Showing posts with label Home jobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home jobs. Show all posts

May 17, 2018

Freelance- Presenting YOURSELF presence

How to make EASY your online presence.  
to earn living from the comfort of GREEN HOME. This is as EASY as ABC! No MASTERMINDS- Feel FREE to keep your footprint, nothing to dogged, and nubs even if you have not had a lot of experience with computers, it would not be surprising to learn that you have been on the INTERNET and becoming a freelancer.

in the last few years, millions of people have gone online as an armature or out of curiosity or a time swimmer- and some of them probably thought they would never have a use for a computer. Indeed, many internet enthusiasts buy a computer just so they can go online, and for no other reason. As I myself!  

So FEEL FREE to be a freelancer  GET an Elancer
alike quick brown fox jump over the lazy doz- the typing keywords universal sequence and kick up your FREE BIKE NOW!!

Sep 15, 2015

মুক্ত বিশ্বে মুক্ত মানুষ “মুক্ত পেশাজীবী” পর্ব- ০২

আবশ্যকীয় ধারনা

(9/8/12, 11:24 PM Bangladesh Time প্রথম প্রকাশ)
গভীর সমদ্রে পাল তোলা নৌকা নিয়ে পাড়ি জমানোর মত। মাঝির পাথেয় নিয়ে ধারনা দেয়ার ক্ষুদ্র প্রচেষ্টা মাত্র। যা দিয়ে শুরু এবং জীবিকা অর্জনের প্রাথমিক ধাপ পরিক্রমণ – পথ চলা।

আত্মনির্ভরশীল, নিজেই নিজের কর্ণধার, মাল্লার, কর্মী, চালক। এই নিয়ে পরবর্তীতে আত্মপ্রত্যয়, আত্মবিশ্বাস, নিজে করা নিয়ে বিশদ আলোচনা হবে। আমাদের দেশে কর্মজীবী, পেশাজীবী, রাজনৈতিক; তাঁদের মালিক, বস/নেতাকে তোষামোদে তুষ্ট বা পদলেহন করে উন্নতি ও স্বার্থ হাসিল একটি প্রচলিত রীতি। মুক্ত পেশায় যা কল্পনা ও করা যায়না। এখানে প্রতি মুহূর্ত, ঘণ্টা, দিন, সপ্তাহের নির্ঘণ্ট তোমার হাতে। নিজেই নিজের বস, সম্পাদিত কাজই তোমার পরিচয়, যোগ্যতা, অর্জন “আয়”। তৈল মারার লেশমাত্র অবকাশ নেই। এজন্য- self starter, proactive, quick learner-follower, self motivation, do follow, on time শব্দগুলো অত্যন্ত সহজাত ও বহুল ব্যবহৃত সুতরাং দৃঢ় প্রত্যয়, অধ্যবসায়, সততা, কর্মদক্ষতাই মুখ্য। প্রত্যেক কর্মীর কাছ থেকে ঐ গুনগুলো সুপ্ত আছে ধরে নিয়ে পরবর্তী আবশ্যকীয় কি তা নিয়ে অগ্রসর হব।

