Work from Home, home office, or virtual office connects online. Freelance and freelancer is free of what? Free of commuting daily for 9-5 office. Offline office with BOSS! Online HOME office
FREE of the boss. Freelancer is Self STARTER, he himself is his own boss stationed
at home. Sometimes without and mostly with minimal supervision. So, a freelancer is supervision free self-centered. Freedom is yours to fly on freelance SKY to grow up... be self-reliant...
Are they free of work or duties and liabilities? Generally-
no work no pay!! Employer /buyer hire a freelancer for the particular job asking
given skills, duties, and liabilities. After AWARD if the particular freelance
service provider does not comply with duties and liabilities he or she hired for-
might cause HIRE & FIRE!! So they are not free of work or duties and
Merely say and in freelance marketplace word independent SELF STARTER always mean at your own risk. So nobody to blame and trans pass... YOU must have to know the meaning of independent SELF STARTER... COZ you are your own BOSS! Take care and fasten your seat belt and DRIVE safely.... to earn living from the comfort of your home.
Stay tuned and keep reading blog posts..... wishing you every success...