Showing posts with label Information. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Information. Show all posts

May 23, 2022

How Good pitches tell a story, but the best pitches make it personal that Sale

This is a communication and connecting age. Everything everybody heading to online connecting and communicating, Network building, pitching, and negotiating skills. 

This is the best time to learn how to confidently show your edge and strengths to convince that communicate well. Our ultimate goal is to Generate Leads and Create value…Sales!

Or in other words information age- to present online through the website, blogs or social media profiles, pages, community, groups, Meetups, and so on
Personal, Products and services

The power of pitch 24/7 floating on the network online and look at the real-time history and outcome! How Good pitches tell a story, but the best pitches make it personal that Sale.


Like to think of each post as a small salesperson travelling through the alleys of LinkedIn to learn talking to everyone he meets. He is soft spoken and intriguing but also convincing a different type of way…”

Myth- In His absence, LinkedIn posts do the jobs by reaching out to people and convincing them to work with SEOSOUKthis is 24/7 revenue generation online while you are sleeping or otherwise engage. Outcome and beauty of Productivity, generate more XXX ROI AUTO

Special Thanks to Mr. Kishore that his post on Digital marketing Group Dubai unlocks my windows as an inspiration to create 2 posts after 3 months of deadlock!! His post not only creates the sale but also a source of positive energy that inspires me...

Communicating through Text, Pitches, Pictures, Audio, Videos, and Ads all are content or information to reach out to the (targeted) Readers, Audience, Customers, and Traffic.

Social Media Networks and Groups members are notified when members create any posts and blogs and website posts come through SE provide SERP upon VOICE or Keyword text SEARCH.

You have to heat the target and the target must have to E-A-T the content or information first for them by them.

We need to eat to live. And so does your website, social media, and ad content. Otherwise dead content!

We are using SEARCH through voice or text… that generates SERP to present through it… 1 to 10 each… ranked basis… Social Media Facebook and LinkedIn all other SM Also a Search Engines too…

The E-A-T acronym stands for ExpertiseAuthority, and Trust, and was created by Google to use a range of signals to see how trustworthy your content is and to measure how much trust it should place in a brand

Each of these three words represents a measurement of a business’s right to be considered a leader in their field, no matter what industry or niche they may fall into.

Google is using each of these three metrics to measure the expertise, authoritativeness, or trustworthiness of a website, the website’s page content (on a URL by URL basis), and the content creator.

Another important matter is that content should be Unique New Create Value Personalized that loved by audiences and Google AI boot too. Optimization is another single most important issue How to BOOST | YOUR SEO Traffic | with perfectly optimized contents


How do you pitch or content effectively?

5 Tips for Delivering an Effective Pitch or content for your good and Services:

1.    Tell a personal story. Good pitches tell a story, but the best pitches make it personal. ...

2.    Explain the opportunity and risks. ...

3.    Show the change your service will create. ...

4.    Answer the question, why you and not someone else? ...

5.    Above all, remember your audience.

How to Make a Sales Pitch

1.       Make it short.

2.       Make it clear.

3.       Explain who your customers are.

4.       Explain the problem they're facing.

5.       Explain how your product addresses their needs.

6.       Describe what success will look like as a result of using your product.


What makes good sales pitch?


Be sure your pitch includes thorough research and solves a customer problem. It should also address potential sales objections that may come up ahead of time, if possible. The most common sales objections fall into four buckets: budget, authority, need, and time (also known as BANT)


What are the 2 key factors of a successful sales pitch?

4 Essential Elements of a Powerful Sales Pitch 

  • Reach Out With A Personal Message. Make your message feel personal, so prospects see it isn't another generic marketing pitch. ...
  • Offer Your Prospects A Compelling Solution. ...
  • Show Your Value With Social Proof. ...
  • Follow Up On First Impressions.

Limitations: I have created some bullet points but didn't elaborate on the points to clear. All are common and readily available Googler, easy to know more...


