Apr 27, 2009

All soda can are more cont'd than PUBLIC toilets

BabaOHome- alerts to create public awareness on all JUNK SODA drink N fatal accident that might cause. Very fact detected at a cost of a life that taken and give us a lesson to Learn- let's honor HER! Our social responsibility- By Share reviews and more...

WASH THEM FIRST, Please don’t erase this message before forwarding it on:

This is Serious! This incident happened recently in North Texas.
A woman went boating one Sunday taking with her some cans of coke that she put into the boat's refrigerator. On Monday she was taken to the hospital and placed in the Intensive Care Unit. She died on Wednesday.

The autopsy concluded she died of Leptospirosis. This was traced to the can of coke she drank from, not using a glass. Tests showed that the can was infected by dried rat urine and hence the disease Leptospirosis.
Rat urine contains toxic and deathly substances. It is highly recommended to thoroughly wash the upper part of all soda cans before drinking out of them. The cans are typically stocked in warehouses and transported straight to the shops without being cleaned.
A study at NYCU showed that the tops of all soda cans are more contaminated than public toilets (i.e.).. full of germs and bacteria. So wash them with water before putting them in the mouth to avoid any kind of fatal accident.
Please forward this message to all the people you care about.

Apr 25, 2009

BabaOHome- Multidimentinal and social business concept of Dr. M. Yunus

Giant US Corporations and Unipolar world order, America by force are alarming, endanger the sustainable growth, trinity, and Balance of Power. The bailout is only a pile to relieve head ac. A cosmatic show to manipolate public suppot. The alternative- multidimensional and social business concept A CHANCE to save the world- Peace. A BabaOhome, lekubd step towards masters, war, terror, corruption-free FNF Global home vision :

An Exclusive interview with Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Laureate 2006 By Microfinance Focus
Dr. Yunus gave an exclusive interview to the “MICROFINANCE FOCUS – a global magazine on microfinance and sustainable development” at the Reception Dinner on 30th March 2009 on the eve of the Sa-Dhan’s National Microfinance Conference 2009 being organized at New Delhi.

Here are the excerpts from the interview:

MF FOCUS: Microfinance is an established and recognized instrument for fighting poverty today. Many people are confident and it gives hope, poverty can be eliminated. Isn’t it too simple just to rely on microfinance?

Dr. Yunus: You don’t have to. Nobody is forcing you to do that. If somebody wants to do Microcredit – fine. I wouldn’t say this is something everybody should have. Nobody says it is the only solution. Human beings are very multidimensional. Microfinance is one of the many, many things.

MF FOCUS: Social business is an additional way. Do you identify enough potential for social business to make a real difference, globally?

Dr. Yunus: Yes of course. Definitely, it is a global and not a local issue. There are two kinds of businesses: One is business to make money, the other business is to change the world. The one to change the world and not to have any personal gain from that. It is all dedicated to making a difference. It is addressing a social issue. Resolve it, you can do that.

MF FOCUS: What are all the factors making social businesses successful?
Dr. Yunus: A good business plan, good ideas, and creativity in the most creative way.

MF FOCUS: Microfinance, as well as Social businesses, have to be highly efficient. How is it possible to maintain or re-introduce the social mission back into microfinance?

Dr. Yunus: Whenever something gets popular, actually catches attention, some people take advantage of that and misuse it. It happens in everything. When Big brands are popular, it gets imitated by fake ones. The same thing happens with microcredit: People name it microcredit but in fact, it is not microcredit. It is something completely different.
People have to be made aware of what microcredit is and why it is important to stick to the real microcredit and not one with a different motivation.
But while you are looking at microcredit itself, even good people may have wrong ideas, which makes them shift away from the whole idea, the mission. We have to be very careful to remind ourselves, what is our mission. That is why we have meetings like this, to rediscover your mission and then re-adjust your work to the mission.

MF FOCUS: To build an enabling environment for social entrepreneurs, what governments should do, and what regulations do you count as important?

Dr. Yunus: It is very important. Very Important!! Regulation is very important but at the same time regulation can be stifling, destroy the whole business by overregulating and make it impossible to function. It is like a mother and a child. You know how you have to change your child to do the right things. At the same time, you should not control your children so that it loses all its initiative. It is like becoming a prisoner in the hands of the mother. Regulation should be promotional, a Cheerleader. At the same time, make sure you do the right thing and don’t drift away from the real principles. It is a tough job in the sense you have to balance both: How to encourage, and at the same time how to restrain.

