In the momory of Oksanas Late Mother who died of CANCER, taken a symble of all great Mothers On 10 May 2009 this Mother's Day. Celebrate to revive this lovely and unique relationship of MOM-child by adding with great zeal and enthusiasm by pursuing various activities in order to honor as well as please OUR dear MOM. Some of the traditional options to celebrate this pious day are to present mothers in the congregation with single bloMother's Day is celebrated to honor all mothers and express gratitude for the hardships they bear in bringing up a child oms or posies of flowers, breast feeding, sing sweet songs and cook yum food and nursing for them. ( Last Photo-Baby Oksana and her mom )
The modern Mother's Day holiday was created by Anna Jarvis as a day for each family to honor its mother, and it's now celebrated on various days in many places around the world. It complements Father's Day, the celebration honoring fathers.
A honeycomb is a mass of hexagonal wax cells built by honey bees in their nests to contain their larvae and stores of honey and pollen. Queen bees are the head of the kindom and nobody is allowed to in-out excepts Her Permissin- a natural selection of cheek and balance to save quality!
A family is a parnership of loyal couple, contain faith and believe of love and effections = Kids !
Lekubd urges all global Mothers: stop JUNK sex generation, only He & Her HONEY HEAVEN HOME! Charity beagan at HOME, So- First of all self respect than others to follow. Thanks Oksana, may god bless you to find a HONEY HOUSBAND as dream to listen- " Mother" Leave other it comes to solo M- MOM, MUMMY !! So their will be no room for others! No free N!! Look what bees does- we are HUMAN.