  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC) and customer lifetime value (CLV) are two distinct yet equally pivotal metrics. SEO creates organic traffic out of BEST pitches or content…

  • Value-add pitches are unique, specific, and targeted efforts, rather than a blast of the same old press release pitch to dozens of reporters. At 3Points, we go through three steps to create a value-add pitch: sourcing, framing, and targeting.

  • The more information companies can learn about their current and future customers, the more effective marketing efforts will be. But what digital marketing metrics should businesses track to help stimulate growth?

  1. Traffic Source
  2. Time on site
  3. Engagement
  4. CAC
  5. CLV
  6. Brand Equity  

Sep 15, 2015

Pro- Acitve individuals freelance world

21 st century information age, IT internet media networks, 
Free Pro-Active individuals led a new border-free world. Freedom fever is on...kick up your paddle. Would like to Provide services? Sign up or register with the freelance marketplace to earn living from the comfort of your home.

Are you looking forward to joining share thoughts with people from all works of life around the globe? Nothing to commute- a computer, net connection and start browsing or surfing on the a freelancer and start swimming.....your voyage definitely Anchor to the desired port....cheers 

Sep 14, 2015

মুক্ত বিশ্বের স্বাধীন মানুষ “মুক্ত পেশাজীবী”।

(8/23/12, 11:50 PM, Bangladesh Time প্রথম প্রকাশ)

কি ও কেন?
তথ্য-যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি ও হাইস্পিড ইন্টারনেটের বদৌলতে পৃথিবী হাতের মুঠোয়- আঙ্গুলের করাগত। আমাদের গতি খুতিয়ে খুতিয়ে ছাগলের তিন নাম্বার বাচ্চার মত। তথাপি স্বাদ আস্বাদন করছি ‍slow motion হামাগুড়ি দিয়ে।

এক কথায় মুক্ত বিশ্ব।“থাকব নাকো বদ্ধ ঘরে দেখব এবার জগতটাকে”। আমি কিন্তূ ঘরে বসেই উন্মুক্ত বিশ্বকে জয়ের সম্ভাবনার কথা বলব।

কাঠ-খড়, তেল পুড়িয়ে পৃথিবীর মানুষ ছুটতে ছুটতে হয়রান। তেলের জন্য যুদ্ধ! ৮ টা- ৫ টা অফিস, স্কুল–কলেজ, ব্যবসা-বাণিজ্য, কেনা-কাটা কত কি? যাতায়াত, অফিস- স্পেস, সাজ-সজ্জা, বিদ্যুত ও অন্যান্য সুযোগ-সুবিধা সৃষ্ঠি বিরাট খরছ শারিরীক উপস্হিতির প্রচলিত চাকুরীতে নেটিভ পেশাজীবিদের অত্যাধিক বেতন-ভাতার কারনে মন্দায় পড়ে আমেরিকা-ইউরোপে ব্যবসায় বাণিজ্য লাঠে উঠে। চাঁটাই, বন্ধ সমস্যায় পড়ে বারবার প্রযুক্তি উন্নয়নের ফলে এই সমস্যা উত্তরনে উন্নত বিশ্বের কাছে নূতন সম্ভাবনার দূয়ার খোলে দেয় তৃতীয় বিশ্বের অলস, বেকার, ছদ্মবেকার পেশাজীবিদের দক্ষতাকে সস্তায় অর্জনের মাধ্যমে নিজেদের অস্তিত্ব রক্ষা। এই হল প্রেক্ষিত……….
এ থেকে পথ চলা শুরু- ঘরে বসে জীবিকা অজনের outsource to freelanceমুক্ত পেশাজীবির যোগাড়এখানে ভূল বুঝার অবকাশ নেই যে, ঘরে বসে টাকা কামানো মানে তথাকথিত unipay2u, speakasia বা Destiny2000 Ltd. এর আলাদিনের চেরাগ বা ফটকাবাজি নয়