MF FOCUS: Due to the financial and economic crisis development funds were cut by the north. Where do you see the responsibility of rich countries in fighting poverty? Where should they act?

Dr. Yunus: See…The southern countries didn’t create the crisis, they are the victims of the crisis. It is only one country that created the crisis and it spread all over. Those who were involved in creating this crisis also have a moral responsibility to make sure that the victims are supported. There are a lot of people suffering, that has to be taken care of. Now they are busy making bailout packages and all the support. And I am saying …At least 10 % of all bailout packages everywhere should be earmarked for victims in the third world. Those things have to be built into the system.

MF FOCUS: Apart from poverty there are many topics, which can be solved or bargained only on an international level: Climate Change for example. Nicholas Stern is convinced, we have to solve both topics together: Poverty and Climate Change.

Dr. Yunus: Well, the financial crisis is the latest. 2008 had the food crisis, which is still here. Simply front pages have been taken over by financial crisis and have pushed away all discussion about the food crisis. 2008 was also the year of the energy crisis – the oil prices shot up to the sky. It didn’t disappear, it is lying low for a while. And also this is a perpetuating environmental crisis. All these crises have their roots in the same thing. These are not separate crises. You have to adjust the root causes then you are adjusting all of them. The root causes are the wrong structure, the capital structure we have. We have to redesign the structure we are operating in. Wrong, unsustainable lifestyle. We have to take a hard decision! We and each one of us must make a decision on this planet. And also we should inculcate among our children a simple way of living. We should not live in a way, that harms another person. Once you take this decision, everything will be solved. We have no right to live a life that is harming anybody else. It is like traffic laws: You can’t have a car and knock everybody off the road. There’s a rule you have to drive safely so that you don’t harm anybody. The same thing is for living on this planet. We are sharing with each other.

MF FOCUS: Grameen Bank has moved to Grameen II methodology, still Grameen replicators in India follow the Grameen I, model. Do you think they should explore such a flexible methodology?

Dr. Yunus: It is up to them, what they like….. I can not advise. We thought we can solve some of the problems. we see the opportunity that we have by relaxing our procedures and rules to make it more friendly.

MF FOCUS: What is the next level for Microfinance and how to take it forward?

Dr. Yunus: Next level is to enter into Insurance, pension funds, second-generation issues young children coming up…. growing up…………….. to make them into better citizens to deal with life.

MF FOCUS: Savings product is much needed by the poor. Regulation is cautious not to allow the collection of savings by a certain category of MFIs. What is your opinion?

Dr. Yunus: Savings product is very important. Change the law!!! Keep on insisting that the system is right.

MF FOCUS: With a Microfinance focus, the monthly magazine, we are working on information exchange and promoting Best practices. How important are projects like Microfinance to focus on the sector?

Dr. Yunus: Yeah! This is a good initiative. Communicate…… I mean….. Let the people know what is happening, what is right, what is wrong, so they can participate in debate, discussion, make it more efficient, more cost-effective, and more friendly to take home.

Courtesy: By University ALumni Friend:
Mr. Sultan Mohammed Giasuddin (Manik)
Director Research and Monitoring
Community Development Centre (CODEC)
House # 47/H, Road # 01 Ishpahani Park,
South Khulsi, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Phone: Office 880-31-612972,610607

BabaOHome- Mothers day pledge : Leave othersStop JUNK sex Generation, only H&H Home.

In the momory of Oksanas Late Mother who died of CANCER, taken a symble of all great Mothers On 10 May 2009 this Mother's Day. Celebrate to revive this lovely and unique relationship of MOM-child by adding with great zeal and enthusiasm by pursuing various activities in order to honor as well as please OUR dear MOM. Some of the traditional options to celebrate this pious day are to present mothers in the congregation with single bloMother's Day is celebrated to honor all mothers and express gratitude for the hardships they bear in bringing up a child oms or posies of flowers, breast feeding, sing sweet songs and cook yum food and nursing for them. ( Last Photo-Baby Oksana and her mom )

The modern Mother's Day holiday was created by Anna Jarvis as a day for each family to honor its mother, and it's now celebrated on various days in many places around the world. It complements Father's Day, the celebration honoring fathers.

