Showing posts with label Universal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Universal. Show all posts

Apr 9, 2011

ProActive Home

Attitude Is Everything: 
Change Your Attitude...and You Change Your Life!

Attitude is of PRO-ACTIVE and RE-ACTIVE. Pro-active are 
passionate of creative thinking according to goals and objectives other than homological and emotional works. They are having been passionate about COLD BRAIN and hence self-motivated. RE-ACTIVE peoples have no agendas of their own. Motionless with huge of emotions. So their forces lead by others or mislead, misguided by the MASTERMINDS' per-vicious ideologies. A pro-Active home means a positive parent home. Positive parents mean universal authentic conscious living in a love COUPLE'S home. Authentic parents' home means free of  free sex and of  JUNK free generation. Junk-free generation means HUMAN CAPITAL or HUMAN RESOURCE and a better affectionate sustainable globe. So you change your life and world as a whole...WE CAN

Nov 21, 2010

Share Help Support- the 3D

Simplicity Courtesy and Co-operation the ways of LIVE BIG 

I am although a commerce student from the secondary level (pre-college) to Masters. Under the Business communication, there was a chapter- Commercial letter. The prime features of a good commercial letter, are- Simplicity, Courtesy, and cooperation (Hearing). Simplicity to communicate the subject matter in brief. Courtesy cost is nothing but we gain much from it and Co-operation Solicited back always- that is the main characteristic of drafting a good featured commercial letter with these three odds.

These are the bunches of key to success, a foundation in all works of life; society, friends & family as a whole. In the online world- we are very much familiar with the terms- Share Thoughts Help Support- FAQ"SANS!

Social media to any web pages TAKE care off, too much. So Share Help Support are the 3 cons to succeed in the visual and psychical world and the outcome of SIMPLICITY, COURTESY AND CO-OPERATION the only way of - LIVE BIG. In my judgment, these three are the backbone of civilization to GROW UP anything- Family, Institute, profit and non-profit Enterprise, Forum, Society, Group, Products and Services, Admin to State as a whole. 

Relation and friendship grow up mostly through these. Base/Bondage of friends and family depend on it. These are 3 idiots to the Mechanistic chaotic upheaval life that doesn't accommodate; cause universal authentic conscious living in a love Family home units towards free individual lifestyle in the estate of more freedom and enjoyment!! Perhaps- Selfish..jellyfish...bliss..lolly for some times. But on the contrary.....vicious circle! We are about to TURN back HOME.....go green and LIVE BIG.

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Jul 31, 2010

Breast- miracle life TONIC fruit

BabaOHome believes and pleading Universal Authentic Conscious Socially approved living in a LOVE- men & woman couple's better half along with life and GO GREEN bed partnership only. Mean to add Staring at wives Breast- a wonderful life tonic fruit, not apple or orange! This is not a twinkling little star. Staring at Breasts....with due respect; we are made up off, by the women for the women. Go green life & enjoy; one life live big. Be safe and take care of, FREExxx and HIV+
Staring At Breasts Makes You Live Longer-

Native to Ghana, these unique trees produce fruit, which

when consumed

makes sour things taste sweet for about 15-60 minutes. Breast more magical, wonderful fruits and gifted nature's life tonic- AMAZING by mere NATURE- GOD!
"Researchers in Frankfurt, Germany found that, for men, staring at breasts for 10 minutes a day was equivalent to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise and could potentially increase lifespan by five years. Well congratulations to every single man on earth, you’ll all be living longer than nature wanted you to. And also, scientists? I have a feeling men are way ahead of you. I’m pretty sure most guys do this for upwards of…um…all day." 

Staring At Breasts & Miracle Fruit! A link by a Facebook friend- Thanks kelly for sharing

Apr 26, 2010

Getting freelance job

Changing World How it Works: CHANGE A CHANCE 

21 century- The information age brings changes in all works of life, erases the geographically distant border, and eases free globe, free profession. Distantly Living in Bangladesh working with a remote office in NY, USA through Online virtual E office. So Get ready and kick up YOUR paddle. This post is the outcome of the oDesk Bangladesh- google group, thanks for sharing being enabled me to create this post : CAN ANYONE HELP ME HOW CAN BE PREPARED MY SELF FORGETTING FREELANCING JOB

Who else to HELP YOU! Everybody minds their own business. Mere sharing immense no value! You may search and finds millions of facts online at your finger click. Why are asking for... YOU should have to warm up through practice. Slow and steady WIN the race. There is no room for Live- let live-WARFARE. Grip and grab.... survival of the fittest is the only universal rule that exists.

