Showing posts with label world news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world news. Show all posts

Mar 16, 2011

Japan disaster led consequances- awareness


Let's pray for the briefed friends and families ....WE CAN STAND OUT by connecting spirit/god 

Only a glints of charismatic/miracle,  Absolute POWER of god to remind us. HOW Almighty CAN!? We have been experiencing very distinct existence one at NEPAL, Pulled and lifted up of huge structure at the top of a mosque ! Perhaps- see next  is coming soon one after another BIG- BANG. 

We polluted, abducted, Sexual and power abused, humiliate the nature and its inhabitants ..balance of tolerance or allowable offense limit  is way, spirit is in course of it own action?

BBC FLASH NEWS: Japan govt confirms radiation leak at Fukushima nuclear plants at 4:30 AM today. Asian countries should take necessary precautions. If rain comes, remain indoors first 24hrs. It's acid rain. Don't let it touch you. Close doors & windows. Swab neck skin with beta-dine where thyroid area is, radiation hits thyroid first. You may burn your skin, lose your hair or have cancer. Take extra precautions.   Radiation may hit Philippines at starting 4pm today. Please send to your loved ones.... 

Let's connect, meditate with the spirit/god the only manifestation to way out of anger..your prayer solicited your always. May god bless US- Amen.

May 18, 2009

Homeless- Human Warriors Blend- Humanitarian crisis

BabaOHome- Pleading For green living Family HOME, like ants on a leaf trying to across the deep sea! Dogged and nubs with the tidal boars. Homeless a HUMAN maid Cause other than natural causes- humanitarian Crisis For whom.. kin.. beneficiaries? War and Terror- an export of democracy by the god crusader warrior: A guilder's imitating sounds! HOME- the symbol of unity by love and affections. One side- Fast and free sex's elusive fluid lube WW media campaign and of a warrior of GOSPEL are the feather of same birds- Corp Sponsors behind the scene; fishing unity to isolate family values. Another side of the COIN- aTRUMP card or new concept by FORCE.

Pakistan Refugees Say Army Assault Made them Homeless! Pakistanis fleeing say the army shelled their villages, killing civilians in its offensive this week against Taliban people fled the battle, refugees Million made homeless in Swat Valley. PAK P Allies with the WH P agreed in receipts of $ 150 bill...

Tamils becoming a Homeless Nation in their Own Homeland: Sri Lanka Crisis. A humanitarian tragedy of massive proportions is unfolding in the Batticaloa. UN warns of the Sri Lanka crisis... in the east and central Sri Lanka has left 40000 families homeless... Hello, dear world- WHO IS TO BELL THE CAT? Do YOU bear the pain of homeless? Now their normal everyday home life became-Title HOMELESS! REFUGEES camp life under the Umbrella and blessing of doners- AID by the same those who take their shelters! Really Cellu..? 

Jobs Living Foods Education sexual life...became...Please think of it...opt-in & HEADS UP! Unite- A BIG BANG N SAVE !!

May 12, 2009

Sichuan- China EQ,- A Natural EQUAL an opp reaction

The 2008 Sichuan earthquake May 12, this day (Flashback) in Sichuan province of China confirmed dead about 70,000 and 374,176 injured, with 18,222 listed as missing also believed dead. The depth of the earthquake 19 kilometers, left about 4.8 million people homeless! Let's pay attributes for the departed souls and get lessons from them.. otherwise, somehow where OUR account will be auto-debited and some one-day balance BF accordingly.
We know about relativity and Newton's III law- Every action must have an opposite and equal reaction. This all our wrongdoing pushed backed by NATURE what we did! Ecological Balance consists of GREEN living with universal society approved formal sex and reproduction through Family- HOME. Free sex is an offense against nature and illegal unethical immoral jungle uncivilized culture. Please read nature before re-painted! Nature is Neutral and in an absolute balance position through a system of gravity, motion, and relativity. Go green living enjoy Family and friendly HOME Resort for - Foods sex and safe natural life only.

May 2, 2009

BabaOHome- Family : Common Universal socialy approved sexual unit

Family-Universal, social, cultural, religious, moral, ethical, emotional, biological, sexual, reproduction, economic, educational Unitarian last tire or state that legally approved- common residence, heaven on earth- All-Star living resort- HOME. Looking Forward- A formal, virtual Global Village.
15 May 2009 <//span></ span=""></ span="">UN international family day:

According to Murdock, an anthropologist, a family is "a group characterized by common residence, economic cooperation, and reproduction. It includes adults of both sexes, at least two of whom maintain a socially approved sexual relationship, and one or more of their children of their own or adopted by the sexually cohabiting adults."
A complete definition of the family comes out preciously. Now dear friends this is high time to evaluate the relationship that we are maintaining- is right or wrong?

