and trust, a salesperson will likely lose the interest of their prospect ... or worse, never really gain their interest.
So what should salespeople do? Simple: Invest in listening.
Prospective listening to close the deal is the method of passing the baton in a relay race to the touchline to FINISH.

The salesperson was likely more interested in selling you something than in solving your needs.
The biggest challenge that I find most people have when it comes to selling is understanding the difference between a solution and a problem. And most people when they sell, they spend absolutely no time getting to know the individual that they’re selling to. They spend all this time preparing their pitch and going in there and getting ready to deliver their pitch.

But they don’t actually understand the context of the situation that they’re actually trying to serve.
And I think for the longest time, dysfunctional selling has been evident in our marketplace, not just in its practice, but also, especially in its training.

Instead, embrace the idea that it's time to listen to your prospects. Embrace the idea that it's time to stop selling your product, and start helping your customers find a solution to their problems instead. This sales tactic can ultimately help your marketing and sales teams engage, nurture, and close more prospects.
Let’s conclude the post pitching with a Five Finger RULE to grab a success.

I call them the five fingers to success. Goal, ambition, hard work, positivity, and patience
Marketing: creating demand for what I have to sell by addressing customer needs.
Sales: helping those who need what I have to make a decision.
1. Questions
Down to think about talking about my ideas or offers, I need to listen. I talk very little at the beginning of my sales process, except to ask an enormous list of questions I’ve prepared in advance. Whether it’s a potential coaching client or a brand strategy consultation, I might listen for an hour or more as my prospect tells me all about their business. What are their biggest challenges? What does success look like? What are their goals, competitors, past experiences, passions, pains, etc?
The purpose of starting by listening is twofold:
·         Making them feel seen, heard, and understood (empathy)
  • Listening for clues as to how I can best position my offer in the context of their story (relevancy).
2. Confirm
Once I’ve asked enough questions, I make confirmation statements to ensure we’re on the same page. “What I’m hearing is…” “So to recap, you want to…”, “As I’ve understood, your biggest challenge right now is…”
I want them to understand that I understand. I want them to know that they’ve been seen, heard, and understood.
Another thing to make sure of at the confirmation stage is that I am talking to the key decision-maker. The last thing you want is to find out I have been selling to someone who has no purchasing authority.
3. Create the vision
I don’t have to work hard on this because I already know what the vision is. They told me when I asked them, “What does success look like for you?”
My clients don’t buy my services because they want a brand strategy or coaching calls. They buy because they want to bring their dreams to life, make more money, have more time, and worry less. So I don’t sell services. I sell the vision.
As I’m painting the vision for my client, I’m usually hearing “yes, yes, yes — that’s exactly what I want!”
It’s a yes from the limbic brain.
4. Provide solutions
Once I have a yes from the limbic brain with the “why,” it’s time to get the rational brain onboard with the “how” and the “what.” I provide a compelling solution to their current problem with my services, present a clear step-by-step plan, and explain how much delivering the vision will cost.
How to get the rational brain on board:
·       Social proof and 3rd party validation (testimonials, name-dropping, results).
·         Be prepared to address any objections. Use stories like, “I totally understand, I worked with X customers who felt the same way. But we tried it and they got this huge result…”
·    Use their own words to explain things. I make sure I use the exact same words and phrases they used in stage one and avoid all jargon.
A final tip: If you use presentations or proposals as part of your sales process, never, ever end on the price page. End with the vision.
5. Move to close
Having painted a picture of the vision again and re-engaged with the limbic brain, I move to close the sale. I usually say something like “So, would you like my help?”
This way, I position myself as a guide or advisor, not a deal-closer. I don’t need to use scarcity tactics, urgency, or pressure to close the deal. I don’t need to make my client feel uncomfortable.. nimble... agile.. bouncer   

stop selling your product, and start selling your vision.

love sales vision. As a freelancer, consultant, need to influence others to buy into my ideas at work, I hope this inspires me to think about creating my own effective and full-of-integrity sales approach. Sales visions were defined in the previous post and this is a continuation…..