Experiencing any problem? Need some work but how could YOU?  Try SIGN UP..... most Bangladeshi's using Create your profile and get hired..... Lead Happy emerging freelancers POSITIVE BANGLADESH.

Complete readiness TEST and jump over- Keep your tools kit: Start biding and learn how its works. It will enrich your knowledge of English language proficiencies greatly. TRY to make A GOOD COVER letter and Compete providers. If you are not getting hired or award a project. Then try to find REASONS WHY? How it works? 
10 Reasons You Aren’t Getting Freelance Work 

To view, go to the link destination, sign up with google account & join the group. 
You may visit and learn from the original Odesk blog post for the same too.
Do follow share subscribe support blog to earn living from the comfort of your HOME...Happy freelance. Cheers...

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Apr 19, 2010

Marriage is good for health

Is marriage good for your health?

What research shows about connection of relationships, physical well-being. Universal conscious living in a- LOVE so taste HOME! BabaOhome: great HOME go green HOME sex jobs biz tips..++

We are maid to be enjoyed in a couple “conjugal condition” married, consists of husbands and wives; Farr’s was among the first scholarly works to suggest that there is a health advantage to marriage and to identify marital loss as a significant risk factor for poor health. Married people, the data seemed to show, lived longer, healthier lives. “Marriage is a healthy estate,” Farr concluded. “The single individual is more likely to be wrecked on his voyage than the lives joined together in matrimony.”  This is less, for more visit the article.. enjoy lollipop honey leap of heaven and live long. Cheers...

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Get Marry's flower, be HAPPY !

Marriage! SO SWEET- one and only FLOWER blossoms swathe my heart. Universal authenticating conscious living in love- SAFE & SAVE. Sex kids emotion education supports all in one resort's SWEETIE'S HOME. I am made up of and mad at COUPLE HOME. AND YOU? Don't be free! Free is JUNK, boring shocking knocking that BROOK... CROOK YOU!? Be a Marred COUPLE one flower! Go green, one life LIVE BIG. Live long and be HAPPY with lolly bliss lovely SWEETIE fruity wive. Say no to FREE...JUNK life. 

♥+♥ Build JUNK free


GREEN generation !? ♥+♥

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Get Merry- LIVE LONG

“marriage advantage”: the fact that married people, on average, appear
to be healthier and live longer than unmarried people. Free Sexx is JUNK unhealthy, Universal conscious living in a LOVE the only way out....evergreen modern way of living. COUPLE HOME- lolly bliss SWEET HONEY HEAVEN on earth- a gift by god. I am made up of home, born in a home, live in a home, maybe die at HOME. BabaOHome..parents HOME great home


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Mar 18, 2010

About BabaOHome


Hi.........Welcome HOME, thanks for the visit. Which may encourage me to continue my online presence. Please never mind to stay, find more that of your interests or not up to..anyway- let me know about your thoughts comments share. Feeds & emails subscribe supports Do follow pass it on to the people's friends & family around you.

Acknowledge my heartiest solicitation, am indebted being visited these imaginary blogs, footprints on pages. Always count on cooperation, your kind cooperation solicited yours always.

21 century globalization and New Technologies Open Door, a new dimension  the horizon of info education buying selling banking thoughts  share connect site, social media network marketing, forum entertainment  and the least, not the last  workplace to earn  living from the comfort of our Universal Authentic Conscious love- go GREEN- HOME other than Sex xx foods kids jobs emotions education supports all under one Roof- HAPPY HOME.

Perhaps the greatest challenge of all is that of competing in the global Erina:- Globalization and the use of technology- Power of Broadband internet to link supply chain partners, jobs providers stationed at home around have begun to erase geographical boundaries in the marketplace. To minimize and cut services price, buyers moving forward to the cheaper global market.  New CORP MASTER mind BRANDS imitating FREE xx FAST life leading culture has been punching blows on to politics culture taste fashion foods jobs sex xx educations, traditional values norms, religious believes, universal HOME green living too. GREEN-PEACE became corrupt and Polluted.