A honeycomb is a mass of hexagonal wax cells built by honey bees in their nests to contain their larvae and stores of honey and pollen. Queen bees are the head of the kindom and nobody is allowed to in-out excepts Her Permissin- a natural selection of cheek and balance to save quality!
A family is a parnership of loyal couple, contain faith and believe of love and effections = Kids !
Lekubd urges all global Mothers: stop JUNK sex generation, only He & Her HONEY HEAVEN HOME! Charity beagan at HOME, So- First of all self respect than  others to follow. Thanks Oksana, may god bless you to find a HONEY HOUSBAND as dream to listen- " Mother" Leave other it comes to solo M- MOM, MUMMY !! So their will be no room for others! No free N easy..xxx!! Look what bees does- we are HUMAN.

Apr 23, 2009

BabaOHome- HerNest Own family kids laugh sounds- "Mother"

Hi..Global friends and families, I have no words to explain - How valuable family life IS? Read the heart of Oksana. Hello, Remeo here is your (Julliet)- Oksana! Come along - to build HERnest, a fairy TALE ever dream and GREEN living HOME! She is eager to listen- the lovest sounds- Universal appeal " Mother " MUMMY MUM MOM...!!!

" Hello, Leku!!!

Thank you for your e-mail. I am glad that you have responded to my earlier message. It is important that now we open up to one another so that we can be able to communicate more and more........
I was born on June,6. It means that my Zodiac is Twins. It's impulsive but some changeable sign. It explains my explosive nature. I always create a lot of plans and purposes and each trouble causes concern. Sometimes I seem as prickly and inaccessible. At the same time, I am a treasure for only one person how can understand my quivering soul.
I always dreamed about a medical carrier. My mother was a doctor-pediatrician and I'd liked to follow her example. But unfortunately, my father had no funds to pay for my training. And that's why I had to choose another profession. Since I had mathematic skills I have entered Donetsk Economical University. I am a
manager. Earlier I worked at a trading company as an economist. But because of the economical crisis, I lost my job and now I work as a shop assistant in a boutique. I have simple and quiet life...But I have one big sadness: I have no, my own family, there is no children laugh in my home, nobody calls me "Mother"...

I grew in a happy family. I have grown in the encirclement of loved people. I feel how my parents loved each other. I saw their tender touches hear their gentle words. My father always kissed my mother before

going to work and after return to home. They never quarreled. We liked to spend time together: we are fond of fishing, gathering mushrooms, skiing, and sledding. But my mother died when I was 11. It was a terrible stroke of bad luck for our family... Now my family is my loved father and my younger brother Alexey (he is a student). And I'd like to create the same family without lies, hypocrisy, and mistrust. Tell me please about your family. What relations do you have with your parents? Do you have sisters or brothers?

I am an open woman and I value such quality in people. I become attached very soon and it's very painful to disappoint later. I had negative love experiences in the past. And I am afraid to repeat this. But I can't live without love. For me Love is life...And if you lose the love you lose a life. Love is amazing it makes life worthwhile. Love is unselfish, understanding, and kind, it sees with the heart and not the eyes. Love knows no season, no climate, no hours, days, or months, which are but the rags of time. Love is discovering joys even in the little
things of life, just like cooking for your loved one. Love speaks with the eyes, listens from the heart, and cares unconditionally. Love is a long journey of care, trust, and understanding each other. Love is the blossom, where there blows everything, that lives or grows. Love is a celebration of each moment spending together.
I tried to tell you something about my life, about my work, my family. And I send you photos with hopes that you'll like them. And, dear Leku, I hope you liked my thoughts. I'd like to know more about your life, your work, your rest. How did you spend your leisure time? Why are you looking for a woman on Internet? Do you believe in serious relations after virtual communication? I end my letter with a desire to receive your answer as soon as possible. Take care and feel my presence. Truly Yours, Oksana"

UNedited as if so nice- Sounds touch my heart. Long live Family! Wishing a Romeo, who may fine-tune her cool passionate lyrics, Big BANGsang a HEAT DUETsong to make her HAPPY and......for more DO- Follow...

Apr 20, 2009

Wondering life parnter- Oksana's heart- BLosooms swathe for dream home !


Close your eyes for a minute. Forget all your troubles and problems and imagine something pleasing. What do you see? Maybe you imagine yourself as a president of a large company with a lot of subordinates and constant high income. Maybe you a captain of a snow-white yacht and even feel salt drops on your cheeks. Or maybe you dream to be at home, sitting in your favorite armchair with a beer, and watching a football match.

When I close my eyes I imagine the ocean and tropic beach. I walk along the surf line with the loved person. Then he embraces me tightly and whispers sweet nothings. I look into his eyes and see the love for me in them. But it's only a dream and my loneliness surrounds me again and again...