Outsource to freelance যেহেতু Virtual job এবং Buyer মূলত আমেরিকা, কানাডা, অস্ট্রেলিয়া, ইউরোপ সুতরাং ভাষা বা যোগাযোগের মাধ্যম হিসেবে proficiency in English is a must. Buyers যখন outsource to freelance market place Job posts করে তখন সারা বিশ্বের service providers Bids করে। অনেকটা খোলা টেন্ডারের মতো। মুক্ত পেশাজীবী তার অভিজ্ঞতা, দক্ষতার আলোকে নিজেদের proposal এবং নির্দিষ্ট কর্মমূল্য (Hour or Fixed Price Job) নির্ধারণ পর Bids submit করে থাকে
Proposal Buyer’s এর প্রাথমিকভাবে পছন্দ হলে Messages এর মাধ্যমে Next question করতে পারে More clear হওয়ার জন্য। সন্তুষ্ট হয়ে Further More Skype বা voice telephone interview নিতে পারে। Chat, Email বা Voice interview সবই ইংরেজিতে। সুতরাং কাজ অর্জনে Buyer কে Satisfy বা understand about jobs এর জন্য ইংরেজি জানা অবশ্যক। হোক না কাজটি Logo design বা web Design. এটি করতে ইংরেজি জানার আদৌ দরকার নেই। কিন্তু কাজটি পাওয়া (AWARD) এবং  Delivery দিতে যে যোগাযোগ, তাতে ইংরেজি জানা আবশ্যক। কাজটি group করে করার Provision আছে। যেমন- একটি Group এ যারা ভাল ইংরেজি ও Bids করতে জানে তারা কাজ নেবে। কাজ নিয়ে নির্দিষ্ট কাজে অভিজ্ঞ কর্মীকে বুঝিয়ে দিয়ে কাজ আদায় করে Delivery  Payment নিয়ে নিজেদের মধ্যে share করবে। এই বিষয়ে আমরা কোন একদিন বিশদ আলোচনা করবো।
পরবর্তী আবশ্যকProficiency in computer usage. MS office 2003-2010 application, Minimum Dual core processor pc or desktop, internet connection, modem, webcam and headset এবং আরামে বসে নিরিবিলি কাজ করার মতো পরিবেশ Home office

তুমি একজন College, University student, Honors, Master’s complete করে চাকরি খুঁজছ বা চাকুরীজীবী বা গৃহিণী – মুক্ত পেশাকে ধারণ করে ঘরে বসে জীবিকা অর্জন বা অতিরিক্ত স্বচ্ছন্দ চাও - তাহলে বিশ্ব তোমাকে খুঁজছে।  পড়/আমাদের সাথে এসো।

মোঃ লেয়াকত আলী লেকু
অধ্যক্ষ, কুতুবদিয়া টেকনিক্যাল ও ব্যবসায় ব্যবস্হাপনা কলেজ
ব্লগ লেখক, মুক্ত পেশাজীবি প্রবক্তা
আলাপনঃ ০১৫৫৮৫৭১৮০০, ০১৭৪৬৫১৭৩৬০

Sep 14, 2015

মুক্ত বিশ্বের স্বাধীন মানুষ “মুক্ত পেশাজীবী”।

(8/23/12, 11:50 PM, Bangladesh Time প্রথম প্রকাশ)

কি ও কেন?
তথ্য-যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি ও হাইস্পিড ইন্টারনেটের বদৌলতে পৃথিবী হাতের মুঠোয়- আঙ্গুলের করাগত। আমাদের গতি খুতিয়ে খুতিয়ে ছাগলের তিন নাম্বার বাচ্চার মত। তথাপি স্বাদ আস্বাদন করছি ‍slow motion হামাগুড়ি দিয়ে।

এক কথায় মুক্ত বিশ্ব।“থাকব নাকো বদ্ধ ঘরে দেখব এবার জগতটাকে”। আমি কিন্তূ ঘরে বসেই উন্মুক্ত বিশ্বকে জয়ের সম্ভাবনার কথা বলব।