I visited JAPAN USA UK 20 + other countries and after personally spending quite a bit of time browsing the internet from Jan'08 and continued studying free individual peoples power, online Biz & job
marketplace, I’ve learned that there are a few ways that you, as a proactive progressive positive social activists, we can stand out cooperation from the rest. So before you jump the gun, familiarize yourself with the following tips.

Now that you’ve known the ropes around New world order that taken places through the aforesaid System, it’s time for you to push the pedal to the metal. Survival of the fittest, WE CAN. Let's put our hands together, "We shall overcome someone's day" be proactive this is my social responsibility to LEARN and SHARE thoughts, that's it !?

Keywords/levels/ niches :
Objectives :
  • Pleading to Go green living for biz jobs sex kids emotions education supports universal authentic conscious in a lovely couple's sweet O HOME unit BabaOHme- Believe in, Green is clean pious virgin peace. Free xx past foods lead junk- Health and generation pollution!?
  • To build a positive green living globe for all- war terror master pollution corruption-free GUTTA DUNYA friends & family global village oneness HOME. We are one, being part of you this is a moral obligation to share my efforts to this end...
  • To learn share thoughts forum friendship blogging against corp. to lite, the torch of social nonprofit business life & live together.
  • weaving poverty to attain sustainable dev. goals by Yr- 2020  
  • Equality no discrimination gender differences religious races color-rich and poor literate illiterate- oneness globalize village concepts open to all ages all works of life- A meeting place.  
 Connects :       
For more about my complete profile & online presence links all in one  or in particular out of major forums as :

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No words to appreciate YOUR patience presence, valued time, and thanks for caring supports subscribe Share this non-profit voluntary PUBLIC welfare blog.
WE CAN we shall overcome someone day. Go green universal authentic conscious in love- A true desire to built a JUNK-free parented generation's world. GREEN is CLEAN pious virgin holly Lolli bliss LOVE. Where there is love there is PEACE & LIGHT.   

Enjoy hi honey's heaven sex kids food biz jobs emotion education supports in one at- HOLLY HOME.....friends & family Happy journey...SEE you...cheers...

Hearts GREEN, am mad of friends and family
Best & W. Regards

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Feb 22, 2010

Greener SEX is Green GEN HOME equals Green PEACE one GLOBE.

Universal HOME- Socially recognized/approved conscious authentic love is married HOME life- a modern, scientific way of green living. Sex supports education emotions Leads JUNK free egos parented, safe cool passionate desired hires HAPPY PEACE OLYMPIAD, GLOBAL ATHLETES.  Featured next generation the BEARER to carry out the Torch to FAIR play!! WE CAN.

Some total of Green HOME units equals to meaningful green PEACE and sustainable living one GLOBE.

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Nov 17, 2009

Give up PLUS understanding equals HAPPY Holly Honey Heaven HOME

A story with a lesson: Give up N Understanding an outcome of sharing as acknowledged below. My University friend Manik almost every day sends emails on different interesting matters. BabaOhome gathers HONEY to the HOLLY HOME'S COMB from these fresh flowers. A green living universal and socially recognized authentic love in a relationship is too important. Sex kids support education emotions
through give up Plus understanding equals- A HAPPY HOME leads towards peace worthy friends and family Globe. Let's enjoy the story from real life. Share the BEAUTY essence to OUR favorites.

" When I was a little boy,
I could remember, my mom, making breakfast and dinner for us.
And I remember one night in particular when she had made dinner after a long, hard day at work.
On that evening so long ago, my mom placed a plate of egg, sausage, and extremely burned toast in front of my dad.

I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed'
Yet all my dad did was, to reach for his toast, smile at mom, and ask me how my day was at school.
I don't remember what I told him that night, but, I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that toast and eat every bite?

When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom apologize to my dad
For burning the toast. And I'll never forget what he said. Baby, I love burnt toast.
Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his toast burnt.

He wrapped me in his arms and said
Dear, your momma put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired, And besides, a little burnt toast never hurt anyone.

You know life is full of imperfect things and imperfect people.
I am not the best housekeeper or cook.

What I've learned over the years
Is that learning to accept each other's faults?
And choosing to celebrate each other's difference
Is one of the most important keys for creating a healthy growing
And lasting relationship.

And that's my prayer for you today, that you will learn to take
The good, the bad, and the ugly parts of your life
And lay them at the feet of God
Because in the end,
He's the only One who will be able
To give you a relationship

Where burnt toast isn't a deal-breaker
We could extend this to any relationship, in fact.
As understanding is the basis of any relationship,
Be it a husband-wife or parent-child or even with friends.