Updating is a common day-to-day term, cheek and balance to keep control over the affairs to maintain order under the allowable limit- Go Green living, Green is safe. Open is JUNK dangerous and Red alerts HIV+ UNITE and stop RED sex generation- A hope! Go green scientific Modern living.

Apr 25, 2009

BabaOHome- Multidimentinal and social business concept of Dr. M. Yunus

Giant US Corporations and Unipolar world order, America by force are alarming, endanger the sustainable growth, trinity, and Balance of Power. The bailout is only a pile to relieve head ac. A cosmatic show to manipolate public suppot. The alternative- multidimensional and social business concept A CHANCE to save the world- Peace. A BabaOhome, lekubd step towards masters, war, terror, corruption-free FNF Global home vision :

An Exclusive interview with Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Laureate 2006 By Microfinance Focus
Dr. Yunus gave an exclusive interview to the “MICROFINANCE FOCUS – a global magazine on microfinance and sustainable development” at the Reception Dinner on 30th March 2009 on the eve of the Sa-Dhan’s National Microfinance Conference 2009 being organized at New Delhi.

Here are the excerpts from the interview:

MF FOCUS: Microfinance is an established and recognized instrument for fighting poverty today. Many people are confident and it gives hope, poverty can be eliminated. Isn’t it too simple just to rely on microfinance?

Dr. Yunus: You don’t have to. Nobody is forcing you to do that. If somebody wants to do Microcredit – fine. I wouldn’t say this is something everybody should have. Nobody says it is the only solution. Human beings are very multidimensional. Microfinance is one of the many, many things.

MF FOCUS: Social business is an additional way. Do you identify enough potential for social business to make a real difference, globally?

Dr. Yunus: Yes of course. Definitely, it is a global and not a local issue. There are two kinds of businesses: One is business to make money, the other business is to change the world. The one to change the world and not to have any personal gain from that. It is all dedicated to making a difference. It is addressing a social issue. Resolve it, you can do that.

MF FOCUS: What are all the factors making social businesses successful?
Dr. Yunus: A good business plan, good ideas, and creativity in the most creative way.

MF FOCUS: Microfinance, as well as Social businesses, have to be highly efficient. How is it possible to maintain or re-introduce the social mission back into microfinance?

Dr. Yunus: Whenever something gets popular, actually catches attention, some people take advantage of that and misuse it. It happens in everything. When Big brands are popular, it gets imitated by fake ones. The same thing happens with microcredit: People name it microcredit but in fact, it is not microcredit. It is something completely different.
People have to be made aware of what microcredit is and why it is important to stick to the real microcredit and not one with a different motivation.
But while you are looking at microcredit itself, even good people may have wrong ideas, which makes them shift away from the whole idea, the mission. We have to be very careful to remind ourselves, what is our mission. That is why we have meetings like this, to rediscover your mission and then re-adjust your work to the mission.

MF FOCUS: To build an enabling environment for social entrepreneurs, what governments should do, and what regulations do you count as important?

Dr. Yunus: It is very important. Very Important!! Regulation is very important but at the same time regulation can be stifling, destroy the whole business by overregulating and make it impossible to function. It is like a mother and a child. You know how you have to change your child to do the right things. At the same time, you should not control your children so that it loses all its initiative. It is like becoming a prisoner in the hands of the mother. Regulation should be promotional, a Cheerleader. At the same time, make sure you do the right thing and don’t drift away from the real principles. It is a tough job in the sense you have to balance both: How to encourage, and at the same time how to restrain.

MF FOCUS: Due to the financial and economic crisis development funds were cut by the north. Where do you see the responsibility of rich countries in fighting poverty? Where should they act?

Dr. Yunus: See…The southern countries didn’t create the crisis, they are the victims of the crisis. It is only one country that created the crisis and it spread all over. Those who were involved in creating this crisis also have a moral responsibility to make sure that the victims are supported. There are a lot of people suffering, that has to be taken care of. Now they are busy making bailout packages and all the support. And I am saying …At least 10 % of all bailout packages everywhere should be earmarked for victims in the third world. Those things have to be built into the system.