কাঠ-খড়, তেল পুড়িয়ে পৃথিবীর মানুষ ছুটতে ছুটতে হয়রান। তেলের জন্য যুদ্ধ! ৮ টা- ৫ টা অফিস, স্কুল–কলেজ, ব্যবসা-বাণিজ্য, কেনা-কাটা কত কি? যাতায়াত, অফিস- স্পেস, সাজ-সজ্জা, বিদ্যুত ও অন্যান্য সুযোগ-সুবিধা সৃষ্ঠি বিরাট খরছ শারিরীক উপস্হিতির প্রচলিত চাকুরীতে নেটিভ পেশাজীবিদের অত্যাধিক বেতন-ভাতার কারনে মন্দায় পড়ে আমেরিকা-ইউরোপে ব্যবসায় বাণিজ্য লাঠে উঠে। চাঁটাই, বন্ধ সমস্যায় পড়ে বারবার প্রযুক্তি উন্নয়নের ফলে এই সমস্যা উত্তরনে উন্নত বিশ্বের কাছে নূতন সম্ভাবনার দূয়ার খোলে দেয় তৃতীয় বিশ্বের অলস, বেকার, ছদ্মবেকার পেশাজীবিদের দক্ষতাকে সস্তায় অর্জনের মাধ্যমে নিজেদের অস্তিত্ব রক্ষা। এই হল প্রেক্ষিত……….
এ থেকে পথ চলা শুরু- ঘরে বসে জীবিকা অজনের outsource to freelanceমুক্ত পেশাজীবির যোগাড়এখানে ভূল বুঝার অবকাশ নেই যে, ঘরে বসে টাকা কামানো মানে তথাকথিত unipay2u, speakasia বা Destiny2000 Ltd. এর আলাদিনের চেরাগ বা ফটকাবাজি নয়

আমরা সরকারি-বেসরকারি অফিস আদালত, ব্যবসায়-বাণিজ্য, স্কুল-কলেজ, বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, শিল্পকারখানা ও সেবা প্রতিষ্ঠানে যে বাস্তব বা শারীরিক উপস্হিতিতে কাজ করি তার বিপরীতে virtually যুক্ত হয়ে (ইন্টারনেটের মাধ্যমে) ঘরে বসেই ঐ সমস্ত চাকুরি করবে–এরাই মুক্ত পেশাজীবী। ২০০৪-২০০৬ সালে $৮৭৩ বিলিয়ন ইউএস ডলার বাজার যা বিশ্ব মন্দায় ও কমেনি বরং বেড়েছে। তাহলে তাঁরা কি হতে মুক্ত? ৮-৫ অফিস, আসা-যাওয়া, বস ও দেশের সীমানা মুক্ত। নিজেই নিজের বস। ঘরই নিজের অফিস। কোনরূপ passport visa ছাড়া ঘরে বসেই আমিরিকায় অফিস!
আমাদের ইংরেজি, কম্পিউটার এবং বিভিন্ন software application জানা certified পেশাজীবীদের খুঁজছে বিশ্ব। আর ঘুষ বাণিজ্য ও জ্বী হুজুরের পদ্মলোচন নয়। স্বাধীন পেশাজীবী– মুক্ত চিন্তা, মুক্ত বুদ্ধির চর্চার এক অপার সম্ভাবনার দুয়ার সাধারন Data entry থেকে CEO jobsশুধু জানা, বাস্তব প্রশিক্ষন, অর্জন তারপর পথচলা………
* পড়তে থাকুন………আবার কথা হবে……

মোঃ লেয়াকত আলী লেকু
অধ্যক্ষ, কুতুবদিয়া টেকনিকাল ও ব্যবসায় ব্যবস্হাপনা কলেজ
ব্লগ লেখক, মুক্ত পেশাজীবি, প্রবক্তা

Sep 5, 2015

To earn living from the comfort of our HOME

Outsourcing- A new dimension, horizon towards true globalization to earn living from the comforts of our HOME. BabaOHome pleading Biz Jobs Foods Kids Emotions Educations Supports all out stationed through GO green living HOME. Bangladesh cause- A home of 10 m new generation unemployed graduates each year. So a huge opportunity is yet to explore this $ 748 billion marketplace. To weaving poverty and keep sustainable development goals on right track developed world to come forward.

A precise definition of outsourcing has yet to be agreed upon. Thus, the term is used inconsistently. However, outsourcing is often viewed as involving the contracting out of a business function to an external provider. A free workplace was other than traditional ones. No off no Boss no 9-5 timing no commitment in particular. Sitting at home and office at NY, The USA. Sign UP to Join or visit MY Profile Find Enjoy Share and Pass it on.