আমরা সরকারি-বেসরকারি অফিস আদালত, ব্যবসায়-বাণিজ্য, স্কুল-কলেজ, বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, শিল্পকারখানা ও সেবা প্রতিষ্ঠানে যে বাস্তব বা শারীরিক উপস্হিতিতে কাজ করি তার বিপরীতে virtually যুক্ত হয়ে (ইন্টারনেটের মাধ্যমে) ঘরে বসেই ঐ সমস্ত চাকুরি করবে–এরাই মুক্ত পেশাজীবী। ২০০৪-২০০৬ সালে $৮৭৩ বিলিয়ন ইউএস ডলার বাজার যা বিশ্ব মন্দায় ও কমেনি বরং বেড়েছে। তাহলে তাঁরা কি হতে মুক্ত? ৮-৫ অফিস, আসা-যাওয়া, বস ও দেশের সীমানা মুক্ত। নিজেই নিজের বস। ঘরই নিজের অফিস। কোনরূপ passport visa ছাড়া ঘরে বসেই আমিরিকায় অফিস!
আমাদের ইংরেজি, কম্পিউটার এবং বিভিন্ন software application জানা certified পেশাজীবীদের খুঁজছে বিশ্ব। আর ঘুষ বাণিজ্য ও জ্বী হুজুরের পদ্মলোচন নয়। স্বাধীন পেশাজীবী– মুক্ত চিন্তা, মুক্ত বুদ্ধির চর্চার এক অপার সম্ভাবনার দুয়ার সাধারন Data entry থেকে CEO jobsশুধু জানা, বাস্তব প্রশিক্ষন, অর্জন তারপর পথচলা………
* পড়তে থাকুন………আবার কথা হবে……

মোঃ লেয়াকত আলী লেকু
অধ্যক্ষ, কুতুবদিয়া টেকনিকাল ও ব্যবসায় ব্যবস্হাপনা কলেজ
ব্লগ লেখক, মুক্ত পেশাজীবি, প্রবক্তা

Sep 5, 2015

Work is no longer a place

Changes worlds how it works. IT age and globalization erases geographical borders. No office No Boss No commitment. No 9-5 office Monday through Friday. You are at your remote village home, at a beach, or on the fly at night: what and where ever. Now work is FREE of place, office, Boss & border, time zone, color, and race: Native and Migrant! Be a freelance service provider- sign up and register NOW!! It's FREE, free world's free profession. Get ignite: put your GEAR to DRIVE and hands-on STEERING WHEEL Start work to earn living from the comfort of your home- A key to succeeds and enjoy green living home...cheers

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May 10, 2011

Freelance- Changes how the world works.

Information age erases psychical border. Changing relations, jobs, business, marketing, politics that threaded remotely the whole world. Changes how the world works- traditional to IT globalized way. How it works? Free individuals freelance world. No office no BOSS, no 9-5 office, no commitment, and no commuting- Works from home. I am an ex-industrialist due to corruption got rid of, industry. Have been visited Japan USA UK and 20+ other countries of the world. Had been on surveillance mood to earn living from 90-2002. Somehow misfortunes and back to the pavilion. Lastly, in 2008 internet opens the door to long-distance jobs. After long trial and error as a learner/practitioner have succeeded. Am confident of freelance service providing to earn living from the comfort of our home. But the road is not so smooth, there are so many spam and scams sites. I have lost EURO 5000 for long six months of works (whole night, 40+ Hrs per week). Lastly, I am an Elancer, earned USD $1800+ a month ( ).

Yea- "I took a leap of faith and plunged into a long-distance job affair. And I’m proud to say, it’s the best decision I’ve made in my life. Not to mention, the longest relationship I've been in - two years and counting."

I am relentlessly trying to popularize Freelance in Bangladesh. My recent drive is to establish a Vocational training Center in Chittagong to empower URBAN graduate youths through virtual employment/online jobs. 
Pleading- Go green living home jobs kids and friends and family global oneness village.
Being parts of you, we are one.

Happy freelance and free global village
Enjoy HOME.......................Cheers !
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Apr 29, 2011

Freelance jobs fair and One Home One Computer One Job's BRANDING Bangladesh, seminar profile.doc

Click to open:

First time ever in Bangladesh of its kind Youth and Bangladesh Branding outsource to freelance.