My name is Oksana. I was born 25 years ago in a small industrial town Amvrosievka which is situated in the east of Ukraine. Here I try to find only one special person who I couldn't live without. That person who would make my life complete, who will be interested in my thoughts and desires, whose heart beats at the same tact as mine, that person who presents me the sweetest kisses, the warmest hugs, the most passionate nights, who drives me wild and untamable. I need no wealth and social value. Race, color skin, and nationality are not important for me. He and I will be in a fairy-tale together.
I hope you liked the way I am and you would like to share our lives together. Every morning we'll open our eyes and understand that life is a wonderful thing and it's worth living and getting the joy from it!!
messagefrom OksanaSaturday, 18 April, 2009 19:11From: **@**com< **@**com>To: lekuctg@yahoo.comMessage contains attachmentslook into my eyes.jpg (292KB),

every day with smile.jpg look into my eyes.jpg

Apr 7, 2009

Pahela Boishakh, the Bangla 1416 New Year's Day

14 April 2009 Pahela ( First day of the new year) Boishakh 1416 Bangla

Happy Bangla 1416 New Year's greetings and lekubd - AsiaOn BazaR best wishes to share the same with global village home. The most colorful new year's day festival going to takes place Nationwide and around the globe. Bangladeshi community's Largest Asian Bengali festival outside of Bangladesh and India. Boishakhi parade, which is much like a carnival parade. A Brief History: " The Mughal Emperor Akbar ordered a reform of the calendar. Accordingly, Fatehullah Shirazi, a renowned scholar, and astronomer formulated the Bengali year on the basis of the Hijri lunar and solar Hindu solar calendars. The new Fasli San (agricultural year) was introduced on 10/11 March 1584 but was dated from Akbar's ascension to the throne in 1556. The new year subsequently became known as Bônggabdo or Bengali year " Wiki Panta Ilish - a traditional platter of leftover rice soaked in water with fried Hilsa, supplemented with dried fish (Shutki), pickles (Achar), lentils (dal), green chilies, and onion - a popular dish for the Pohela Boishakh festival. Courtesy: wiki Camera: Canon Powershot A560 Location: Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh. For more detailed visit the links: Keywords search- Pohela Boishakh, Boishaki Mea, Bangali new year's day is enough to know more history and all about.

World health day pledges for Green living

Lekubd - AsiaOn Bazar Pleading a responsibility for green living Happy Global friendly HOME. H for HOME. A more friendly home means Health and Happiness. So home+health+happy = Peace. Go - GREEN - Enjoy Home.

"Helps develop healthy learn more about health & wellness! Educate yourself, families & communities too. World Health Day 2009 focuses on the resilience and safety of health facilities and the health workers who treat those affected by emergencies. Each year on April 7th, the world celebrates World Health Day. On this day around the globe, thousands of events mark the importance of health for productive and happy lives. To reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, and combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases are among the Millennium Development Goals which all Member States have pledged to meet by the year 2015. 

What are Your pledges in general as a Global village member? The Art and Science of Modern Healthy N Safe life are known and open to all. This is high time to opt-in as a PRO activist of it. Educate and practice, Learn and Leads; Enjoy Healthy, Worthy N Happy life. A very simple one to Leave All JUNK Drinks-Foods and sex. Stop junk food generation. Take care of Green living by putting More flesh and use of YOUR dining room and go for more kitchen fresh plant VEG menus other than all ready maid fast chain, hotel-restaurant FOODS. This is also a brace for recessions too. Save YOU hard earn money and a bit of mental and physical exercise too. Be booked, Put a RESERVED sign on YOUR BED for a Better HALF life partner- Wife. Avoid all FREE and open JUNGLE xxx the ultimate cause of unrest of polemic POLLINATE a pre-historic nomadic society Mel practices. A planned HOME gives birth to a new desired mature generation. Please come forward and rest in peace with your HOME- GO- GREEN be Ever green.

Apr 1, 2009

Take a lookOn Hooks- Spam $$ JUNK XX Free loafs !

CAUTION wet floor! Net fisher- on your mark. To enable on SPAM GUARD, AsiaOn BazaR a blogger, freelancer global Home's voluntary social responsibility STEP. An Alert to create awareness by share ideas, experiences that we are facing. Cause and effects necessitate the way out to catwalk or to be a king stork or fishers nature to gather KNOL. Please take look at spam! Don't be Irritate by Cute nude xxx lube fluid appeal or by the sexy sum of millions of dollars illusive emails and other dirt devils, nails, hooks, hacks, thefts might cause.......

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