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Twenty first Century freelancer HOME

Globalization, Technology, and Freelancer 

New Technologies Open Door to the new workplace to earn living from the comfort of our HOME. Perhaps the greatest challenge of all is that of competing in the global market. Globalization and the use of technology- Power of Broadband internet to link supply chain partners, jobs provider stationed at home around have begun to erase geographical boundaries in the marketplace. To minimize and cut services price, buyers moving forward to the cheaper global market. "The end is near for companies that hope to retain their traditional dominance by relying on inertia in their domestic market," says the "Asian Business" article. "The opportunity for local companies in local markets to stay strong and have a long-term future is getting smaller and smaller, other than in particular niches. If they are going to be significant players, there is no way to avoid the global game," it added. As a part of the global game, freelance jobs come forward to fill up the GAP as a major player.

A freelancer, freelance worker, or freelance is somebody who is self-employed and is not committed to a particular employer long-term. 

Using reverse auction-styled job boards such as,,,, and you will be able to evaluate your freelance provider before accepting them as the winning bidder. You will have access to view their rating history and user profile, you should use such ...
From Freelance Jobs 101: The Freelance Provider & Buyer Guide - Related web pages

ODesk enables its users to hire, manage, and pay technology service providers around the world. Sign up and join. Do follow and subscribe blog for more home jobs tips and tutorials & practices HOW to manage a 3-4 figure income through MASTER debit cards...Pass it on to your friends and family- Share email..more...

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Flexi jobs and biz: A boader free freelance market place

Free World’s border free information age. Changing
world how the world works. NEW vision and new world’s social media network marketing, virtual office, online jobs:
The On-Demand Global Workforce - oDesk and biz application - taking places of old odds. Elance outsources to freelance marketplace and Social media platforms and forums free meeting, free individual’s direct interaction. No middleman, No BRAND, No Office, No Boss, No commuting, and no border ♥♥ Freelance social Global oneness: TRUE globalization. No monarchy, No DEMO cry sees...Free of lance! CLEAR vision- free of color, race, and border, rich & poor, develop & under develop - we are ONE- ... Share thoughts enjoy freedom......sign up or register NOW!! It's free and starts earning from the comfort of your home. GRIP and GRAB your share out of Flexible world's Flexi jobs...... Cheers ♥♥
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Work is no longer a place

Changes worlds how it works. IT age and globalization erases geographical borders. No office No Boss No commitment. No 9-5 office Monday through Friday. You are at your remote village home, at a beach, or on the fly at night: what and where ever. Now work is FREE of place, office, Boss & border, time zone, color, and race: Native and Migrant! Be a freelance service provider- sign up and register NOW!! It's FREE, free world's free profession. Get ignite: put your GEAR to DRIVE and hands-on STEERING WHEEL Start work to earn living from the comfort of your home- A key to succeeds and enjoy green living home...cheers

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Freelance- working in the online world

Joining the freelance phenomenon
As many businesses and people join the internet community, they are finding that the internet is enhancing their work lives. Thanks to IT, many businesspeople now work from home instead of commuting to an office each day. 

Before you can do anything online, there are several ways to do this.
For most people choosing pretty easy out of imitating GOSPEL ads.
The choice by self may be more difficult. The good idea is to listen or
learn from the learned. I have lost six months time (Night) PLUS
a bill of 5000 EURO!! At large PICK ANELANCER, that work best
for me. Indeed, the light has come! Why don't you?

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Sep 2, 2015

College Degree versus Seasoned Professional.

Why is a "20 Something" candidate with a degree more appealing to employers than a candidate with 36 yrs of proven success? Thanks, Mickel for sharing*

When I first time went through this discussion, I was then almost surprised by the fact. Very recently received an invitation to take a test on " FINANCIAL ANALYST" from gDev FZ LLC, Jabel Ali FZE, Dubai through outsources to the freelance marketplace.

