May 23, 2022

How Good pitches tell a story, but the best pitches make it personal that Sale

This is a communication and connecting age. Everything everybody heading to online connecting and communicating, Network building, pitching, and negotiating skills. 

This is the best time to learn how to confidently show your edge and strengths to convince that communicate well. Our ultimate goal is to Generate Leads and Create value…Sales!

Or in other words information age- to present online through the website, blogs or social media profiles, pages, community, groups, Meetups, and so on
Personal, Products and services

The power of pitch 24/7 floating on the network online and look at the real-time history and outcome! How Good pitches tell a story, but the best pitches make it personal that Sale.


Like to think of each post as a small salesperson travelling through the alleys of LinkedIn to learn talking to everyone he meets. He is soft spoken and intriguing but also convincing a different type of way…”

Myth- In His absence, LinkedIn posts do the jobs by reaching out to people and convincing them to work with SEOSOUKthis is 24/7 revenue generation online while you are sleeping or otherwise engage. Outcome and beauty of Productivity, generate more XXX ROI AUTO

Special Thanks to Mr. Kishore that his post on Digital marketing Group Dubai unlocks my windows as an inspiration to create 2 posts after 3 months of deadlock!! His post not only creates the sale but also a source of positive energy that inspires me...

Communicating through Text, Pitches, Pictures, Audio, Videos, and Ads all are content or information to reach out to the (targeted) Readers, Audience, Customers, and Traffic.

Social Media Networks and Groups members are notified when members create any posts and blogs and website posts come through SE provide SERP upon VOICE or Keyword text SEARCH.

You have to heat the target and the target must have to E-A-T the content or information first for them by them.

We need to eat to live. And so does your website, social media, and ad content. Otherwise dead content!

We are using SEARCH through voice or text… that generates SERP to present through it… 1 to 10 each… ranked basis… Social Media Facebook and LinkedIn all other SM Also a Search Engines too…

The E-A-T acronym stands for ExpertiseAuthority, and Trust, and was created by Google to use a range of signals to see how trustworthy your content is and to measure how much trust it should place in a brand

Each of these three words represents a measurement of a business’s right to be considered a leader in their field, no matter what industry or niche they may fall into.

Google is using each of these three metrics to measure the expertise, authoritativeness, or trustworthiness of a website, the website’s page content (on a URL by URL basis), and the content creator.

Another important matter is that content should be Unique New Create Value Personalized that loved by audiences and Google AI boot too. Optimization is another single most important issue How to BOOST | YOUR SEO Traffic | with perfectly optimized contents


How do you pitch or content effectively?

5 Tips for Delivering an Effective Pitch or content for your good and Services:

1.    Tell a personal story. Good pitches tell a story, but the best pitches make it personal. ...

2.    Explain the opportunity and risks. ...

3.    Show the change your service will create. ...

4.    Answer the question, why you and not someone else? ...

5.    Above all, remember your audience.

How to Make a Sales Pitch

1.       Make it short.

2.       Make it clear.

3.       Explain who your customers are.

4.       Explain the problem they're facing.

5.       Explain how your product addresses their needs.

6.       Describe what success will look like as a result of using your product.


What makes good sales pitch?


Be sure your pitch includes thorough research and solves a customer problem. It should also address potential sales objections that may come up ahead of time, if possible. The most common sales objections fall into four buckets: budget, authority, need, and time (also known as BANT)


What are the 2 key factors of a successful sales pitch?

4 Essential Elements of a Powerful Sales Pitch 

  • Reach Out With A Personal Message. Make your message feel personal, so prospects see it isn't another generic marketing pitch. ...
  • Offer Your Prospects A Compelling Solution. ...
  • Show Your Value With Social Proof. ...
  • Follow Up On First Impressions.

Limitations: I have created some bullet points but didn't elaborate on the points to clear. All are common and readily available Googler, easy to know more...


  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC) and customer lifetime value (CLV) are two distinct yet equally pivotal metrics. SEO creates organic traffic out of BEST pitches or content…

  • Value-add pitches are unique, specific, and targeted efforts, rather than a blast of the same old press release pitch to dozens of reporters. At 3Points, we go through three steps to create a value-add pitch: sourcing, framing, and targeting.

  • The more information companies can learn about their current and future customers, the more effective marketing efforts will be. But what digital marketing metrics should businesses track to help stimulate growth?

  1. Traffic Source
  2. Time on site
  3. Engagement
  4. CAC
  5. CLV
  6. Brand Equity  

May 22, 2022

How to Connect, Network, Pitch, Negotiate Share to build spam free GROUP

Communicating, Network building, Pitching and Negotiating Skills. Sharing thoughts honor and empathy to build a Spam free Professional group  "HELP ME HELP YOU" 


My last post was on FEB 23, 2022, Introductory and My Career goal. I was been deep and dump for about 3 months and haven’t created any post. I have been dogging and numbing, thinking and sinking so far… thoughtful of managing a digital marketing job or freelance work permit in the UAE.


Online have much helpful information, people, and tips but are too hard to locate and trace. In this regard, I have joined so many Facebook groups but fad up of spam, floods of unauthentic illusive guilty gold.  


I am trying both govt. ae official site and other private services, and providers. Searching and Researching, connecting through Messenger, WhatsApp, ZOOM, and Email seeking professional HELP through networking too.   


Very recently joined with a Private Group- Digital Marketing Dubai and group created by Kishore Dharmarajan Admin and CEO of SEOSOUK, SEO Souq is the only SEO Agency in the UAE.


I have commented that it is 99.9% Spam free. Indeed- he has been working hard to keep his promise. This is like the queen bee of a Honey Comb. Every post and comment screening segregates the poised and spam ones in the dark! 


I wish you Please never compromise and give it up. My profound thanks and best wisheshe is doing a great novel job to HELP us. I believe in HELP me HELP youand this post to encourage him to continue and let others know all about this groupa gesture of help by good review.  

From this week I am thinking of creating a post on Communicating, Network building, Pitching, and Negotiating Skills.  His following post pitch encourages acceleration and is a great outcome of his post.

I LOVE networking and Groups and have been managing University Alumni, WFH, and Bangladesh Freelancers CLUB... I can't see and manage it spam-free. I know how HARD and sincere he is doing... BIG CLAPS Salute and appreciate him...



In the group currently about 45.5 members, but vibrant and live members are assets for all.

1.   I haven’t gone through the data of how many daily postings and how many active and sleeping members. We have owned the group spirit and rules up

2.   This is an entirely professional group of Digital Marketers. We hand together to help Admin keep the legit work up…keep empathy and honor respect to everybody’s culture, religions, and beliefs untouched. No bullying and Dictating, uttering words- only FUN FREEDOM Passionate HELP ME HELP YOU… we achieve LEARN much from it…  

3.   We must have to share thoughts and comments and write reviews and appreciation on Benevolent Generous works by members, Experts, and Admin Moderators. That way we must be benefited and also group too.