How To Sell With Integrity ( CLICK to view 6 step video) 
There is no doubt that integrity matters in business and sales.  I would like to add love and integrity. Love is universal affection and touching word. All customers are love ones.  To become a successful salesperson, you must be trustworthy, honest, and dependable.  In today’s transparent marketplace, salespeople who will do or say anything to earn a sale are a liability that is simply bad for business. 
To sell in today’s hyper-competitive marketplace they must compromise their integrity.  To them I say one thing:  get out.  The profession of sales has no place for anyone who is not willing to sell with full integrity.  What’s more, if someone feels he must compromise his integrity to get a sale, he clearly has deficient sales skills and needs to be trained on how to sell.  The reality is that selling with integrity is the only way to sell because it will enable you to both sell more and have no regrets about the sales you make.
How can you consistently sell with integrity?  The key to keeping your integrity is to understand how it can be lost.  Rarely does this happen in a single poor decision?  Rather, integrity slips away slowly, one small compromise at a time.  However, this does not have to be the case.  Here are three strategies that will guide you in selling with integrity.
Integrity means following your moral or ethical convictions and doing the right thing in all circumstances, even if no one is watching you. Having integrity means you are true to yourself and would do nothing that demeans or dishonors you.
Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. Integrity can stand in opposition to hypocrisy. Integrity is STEP 4...other three steps are below...
1.  Create A Don’t List
The best way to sell with integrity is to actively commit to it.  Think through and decide what you will and won’t do to get a sale.  This is important because without a firm commitment to refrain from unethical behavior when faced with a questionable, yet financially lucrative opportunity, you will be more likely to yield to temptation.   Although, if you have already made a commitment regarding what you will do and will not do, then all you must do is live out that commitment, which research shows increases the likelihood you will.
Creating a don’t list involves thinking through and writing out the actions you will not engage in regardless of the circumstances or consequences.  For example, one sales person’s don’t list may include:
  • I will not lie
  • I will not exaggerate or distort the truth in any way
  • I will not cover up a mistake, but will own it and make it right
  • I will not steal time from my employer
  • I will not compromise what I believe to be right, regardless of the circumstances
The key is to decide what should be on your don’t list and then document it.  It is also recommended that you re-read it periodically to keep it fresh and at the forefront of your mind.  These pre-loaded decisions will help you fend off the temptation to compromise your integrity. 
2.  Be Authentic
Buyers are savvy and when salespeople pretend to be someone they aren’t, buyers will pick up on the lack of genuineness and this will breed feelings of distrust.  In contrast, there is something refreshing about blunt authenticity.  It naturally attracts people.  So I would encourage you to resolve to always be you.
3.  Have
Congruency Between Your Words and Behaviors
One of the core ways that a lack of integrity is made evident is when a person’s words don’t match their behaviors.  When I think about this, I remember the Church Ladies.  Who were the church ladies?  Many years ago, when I was in high school I was a manager of the McDonalds restaurant in my town.  Every weekday at approximately 10 am a group of ladies would come into McDonald's.  They had just come from Mass and were deemed, “church ladies” by my staff.  Due to their extremely rude behavior, these ladies were disliked by everyone who worked at McDonald's.  The cold reality was that though they may have gone to church nearly every day of the week, no one from McDonald's would have ever gone with them.  Why?  Because their behaviors did not match what they said they believed in kindness and treating others with respect. 
Selling integrity means both following through with what you say and making sure your claims about your product or service are accurate.  In essence, it’s making sure that you live out your words.  This is not just the right thing to do, but it has also been proven to significantly boost revenue.  One study found that those companies who had managers who followed through on their promises and lived out the values they preached were more profitable than companies who had managers lacking in integrity.[3]  The study also identified that this, more than any other management behavior that was measured, had the most significant impact on company profitability. 

What is Success?

How do you define success in sales?  For me, success is not just measured by how much you sell, but also by how you sell.  That’s the thing about integrity, it’s not something that you can claim; you must demonstrate it to others every day.  By deploying the three strategies that I’ve shared you can improve the likelihood that you will exhibit integrity when you sell.  Because when it’s all said and done, integrity is one of those things that is remembered.  I can think of no higher compliment for a sales professional than for others to say that you sell a lot and sell with integrity. 

Above all, having a clear company vision helps to build your brand.

It serves as a beacon that attracts like-minded employees and customers to you. Employees who share the same zeal will work for you with their blood and sweat; while customers who believe what you believe will always stand by your brand.
Your vision will help inspire you, your employees, and your customers. That’s how the greatest brands are built.
So stop selling your product, and start selling your vision.
The next post- selling with insight.... stay tuned...and continue reading to have more in-depth know-how on sales...

Mar 4, 2020

What is sales and Marketing strategy?

I always love to sales VISION! Not products!! 