Don't put the key to your happiness in
Someone else's pocket, but, into your own. "

COURTESY Acknowledgement:
FW message by- Mr. Sultan Gias Uddin Manik
My Dear CU Alumni Batch'78 Best Friend &
CODEC Director

Source: Didarul Alam Chowdhury
Director-Finance CODEC
H # 47/H, Road # 1 Ispahani Park, South Khulshi
Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Tel: +880-31-2853824 Mob: +8801711971825 

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Sep 22, 2009

Living authentically in LOVE- a TURE desire

Kalyn + Kris a real-life partners, universal home lovers FB friends N family of mine. Kristopher Raphael- a writer. An outcome of inbox message by Kalyn B Raphael to me~ This is a Universal green living essence and would like to share this wonderful message as if: To honor the COUPLE ~ Let's enjoy and looking forward......opt-in.....a primary overview posts...more yet to come...please stay tuned....!!

Following is a message especially for you from the Oracle.

In this time of upheaval and chaos in the world, living authentically in love, which is the essence of Who you are, is not only more important than ever, but now you have more help to bring love, abundance, and the power to manifest the life you truly desire than ever before.


"Every day is meant to bring you closer to Who you are, as each experience helps you see the direction your journey is taking you. It is said you are on a journey with no destination because there is truly no start, no finish, and no goal. Nothing changes on your journey except you and your energy.

At some point on this journey, you come to see, with every experience, what love is. You go beyond believing what you have been told and beyond thinking- and you come to knowing.

We can tell you what love is, but we prefer to point you in the direction of your journey so that every part of you comes to remember, comes to awaken to, and comes to shift in your knowing and living what love is.

Love is a state of being, a state of recognizing yourself. Love is a flow, just like a water current that nourishes all the life in the stream and brings fresh experiences and cycles to them, love is a stream of energy flow in your life that brings you experiences, dreams, and your being. Words can point you in the direction, but they cannot necessarily shift you the way you will change, evolve and become Who you are when you know love in your life.

Love is compassion, joy, expansion; love is remembering, being in your Golden Flow, and taking a deeper breath of life than you ever have; love is endless wisdom, quiet and within.

Love can be experienced in romantic relationships, in people, and in a walk. Love is discovered in joy, not things or places, in self, not in life, but through the living of your life.

Love is a religion because it becomes the way you live and the way you are; it becomes the air you breathe and the breath you speak. When you come to know that love is the energy behind every other energy in your universe, you will have begun your true spiritual path, a path in which you come to be, see and experience love with every step of your everyday, normal life."

Love and Light,
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Aug 19, 2009

Friends N family- Happy Holly Lolly Heaven of quality kids

Friends N family - Funny fairy fantastic fountain of HAPPY laugh, love, light, life and live to gather. The GREEN GARDEN of flowers BLOSSOMS. Alike honey bees that whisper energies, waves, songs, and messages from one lover to another: Collect the essences from the hearts. Gents unite to gather the same at a FAMILY HOME- COMB, under the QUEEN♥♥ This a friendly grouping- Family- Universal learning of living to produce quality honey -  " KIDS ". Homely lovely generations to build a 
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Aug 16, 2009

Unipolar Caricature on Family org to jeopardise Socialization

Take a look...on Caricature!

Family grouping of individuals based on blood relations, houses, tribes, religions, cultures, languages are the most universal and strong organization for socialization. Socialization was found great threat by the imperialists. The fall of colonial rule after the great world war II. In the meantime, the subsequent NEW inaugural showdown was made through BIG BANG at Hiroshima Nagasaki. Until now in Bosnia, Palestine, Afghan, Iraq, Sudan, Swat, Somalia...many other parts, where family value exists, heated by WAR, and continue...! Next through WW free sex and free life sponsoring MEDIA propaganda war against moral values and norms to jeopardize the UNIVERSAL family home. Outstayed from their land only to make them homeless to break their Grouping, moral courage, values to CAPITALIZE unipolar corporatism BRAND O BIZ N SHOW BIZ O BIZ?