We are anticipating WW sponsorship/participation/pavilions from IT firms, Outsources to freelance market place, internet Services Providers, Computer and Accessories firm and Professionals, experts, Academicians, Scholars, NGO, Civic society and print and electronic media come forward through contact, participate, advise, RSVP Share  Support Comment Thoughts to succeed

Google Docs makes it easy to create, store and share online documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.
Logo for Google Docs

Apr 12, 2011 All Panelist (Bangladesh Only)

Playing game! This is breezy, so shuffle and reshuffle your cards. Open a bank account doesn't guarantee any payout. So nothing to rush or hurry! Please TAKE care and don't be get panic! After the last email notification, this is another immediate notification to draw your attention to this effect. Today (12/04/11) morning at about 9-45 am, I talked over the cell with my friend (DMD of prime Bank on commuting office) to know over the matter, he supposed to call back after ......somehow missed or forgotten and in the evening this popup issue came out...very frequently!
Attention All Panelists (Bangladesh Only)

As has been advised by the company regarding the opening of personal savings account in Prime Bank the following is required to be done. For more.........

Re: Message to Bangladeshi Speak Asian

Bangladesh- a fairy tale, flora, and fauna heaven for WW corrupt genius!

We Bangladeshi's are having been at the claws of national and international gamblers/guilders. Unipay2u, Speakasiaonline to the stock exchange in everywhere they are freely managing their agendas with the help of corrupt govt. hands and moving around. Who is to bell the cats? Govt. machinery belongs to the Guilders team! No regulation yet to come...until BIG BANG....mounting tension...UNITE WE STAND- we can. Please try to figure it out and be vigilant..

Dear Panelists friends,
For your kind information and greater interest, have attached the recent email conversation with communication speakasiaonline as under:

Dear Team Speak Asia,

Thanks, message but have been doubtful off, phishing! Your message
doesn't mention AML or BB permission.

However- You have already been given details about the prime Bank, so that
we can easily verify the same with E-mail: or over the phone too.
Would you mind, letting us know how did you manage to facilitate your
payout without the conjunction of Bangladesh Bank permission or under
what international authority?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon and your positive answer solicited.

-Md Leakat Ali
ProAcitve Home- GREEN Living Heaven Home at:
BabaOHome freelance provider service at:
Join FB group
Follow & twit at:

On 4/11/11, SpeakAsia <> wrote:

Dear Bangladeshi Speak Asians,
                                                   Due to unforeseen circumstances regarding unverifiable bank or account details, we would like to facilitate your payout by implementing the following changes with immediate effect. Please adhere by this process to avoid delays in your payouts.

Step 1: Please open an account with Prime Bank Ltd (Bangladesh)
Step 2: Please update all personal particulars and bank records (update Prime Bank account details to your ID records)

Once updated, your cash request will be paid to your Prime Bank account thereafter.

Note: For Bangladeshi Speak Asians who have previously requested cash payments to their foreign banks and had their request rejected, Speak Asia Online Pte.Ltd will be transferring your payout request back to your E-wallet account. Please open an account with Prime Bank Ltd. (Bangladesh) as shown in the steps above, before processing your cash request again.

Prime Bank Limited
Address: Adamjee Court Annexe Building-2,
119-120, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000

Phone : 9567265, 9570747-8 PABX
Fax : 880-2-9567230, 9560977, 9566215, 9560960
Telex: 642459 PRIME BJ 
671543 PBL MJ BJ


Team Speak Asia

Apr 1, 2011

The URBAN YOUTHS attitude building to attain UN sustainable MDG

Project summary-  Attitude building

Innovative IT-based sustainable new globalization concept

UN sustainable development goal to elevate poverty- we have to give a WAKE-up call in the right direction. Attitude is the base of the mind. New information, messages, and belief creates BRAINSTORMING towards POSITIVE CHANGE that might open WINDOWS- ventilate new air. Welfare information or belief creates the will-force to be a workforce out of disguised attitude in the inn. Attitude is of PRO-ACTIVE and RE-ACTIVE. Pro-active are passionate about creative thinking according to goals and objectives other than homological and emotional works. They are having been passionate about COLD BRAIN and hence self-motivated. RE-ACTIVE peoples have no agendas of their own. The renowned proverb “an idle brain is the devils' workshop”. Always run behind the emotion. So their forces lead by others or mislead, misguided by the MASTERMIND's per-vicious ideologies. So we need more jobs to keep the youth generation out of per-vicious idiots