I love to believe in simple living high thinking- a creative out of box thinker.  Vision is a long-term goal. I have been trying since 2008 to promote and barding myself as a Freelancer Blogger Pleader. Niches: Work-Life Virtual Remote Nomad Social Digital Media Marketer Admin Supports Business Development works.    

In Bangladesh and all over the world practicing the shortcuts KEYS to digs success- is it? Is it a sustainable GOAL?
In Marketing, we are often using the TERM “Promotion and Branding”. 

Another most important factor is “GOODWILL” which we can’t see and touch but having a HUGE book value as an asset- Debit side of corporate, large, medium or small business Information Statement or in the year ended closing Balance sheet.  

The brand is also a long-term asset- a prime function of marketing by promotion.  Creating awareness, demand, wants or needs by marketing propaganda advertisements, events, word of mouth, and webinar plus+++
For many sales managers focusing on short-term day-to-day results, it's often challenging to think like a leader and focus on achieving a long-term vision. But that is exactly what a sales manager must do in order to maximize the performance of his or her team.

A sales vision is a statement that indicates where you want your sales team to be at some future time. Without a sales vision, a sales team may have a lack of focus, difficulty prioritizing activities, or a feeling of drifting. A clear sales vision provides focus and direction for you and your team, energizes your team, and improves results and performance.

Of course, having a clear sales vision is only one critical element of a sales vision. The real challenge lies in achieving the vision. The V-G-S-T process is a powerful framework that helps you develop and achieve your sales vision. The first step of this process is to create the sales Vision.
The sales vision may be somewhat vague. In order to make it concrete and easy to understand for your sales team, you need to translate the vision into one or more specific goals.

Next, you should develop some broad Strategies to achieve your goals. And finally, identify step-by-step Tactics that you and your team will need to execute each of these strategies.

Stay tuned and continue reading my vision series Next.....

Feb 29, 2020

How to start a business by conducting your own primary research

Conduct a startup- RESEARCH in the FIRST place a KEY to success HUNTING sustainable growth Marketing 

“Whoever gets closer to the customer wins.”

Bernadette Jiwa - Founder, The Right Company

very recently- Feb 27, 2020, I have got one request to submit a consultancy proposal from one of my CITY- Chittagong Based BPO companies under a renowned group’s sister concern. CEO is a bachelor of computer science and an MBA! Two Indian advisors- one from the Reliance group!!

When I have gone through their online site visit, conducted an overview and site audit online. I was astonished by… only one monthly organic visit and Zero social media traffic. But they are maintaining a Facebook page!!!

I have got an interview with an American FITNESS TRAINER company as a Freelance Marketer Applicant (Commission-based). I have found so many issues to address before scheduling a Skype one – on – meeting. I have sent 8 FAQs to answer. The Owner is a TRUE and honest gentleman that he discloses the facts so very nice and wisely in detail answered my 8 questions one by one separately marked and stared.

He is supposed to thinking of a part-time job advertisement next. I have expressed my interest: finding his courtesy for the late response, honest detailed answers, and 90% autonomy of doing work that pleased me to conduct and paid a courtesy visit to 2 websites, 2 blogs, and FB, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram YouTube social media profiles to have looked all about the BIZ. Conducted an online site overview and Site audit…..which takes about 4 hours time to complete (For free)

Maintained all professional-looking website social media profiles but driving very poor organic and social media traffic to websites plus more…issues

I have compiled all my findings and sent an email report to this end to schedule a Skype meeting for discussion as a Business Development, Digital Marketing, and Sales LEAD- manager situation.

Both cases niche almost the same as well as Startups Business and Marketing Consultancy. Out of these two, I am thinking of myself starting my own online consultancy BABA HOME (experimental online Google Business (Free) has already been open). Now I am thinking of moving forward with the same to grow…. And this is the outcome…. As a case study
And yesterday 28 Feb 2020, out of intention and good faith I have conducted 
First of all and common practice, I have LEARNT through a training course on General Marketing:

“Talent borrows. Genius Steals!” is a quote attributed most often and it was my first lesson on the Digital Marketing Course tutorial. And it’s often used by people who shamelessly rip off others, in a glib attempt to justify their appalling behavior. Tweet thieves being a notable example. It's called Genius Steals because we believe ideas are new combinations…

So, those competitors have already been drive success in your niche, products, SEO, tags, Mention, plan, strategies whatever PLUS more... Search and copy/paste from them.... easy and add yours  

Second Tutorial that I have done in my Marketing Strategist internship with money Mouth Marketing very recently:  

Digital Market Research Blueprint- Driving Traffic  EPs (Execution Plan and exercise) Find the new market, Locate “SPY” on competitors and ad/Landing page copy based on data.