" Universality. In view of the fact that all aspects of an individual’s life, are considerably influenced and made possible by family grouping, it is found all over the world and at all levels of culture. Besides, there is no conclusive or convincing evidence that there ever was a time when this institution did not exist. Modern civilization has not so far succeeded in providing a complete and fully satisfying substitute to this grouping. Family is the most universal and the most important organization for socialization."
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Aug 13, 2009

The Family as a Functional unit

BabaOHome relentlessly pleading- as a pro friends &   family social activist. A universally accepted Ideal of Multidimensional, Multifunctional, Multinational POSITIVE faces of HOME -Love & Light- global oneness. 

Polarization is a must - weaving poverty to attain sustainable development goals for world peace & harmony.

" The biological, emotional, and economic needs are the foundation of a family. It grows out of biological needs, particularly those of the expectant mother and the infant child, who cannot support and live by themselves.

Every association of people; it be a state, a nation, or a tribe -- has its own distinctive culture, its modes of living and thought, which are developed as a response to the peculiar circumstances of the environment, natural and ideological. Family is the agency through which the impressionable rising generation is made familiar with such traditions. It teaches the individual what situations to anticipate, how to behave, and what behavior to expect, by giving one the gifts of language and dress which integrate within one’s cultural ethos. It facilitates adjustment to people and groups outside the family circle."  let's UNITE "WE CAN" save our family home out of GUILDER'S imitating golds.
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Green living HOME eclipse- a fency diamond ring !

Home lover is a lover of god. Universal home is socially recognized Friends n Family living heaven on earth. " The term eclipse is most often used to describe either a solar eclipse when the Moon's shadow crosses the Earth's surface or a lunar eclipse when the Moon moves into the shadow of Earth".However, this is a Mastermind CAPITALISTIC"A DIAMOND RING "on our free hands. Polluting GREEN peace. BY media shadow GRAND GALA GOO LA corporatism eclipse, put is a cultural eclipse. Brand Frankenstein-franchise JUNK Free sexxx fast life n foods. Diamonds became HOT suicidal life style..that we are sucking lollipop- Happy sign a die! Another symbol liberty and freedom - Export of DEMO CRY SEE - War and terror game, a SUN eclipse that grips our HOMES under darkness pain agonies to homeless worker...refugee...beggar ...WHY?
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Aug 11, 2009

Friens N family is love and light !

Friends & Family is Love & light towards the " STAIR " case! Love is not a mean BONSAI sexxx HUGE is love. POSITIVE oneness is the ultimate reality- that we are one. From one god..and to be back! same destiny!! No way... one-way ticket....passenger of the same TRAIN! Friend n family is one, that's all. No far no near, all heart and SOUL mates! No divide and rule- no religion, no virtual mutual, no boundary, black and white, close N bosom all these are emotions." WE ARE ONE" issue. I made up of friends, live-in friends, addicted and always drink the wine from friends heaven, get dream and drunken- Am mad of friends. God in favor of Universal......Go green living
. The heart is Love, love is Family, family is Future, future is Destiny, ambition, aspiration, motivation became belief and Peace! Peace is our Target, the target is our Friends and Life has no fun without FRIENDS !!  No light in the darkness......

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Aug 9, 2009

Friends and family- a destiny !

BabaOHome- Universal Friends and family- Green living home is our destiny. Sex kids foods shelter emotions education support grouping centered and round through it.

((My Friend))
Heart is your Love,
Your love is your Family,
Your family is your Future,
Your future is your Destiny,
Your destiny is your Ambition,
Your ambition is your Aspiration,
Your aspiration is your Motivation,
Your motivation is your Belief,
Your belief is your Peace,
Your peace is your Target,
Your target is your Friends,
Life has no fun without FRIENDS
Make ' Every day is Friendship Day' send this to all.
Love Laugh Light -open all windows of friendship,
browse by heart and soul. This is our FNF oneness!!
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Jul 31, 2009

Global Oneness- not a SHOW BIZ !

BabaOHome pleading Universal Green living Friends N family One global village. A step POSITIVE Love and Light...peace. These not a SHOW BIZ, an emotion. emotions came to an end- expression! And the expression in to believe!! AND believe BECOME faith and truth- real life!!! We became lovely friends in deeds. Virtual or presence doesn't matter- spiritually linked and threaded like NETWORKS. This is natural and supernatural too. This is Oneness...LOL. "WE CAN" we shall overcome one day. Join share thoughts support carry the FLAME
Torch.....hand over to next...

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