Mar 31, 2011

New tech NEW WORLD ahead of freedom fever

New tech reminds us pollution and Corruption free world ahead of....!! 
Press.. the Car that run nothing...! And FREEDOM FEVER is the social media free individuals!! Fasten your seat belt and KICK UP your paddle or pick up GEAR......heads UP. Free individuals have already been awakened and a positive fellow is always followed by! Used to say..." going on". As a social being, activist and networker keep trying and join....on going WW FREEDOM fever is on. HEADS UPS.....WE CAN- Give the world....your Best...fasten your weighted a HERO ....cheers ♥

Mar 11, 2011

Youth emploment generation to support MDG sustainable devlopement

Urban Graduate YOUTH employment generation and entrepreneurship development ( UGYEGED ) project

Introductory phase- 03

To support our urban youth with the aim of advancing the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the Habitat Agenda by youth-led program-me of empowering through employment generation, creativity, and development of positive attitude to be a pro-active self-motivated force other than miss-led  by per-vicious idiots.

The projects MAIN SLOGAN right of employment for ALL. This is a basic HUMAN Needs and the main agenda of any welfare society, organization, and states as a prime face goal. Renown proverb “ idle brain is the devils' workshop”, so to keep youth out of re-active forces the only alternative is EMPLOYMENT. And through new technology-based one is more enthusiastic. This is an IT age of fee globalization of free individuals that erases physical borders. Changing how the world works. Uprising socialization remote service providers virtually connected through highspeed internet. Nothing to commute no 9-5 office, no boss, and no commitment outsourcers to freelance marketplace jobs/biz to earn living from the comfort of their home!! So this is a new technology based concept that may Pilot and demonstrate new ideas on employment as a role model....cont to phase 04...

Feb 19, 2011

POWER OF INDIVIDUALS and socialized MEDIA networks- Freedom fever!

The Middle East and North Africa rocked by protests- Freedom fever! 
What's UP NEXT?
NICOSIA (AFP) – "Shock waves from the ouster of presidents in Tunisia and Egypt continued to roll across North Africa and the Middle East on Monday, with peoples long subject to autocratic rule demanding to be heard." 
LIBYA: Facebook groups numbering several hundred members have called for demonstrations to mark a "day of rage" in Libya on February 17 modeled on similar protests in other Arab countries.
POWER OF INDIVIDUALS and socialized MEDIA networks- fever, flu, tsunami, waves, quake, thunder STARTED and get set to GO- see the EGYPT and LIBYA and much more are yet to come......WAKE UP and kick up your paddles against CORP Family and corrupt POLITICS. UNITE we STAND out for NEW world order. Let's CHANGE and MIND set to..........Changing the WORLD !?

Jan 28, 2011

Communicating- freelance jobs

Communication is the transmission of a message from a sender to a receiver. IT age opens the door, maid inexpensive and easy communication through Sharing. Eraser border changes the world. Pray to god, HUG & LOVE, society, friends, and family threaded through communication. it maintains relations and contact in between. Hi-speed internet and the WWW Concord the globe without commuting. Free individuals free globalization. In our parts of the world- the political agenda is DIGITAL Bangladesh. Immense carry no value other than political GOSPEL. Millions of graduates having no jobs! Who is to bell the cat? Who takes care of perverse idiots? I think Self-help and self-responsibility is the best answer. English as an international language is the common medium of communication. So learning English is a must to communicate. The world is a huge marketplace of freelance jobs and businesses to earn living from the comfort of our homes. Graduates should have to know how to explore, grip, and grab the market share. A computer, an internet connection, and English language proficiency are a must to catch the fish out of water. Our neighboring India, Srilanka, Philippines, and China have about 100 billion US dollars of annual earnings from the freelance sector only. It is as simple as A B C.