Market research can help startups understand where they should be placing their resources and time. It can tell you everything from how people perceive your company, as well as which features to drop or continue developing. And while there are plenty of ways to conduct market research, not every market research method is right for every situation.

Market research can help play a major role in developing your product, marketing, and overall business strategy. Understanding the different market research methods can be the difference between wasting months of engineering time or exceeding your ambitious revenue targets.

The 2 types of market research are eminent in general

All market research falls under two distinct categories: primary research and secondary research.
Primary research looks at any data you collect yourself (or someone you pay). It encompasses analyzing current sales, metrics, and customers. It also takes into account the effectiveness of current practices, while taking competitors into account.
Secondary research looks at data that has already been published by others. It includes reports and studies from other companies, government organizations, and others in your industry. Say for example:
Once Yahoo thinking of buying Google when Google was in trouble….
Now Google is the front runner…..and Yahoo?

While there are many ways to perform market research, most businesses use one or more of five basic methods: surveys, focus groups, personal interviewsobservation, and field trials. The type of data you need and how much money you're willing to spend will determine which techniques you choose for your business.

There are several ways to categorize the various market research methods. The vast majority of techniques fit into one of six categories: (1) secondary research, (2) surveys, (3) focus groups, (4) interviews, (5) observation, or (6) experiments/field trials. ... The other five are all different flavors of primary research.

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to conduct quick, effective market research without hiring an agency—something called lean market research. It’s easier than you might think, and it can be done at any stage in a product’s life cycle.
To show you how it’s done in the real world, I’ve included a market research
Why is market research so valuable?
Without research, it’s impossible to understand your users. Sure, you might have a general idea of who they are and what they need, but you have to dig deep if you want to win their loyalty.
Someone day I may go for writing another post on Deep down Research Next.
Here’s why research matters…
·         Obsessing over your users are the only way to win. If you don’t care deeply about improving user experience, you’ll lose potential customers to someone who does.
·         Analytics gives you the ’what,’ but research gives the ‘why.’
·         Research beats assumptions, trends, and so-called best practices. Have you ever watched your colleagues rally behind a terrible decision? Bad ideas are often the result of guesswork, emotional reasoning, death by best practices, and defaulting to the Highest Paid Person’s Opinion (HiPPO). By listening to your users and focusing on their customer experience, you’re less likely to get pulled in the wrong direction.
·         Research keeps you from planning in a vacuum. Your team might be amazing, but you and your colleagues simply can’t experience your product the way your customers do. Customers might use your product in a way that surprises you, and features that seem obvious to you might confuse them. Over planning and refusing to test your assumptions is a waste of time, money, and effort because you will likely need to make changes once your untested plan gets put into practice.
Furthermore interested to know? Continue reading Cheers and take care of HEALTHY and Wealthy Growth… Best wishes …contact share ….. Please do reach me…

Jan 31, 2020

GenM to Acadium - Old poisoned Wine into a New Bottle

Why GenM became Acadium? A Masking to cover their FACE! 

Very simple! GenM has got huge and tonnes of bad reviews. They were a non-legit and scams site. The Founder/CEO and CO-Founder are great masterminds. 

GenM- Old poisoned WINE! NOW into a new Bottle labeled as Acadium!!

Now you are thinking about my comment! How can I be confident and sure about it? 

I am a GenM student and have been fighting regarding their scam for a long. Review- a Non-Legit, Scam, Fraud Unprofessionally Managed Company

I have written so many reviews on Quora, LinkedIn, Facebook many other online sites along reported to the Competent Canadian Authority to take action. 

On 28th Jan 2020 I have got an email from 

Congratulations! Here is your Digital Marketing Apprenticeship certificate.

I was confused off! How? I have gone through the background check and disclosed that it is OLD WINE INTO A NEW BOTTLE!

Immediately I have signed in with the GenM login details and contact the support team Mariah D. on 29th Jan 2020. The conversation is still on and  I have given Challenge to expose the company bears the bad legacy of that they can't subside. Today or tomorrow the dark side comes out to brought daylight soon! 

Students- So, please take care of hooks under the GUILTY GOLD words and ads by Acadium!  

More reviews coming soon and stay tuned!!! Continue reading blog posts...

Dec 11, 2019

Unpaid Internships: Everything I Need to Know all about

It's one of the most common and frustrating career dilemmas. INTERNSHIP can be either skeptical or totally frustrating. 

