Apr 8, 2018

Create your own online work samples portfolio

"Samples are better than examples" a known popular proverb. Create your own online work samples portfolio which can share easy with every job application that matter to employers regarding your works ... have a look at my one... online or as under: 

Samples are better than examples. For my English written samples, you may please visit my online works for better information and your kind perusal.  A Tech-savvy, many apps tests passed experienced freelance service provider/remote contractor at: 
A pleader of employment generation through new ideas, Computer, ICT; Youth empowerment and entrepreneurship development and projects samples and online works as under: 
Urban Youth Graduate Employment Generation and Entrepreneurship Development project document:

To be a fortunate freelancer work from home

To be a fortunate freelancer work from home hard-working passionate is a must. Other two more important traits that employers looking for are; self-motivated and proactive without supervision or minimal. Do follow & quick learner passionate is the matter in a freelance job.  

GREEN living happy HOME is my dream home all in one. Working is no more a PLACE 8-5 commuting. Our traditional jobs market is limited; exits nepotism, worship, quotas, and falter oiling is the key to success. Freedom is exceptional and to see it will require a magnifying glass! So to develop a carrier in an international or national organization where efficiency, skills, commitment, integrity are properly acknowledge and evaluate is a matter to me. Due to our political culture, it is now almost branded matter in our all spares of life. Everybody run behind the JACK fruit Easy and Shortcut button!? Huge youth graduates are getting into the jobs market every year geometrically. BUT nobody to bell..........the matter! Globalization opens the door through ICT tools online internet solutions..... now freedom is yours... 

Since my last post in Dec 2017 about 3 months, no blog post has been created. Almost every day relentlessly spending about 4 hours a day searching, applying, taking tests finding ways and means to get the best possible freelance job marketplace to work from the comfort of our homes. Distant learning by seasoned way out..... Graduates youth employment generation is my SR and in this regard, I am trying hard to set samples out of piratical knowledge.....I am eager to share the new sunshine in any fine morning ....my CROSSOVER Brand Ambassador $20,000 per year app...is in STAGE #3 and  update here:

"Your answers have been submitted
We will review them and let you know the result in the next month. Top candidates will get expedited to the marketplace right away, but other candidates may have to wait up to one month to hear back. Thank you for your patience and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact our Support team."
GOOD LUCK and stay tuned.....