B stands for A computer, an internet connection, Know-how on General functions/usage
C stands for Vocational 6 months training and are as follows: 
02- Sign up or register with the reliable/sustainable marketplace platforms
04- How to bids/compete to provide services or get awarding a job

More about- you may read or visit my blog posts on freelance and for training and tutorial Call to +8801558571800 or Email NOW!!

Nov 5, 2010

Nazu Meah Hat, Est by Grand pa of Prof. M. Yunus

Baba Home Location: Chittagong, Bangladesh 
Nazu Meah Hat About 10 km north of the city center UZ- Hathazari...

Famous weekly twice OPEN Bazaar was established by the Late Nazu Meah* Showdagar, the Great-Grandfather of Muhammad Yunus (Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006). The British period started in 1920 (guess).

The popular expatriate area is well known as the 2nd Middle East. Late Hajee Neyamat Ali Showdagar* renowned donor founder 1937 Shop; Maj. Gen S.M. Ibrahim President BKP; S.M. Fazlul Haque Ex- Chittagong University Student Union V.P. BGMEA President, Choice group Chairman; M.A. Salam, General secretary, Chittagong North Dist Awami League; N. Mohd Shet, Chairman, N.Mohd Plastic; Sk. Mohd Meah, Founder Q.B.S. SK. Mohd. College. belongs to this locality. High schools, Madrasha, electricity, land phone, an SME center,  and a nice downtown. Well communicated by road, River Karnaphuli is 3 km east, Halda is the UNESCO heritage site for World sweet water fish breading, HUB is 1.5 km north end, and City Corp. South end 2 km at Mohora. This is the Capital & central meeting palace of 14 Sikarpur and 15 no Burischar Union Council. Kaptai Road passes in between the heart of these 2 Unions. Kaptai- A famous tourist destination, Lake City, and 220 MW only hydroelectric projects of BD.

Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, some 20 km at Kaptai Road points. The University of Chittagong belongs to Hathazari Upazilla.
We are here within 200 yards, adjacent to Nazu Meah Hat- Site address:

Hamid Sharif road, Bathua, P.O.- Nurali Bari, Chittagong- 4337, Bangladesh

* Showdagar (Merchant), Upazilla (Police Station).
Tigar Pass- My HOME (T), City Chittagong (M), Hydro Electric project, and lake City Kaptai ( Bottom).

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Baba HOME Build 1990, Renovated and painted 2008 RE 2018 

Jul 19, 2010

BabaOHome- Online freelance services provider home

Information age threaded remote villages through WWW. No distance,
 erases geographical border. No difference- equal opportunity. A true global oneness- provider may be located anywhere. The light has come, BabaOHome connect intended WW clients/employer/buyers to provide services, and to earn living from the comfort of HOME. Outsources to freelance a huge of US$ 748 billion ( app.) market place, and as huge as providers bidding to get AWARD or WIN or to be hired. Finding and landing legitimate, profitable work still isn't easy. You have to pass readiness and other TESTS.... but not limited to. Practice makes a man perfect, at large BabaOHome earned about US$ 2000 a month. Why don't YOU? Because your seat IDLE! You CAN.....let's move and SIGN UP NOW!!
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Looking forward to earn living from the comfort of HOME online jobs.
IT information age high-speed internet maid easy and Free excess to global outsources market place. Free individual- no office no boss nothing to imitate. Self-motivated, reliant, creative hard worker CAN DO, DO FOLLOW ever learner, practitioner. Available 60+ hours per week/7. Have been supported by 4 eligible family members in need.

Carrier highlights-
Look at the experiences & abilities as under:
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Dec 2, 2008


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BABA [ Bin Ahmed Bin Ali ] BAZAR online Agent Broker Serviz Home.
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Direct cont Cell     : +880 1558 571800
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