The false economy of unpaid internships helps scammers to trap us.  Should you take an unpaid internship? My internship experience… says NO! Unpaid internships cannot continue to exist. It's really immoral. @babaohome #BabaHome #WorkLife

THIS IS KEY: For simplicity- I don’t like to go for differentiating between apprentices and interns. Let me explain a bit about the internship.

The Value of Internships:

Internships provide an opportunity to expose yourself to a career that matches your academic and personal interests. Additionally, skills gained from practical experience will make you more valuable as an employee. Internships can be of great value when it comes to gaining experience and getting hired. This resume building and carrier development opportunity help job readiness before beginning a profession.
Since most companies seek candidates with previous relevant experience in the field, internships are crucial for college seniors who are seeking their first real-time job after graduation, Moms, Retired or those who would like to choose a virtual FREELANCE work-life home to earn their living from the comfort of their pajamas without commuting.
It doesn’t matter if the internship is ​paid or if you are receiving a credit to complete the internship experience, the only thing an employer focuses on is what type of knowledge and skills you gained when interning for the company.
Students can be either skeptical or totally trusting when it comes to finding an internship. However, if an internship sounds too good to be true!  

Avoid Questionable Internships

Internships that are questionable are usually ones you will want to avoid. Bad neighborhoods or internships in a person’s home are never a good idea. If an employer doesn’t ask you to complete an application or ask for a resume, it’s also not a good idea.

The unpaid internship is a source of constant debate in the professional world. On one hand, these positions can allow professionals to gain experience in industries where a paid gig just isn’t feasible. On the other hand, they can be easily exploited by greedy companies looking for free labor.

The usefulness of an internship has more to do with your goals and the nature of the position than whether or not it’s paid. No internship is created equally. An unpaid position could easily yield countless benefits where a paid one just nets you a paycheck. The trick is figuring out which you’ve signed up for before it’s too late.
As you’re sifting through the thousands of postings online, the stress and pressure piling up, you find an offer promising “immediate work!” and “Great money!”

Scammers create and maintain fraudulent postings on many reputable job boards, for monetary gain, including Handshake and even networking sites like LinkedIn. While the ICC vets every position that is posted to Handshake, sometimes fraudulent postings make it through.

Unpaid Internships: Bad for Students, Bad for Workers, Bad for Society

The economics of unpaid internships are obvious. Employers are desperate for cheap work, and “free” is pretty cheap. Workers are desperate for, well, anything, and students and recent grads are willing to negotiate their wages down to zero. But the ethics aren't so clear-cut. If unpaid internships are the key to better jobs and bigger
How do you ascertain internship to job Legit or Scam?

The Internet is an amazing resource especially when it comes to finding internships and jobs. There are so many opportunities available that all you have to do is identify programs or look for internships in a particular field or industry. With so many results—and the anonymity of the internet—sometimes it may be hard to determine if an advertised internship is actually real or a scam looking to steal your information.

Do Your Research

There are scams all over the Internet. Due diligence is required whenever making major decisions based on what it says on the Internet. Researching a company is one thing you can do to make sure a company is legitimate. Talk to the counsels and instructors in the program you are completing. They may have a list of tried and true companies that the school already has an internship relationship with.

Doing research on Google is another way to learn more about a company. Entering the name of a company plus scam is a way to see if there have been any reports about this company being illegitimate.

Conclusion and Remarks

I’ve worked unpaid internships. My experiences have been largely NEGATIVE with HUGE drawbacks. Here’s what I learned through each, and what you need to look out for. I have been thriving for online resume building and carrier development and go for so many FREE online training, Internships, and apprenticeships.
Out of Just sharing two samples out of many- 1 apprenticeship another internship of 300 hrs 3 months period! Internship tern permanent placement became a DREAM may become to be TRUE!!

You may go for FREE online e-learning through Google, Facebook, all are thousands of times better and hassle-free too. With fortune, 500 companies or corporate companies apprentices may be helpful. They care about their standard, CSR, and Reputation….  I guess!!

I always share the examples out of my practical experiences to HELP others who are looking for or thriving to build up an online carrier especially from Bangladesh or countries alike...

My samples:
·         Money Mouth Marketing Specialist Certificate of Completion:
·         Digital Marketing Apprenticeship Certificate:
·         Completed course How to drive traffic, generate leads and sales with TAGON here:
·         Drive Advertising Revenue with Google Ad Manager- Passed:
·         FaceBook Blueprint: Certificate of Completion Business Manager: