Feb 24, 2010

Greener SEX life - Be a Major

Progressive and regressive- Greener sex and free sex life are twins. Any objects or light crates SHADOW under and moves in a couple. Green living is our common goal and we all agreed upon it. WE a relative term" Majority." We never win & fight the GOSPEL shadow other than minimizing the length. The allowable offense is a tolerable limit.

There are no ZERO defects ABSOLUTE theory. Facts that central deviation and contradiction within contradiction. Electron and proton, positive + negative equal life circle flow, floodlight.

Lead Authentic relation Conscious love go Greener sex life - A positive modern progressive ONE- Be MAJOR honors getA+! WE CAN. Drive safely within allowable limit.
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HANDS TO GATHER Greener SEX life to safe mother HOME.

Subject Green the TALK of the time. Green issues consist of a HUGE that connect individuals' sex foods living home workplaces, energies, fuel-gas, sea, global environments as a whole. Green denotes YOUNG CLEAN HEALTHY SAFE PIOUS VIRGIN PEACE + + Green foods good for health, living home to freshen breath & rest, the workplace is easy & friendly, energies gas fuel to cut emission. Maintain optimum eco-balance out at 1.5% a tolerable  POLLUTION limit.  

Greener sex Mr + Mrs couple green living HONEY HEAVEN home reproductive unit leads green pious virgin quality kids. A parented generation in this chaotic upheaval world of free sex- cause HIV+, trafficking a child for sex slavery, Rafe, brothels, war crimes, adulteries........endless train.

Some total of HOME units = Civilization- Nation Region- Mother WORLD. 
Let's HANDS TO GATHER - oneness Greener sex life to safe- LOVE+PEACE. 
Live together life to gather- safe & save. Enjoy universal authentic conscious love's HOME- sex kids emotion supports education all in one- 7 STAR RESORT....cheers.

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Feb 22, 2010

Brand out greener sex for whiter generation

Brand and quality- Green and white one

When we used to buy goods and services, always think of brand and quality. No compromise...perhaps which imitates our inner egos emotions to satisfy...!

Greener sex is pious and virgin, white is the outcome or generation to build a green living PEACE LOVE-LIGHT worthy global oneness home. We like fresh foods and fruits to taste other than JUNK one. Think of Free sex used to go with an impersonal life..! Everybody's business is nobodies BIZ and everybody's assets are PUBLIC assets, like public toilets, hotels public beds.....CAUSE HIV+ and so many so forth...
Let's go GREENER SEX- married life. Authentic scientific socially approved and ever loved heavenly relation - kids emotions education supports all in one under UNIVERSAL green living HOME. WE CAN- I LOVE YOU!  

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Abuse sex life- Eclipse of chaotic world !

Hope and positive wishes to build a green living friends and family global oneness HOME through authentic relation- sex.

Child sex Brothels Homo perversion the Eclipse of upheaval chaotic world. Dark under light- The image creates its own shadow and follows. We never ran away from bad news out of HUGE positives... The charity rescuing child sex slaves

" Going undercover to rescue child-sex slaves from Southeast Asian brothels sound like something out of thriller fiction, but not to a group of dedicated ex-soldiers and former police."

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) estimates that as many as 1.2 million children are trafficked for sex every year. We never bell the cat but do something to create AWARENESS, to minimize, to save OUR GREEN living GLOBAL HOME "WE CAN". Be optimistic and let's unite to do so "LOVE PEACE " 
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Greener SEX is Green GEN HOME equals Green PEACE one GLOBE.

Universal HOME- Socially recognized/approved conscious authentic love is married HOME life- a modern, scientific way of green living. Sex supports education emotions Leads JUNK free egos parented, safe cool passionate desired hires HAPPY PEACE OLYMPIAD, GLOBAL ATHLETES.  Featured next generation the BEARER to carry out the Torch to FAIR play!! WE CAN.

Some total of Green HOME units equals to meaningful green PEACE and sustainable living one GLOBE.

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Go green or junk : it's a choice

Go green or junk it's choice, green sex-xx or junk foods it's taste. Unlike the two-way track good & bed ( evils ) habits broad Gage engine brought traffic through safest rail journey towards the station (to reach Satisfaction, Happiness-Peace) another derail one ACCIDENT cause injury or perhaps at a cost of lives! 

Despite the statutory WARNING on CIGAR can't debar us from suicidal slow poisoned injury by self! The path- GREEN AND RED! Way out what to choose?

"our sensation of consciousness exists within our Ego (Our desire to enjoy ourselves). All five of our senses distort our reality by dividing it into what can bring me pleasure, and what can harm me."

Here is an exact note by my FB friend, visit Roni lipstien or read the same (copy-paste) as under:

"We live in a world with BILLIONS of others just like us, yet each having their own thoughts, feelings, opinions, and BEliefs.

It’s easy to get caught up in our differences, to ‘wage war’ over miscommunications, incongruent thought patterns, 
JUST AS EASY as it is to CHOOSE Acceptance, Compassion, Empathy, Tolerance & LOVE. See that which holds us together, unites us ONE, for, in TRUTH, we ALL KNOW, WE ARE!

Big Hugs of LOVE’s Light to YOU Earth Angels Divine, Each and Every ONE of WE!
Radiate Soul Light
Radiate ONE LOVE"

WE CAN- Go green and enjoy safer healthy HAPPY PEACE LAUGH LOVELY HOME LIFE.

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Feb 21, 2010

Greener SEX life BEST Ans!

Universal learning might not think of BabaOHome - a sustainable and graceful life on this fragile planet, but there’s a lot we can do to make our sex lives greener. In the process of greening the ecological footprint of our lovemaking. We might also open up some new doors to deeper pleasure, satisfaction, and romantic connection. I believe in going green Conscious authentic socially legally approved lovely COUPLE conjugal best sex with better half only - HONEY BLISS LOLLIPOP'S bed partnership. A very reserve, pious, virgin interpersonal relation above all to stop FREE sex out of mechanized one time used ++ sex dumping yard= HIV+ & JUNK generation too. Unhealthy and alarming!!

seems that I'm a sucker for some good sucking up so I got. Are YOU mad? Yes, I am! I agreed. it occurred to me that it's Fully possible I actually know nothing about romance. I mean, look at us, we're a stressed-out couple with  "fuck You" is not a request but more of a directional suggestion. What the Hell would I/we know about romance? Romance is not a one-time used tissue or napkin paper to garbage! Perhaps perverted one- HOMO! 

Other Answers: " our sensation of consciousness exists within our Ego (Our desire to enjoy ourselves). All five of our senses distort our reality by dividing it into what can bring me pleasure, and what can harm me." 

Best Answer : 

No other alternative to our connection to this consciousness could be OUR Energy Of Love & peace towards sustainable oneness global HOME- mere Resolved Question at Yahoo Ans!

Best wishes- GO GREEN! Green is clean CLEAN is GREEN! Heaven is ever GREEN  PIOUS and god is green too.
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Feb 9, 2010

Valentine wish- Laugh love- one life live BIG

HAPPY Valentine DAY to global friends and family. We are one and parts per cell to complete, draw a CIRCLE of PEACE worthy complete globalization regardless of race religion color wealth poor and rich.

Proverb: Something is better than nothing. An abnormal one to absence out. Mechanize busy fast world used to calibrate commemorate connect share friends and family in the eve off, see off only! Once a year hi, hello love, and affection to earmark the warmth of hearts together ON Happy Birth Marriage New year Valentine Mothers Day, and more alike. Why confined once upon a few? Life is an uncertain voyage and the breath is no guarantee that continues....ONE-WAY TICKET!!. So one life lives BIG- laugh love share enjoys every moment. Be conscious and enjoy authentic ever-green UNIVERSAL love. Go green and be HAPPY with beloved friends and family. Whenever where ever to communicate. Enjoy the fruits of globalization tools that maid easy to Connect share. Just feel and spare, MAGIC that's at YOUR fingertips- INTERNET open the DOOR. No boundary border passport to cross A TRUE ONENESS. See YOU all * LOVE YOU *.
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