MF FOCUS: Apart from poverty there are many topics, which can be solved or bargained only on an international level: Climate Change for example. Nicholas Stern is convinced, we have to solve both topics together: Poverty and Climate Change.

Dr. Yunus: Well, the financial crisis is the latest. 2008 had the food crisis, which is still here. Simply front pages have been taken over by financial crisis and have pushed away all discussion about the food crisis. 2008 was also the year of the energy crisis – the oil prices shot up to the sky. It didn’t disappear, it is lying low for a while. And also this is a perpetuating environmental crisis. All these crises have their roots in the same thing. These are not separate crises. You have to adjust the root causes then you are adjusting all of them. The root causes are the wrong structure, the capital structure we have. We have to redesign the structure we are operating in. Wrong, unsustainable lifestyle. We have to take a hard decision! We and each one of us must make a decision on this planet. And also we should inculcate among our children a simple way of living. We should not live in a way, that harms another person. Once you take this decision, everything will be solved. We have no right to live a life that is harming anybody else. It is like traffic laws: You can’t have a car and knock everybody off the road. There’s a rule you have to drive safely so that you don’t harm anybody. The same thing is for living on this planet. We are sharing with each other.

MF FOCUS: Grameen Bank has moved to Grameen II methodology, still Grameen replicators in India follow the Grameen I, model. Do you think they should explore such a flexible methodology?

Dr. Yunus: It is up to them, what they like….. I can not advise. We thought we can solve some of the problems. we see the opportunity that we have by relaxing our procedures and rules to make it more friendly.

MF FOCUS: What is the next level for Microfinance and how to take it forward?

Dr. Yunus: Next level is to enter into Insurance, pension funds, second-generation issues young children coming up…. growing up…………….. to make them into better citizens to deal with life.

MF FOCUS: Savings product is much needed by the poor. Regulation is cautious not to allow the collection of savings by a certain category of MFIs. What is your opinion?

Dr. Yunus: Savings product is very important. Change the law!!! Keep on insisting that the system is right.

MF FOCUS: With a Microfinance focus, the monthly magazine, we are working on information exchange and promoting Best practices. How important are projects like Microfinance to focus on the sector?

Dr. Yunus: Yeah! This is a good initiative. Communicate…… I mean….. Let the people know what is happening, what is right, what is wrong, so they can participate in debate, discussion, make it more efficient, more cost-effective, and more friendly to take home.

Courtesy: By University ALumni Friend:
Mr. Sultan Mohammed Giasuddin (Manik)
Director Research and Monitoring
Community Development Centre (CODEC)
House # 47/H, Road # 01 Ishpahani Park,
South Khulsi, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Phone: Office 880-31-612972,610607

Apr 7, 2009

World health day pledges for Green living

Lekubd - AsiaOn Bazar Pleading a responsibility for green living Happy Global friendly HOME. H for HOME. A more friendly home means Health and Happiness. So home+health+happy = Peace. Go - GREEN - Enjoy Home.

"Helps develop healthy learn more about health & wellness! Educate yourself, families & communities too. World Health Day 2009 focuses on the resilience and safety of health facilities and the health workers who treat those affected by emergencies. Each year on April 7th, the world celebrates World Health Day. On this day around the globe, thousands of events mark the importance of health for productive and happy lives. To reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, and combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases are among the Millennium Development Goals which all Member States have pledged to meet by the year 2015. 

What are Your pledges in general as a Global village member? The Art and Science of Modern Healthy N Safe life are known and open to all. This is high time to opt-in as a PRO activist of it. Educate and practice, Learn and Leads; Enjoy Healthy, Worthy N Happy life. A very simple one to Leave All JUNK Drinks-Foods and sex. Stop junk food generation. Take care of Green living by putting More flesh and use of YOUR dining room and go for more kitchen fresh plant VEG menus other than all ready maid fast chain, hotel-restaurant FOODS. This is also a brace for recessions too. Save YOU hard earn money and a bit of mental and physical exercise too. Be booked, Put a RESERVED sign on YOUR BED for a Better HALF life partner- Wife. Avoid all FREE and open JUNGLE xxx the ultimate cause of unrest of polemic POLLINATE a pre-historic nomadic society Mel practices. A planned HOME gives birth to a new desired mature generation. Please come forward and rest in peace with your HOME- GO- GREEN be Ever green.