I think I can help with some insight, what I have been learning from the aforesaid issue. In my experience, I've noticed several things going as it relates to older workers:

1. Matter of Professionalism (OLD) VS Seasoned practitioner (GREEN): those who are  OLD are thoughtful of "OLD IS GOLD" and happy under the BANNER experienced professional- Confined within the inn. Changing the world how it works? GREEN personnel opting with New proactive concept; manifestation through practice. Moreover- OLD, very formal and reserve as white color people but the GREEN never mind about the color of blue or white!

2. OLD are of backdated featured and GREEN favorite and fantastic; IT savvy and know how with the very recent globalized Erina. So far my concern: I started using the computer ( '90 ) with D BASE III plus, Word star 123, etc., and upgraded to MS office 2003 by a cumbersome way. Come across test session, apart from computer skills test was of MS office 2007. My score was 2.32 ( LOW- BASIC know-how ).

3. WE are of physical profession products not too much familiar with very screening soft wear- Cognitive Index, Quantitative Ability, Deductive Reasoning & Personality Assessment tests open my eyes that I am an OLD hanger and a baby beginner! Look, my resume printed of very head- 26 years ex-poser of professional track and a B.COM honors,  M.COM, Major in accounting! I have no hesitation to confess, I never ever heard of cognitive index! what is this? By god, browser search saves my SOUL to find the facts.

In the due course of the test session, my memory became thoughtful of the matter....but could not recollect and filter the information. This morning while I have been cheeking inbox Email, come across YOUR discussion and rush to .....

That's it? So I myself would like to prefer to be seasoned professionals.

So you may draw a conclusion out. Let's set your mind to CHANGE.....Seasoned..cheers.

* COURTESY: A Group Discussion issue on Linkedin by Mickel at:  
Job & Career Network ~ Professions and Industries

Aug 30, 2015

Learning is the key to success- 01

Very ABC of the freelance chapter or lesson -01 Readiness TEST

A person who is learning a subject or skill is a learner. Here we are learning subjects freelance, homework a new skill or Tech of the 21st Century. We are beginner, trainee, apprentice, student, mentee, novice, newcomer, starter, probationer, fresher- isn’t it?

Learning is the key to success. In the freelance marketplace, "a fast learner" always is the matter and very choice of buyers. Buyers May ask you questions about job proposals. Are you hungry for learning?  Are you willing to learn new tech? Are you a quick learner? A seasoned professional is a matter other than College Degree. 

a person who is learning to drive a motor vehicle and has not yet passed a driving test. He is not a driver….. a leaner…as we are……..
Hereafter register SIGN UP with a freelance outsourcing platform, you have to learn about readiness tests from that platform. All about the rules and regulations, user’s agreement… see more FAQS CLICK 
Readiness TEST on Upwork  
Continue reading Learning is the key to success- 02 ..coming next...

Aug 25, 2015

What is work from HOME ?

21 century HOME is quite different from traditional home for a living- leisure, foods, sex, supports. With the advancement of communication tech- internet; world a global village. Now we can purchase, works online from the comfort of our home without commuting. 

The act work or practice of working at home using a computer terminal electronically linked to one's place of employment. Telecommuting or in real word internet connectivity; employment at home while communicating with the workplace by phone or fax or modem.

A work from home or work at home arrangement involves working from home location and differs from teleworking/telecommuting arrangement in that it does not require that the employee stay electronically connected to the work location during business or office hours as per scheduled or as needed when needed. Work performed is generally done independently so does not require team interaction or consistent communication. It also is more likely that the employee can live far from the actual location of the business for which he or she is working because face-to-face contact at a location may not be necessary.  

Keep in mind that employers are choosy about home arrangement or may say environment- noise-free, kids free environment to work along with working computer, Camera, Headset, internet connection, printer etc and home space for files. In brief like a ready home office features that facilitate services to render. 

N.B. Yellow highlight is our post topics and issues to talk about next...continue reading your blog post thoughts SHARE...

Aug 31, 2010

Work at home online jobs- a fortune

Universal Home- evergreen kingdom of heaven in this chaotic upheaval world. In this regard, the world is divided into East-West chapters. Two-fold character- Idealistic traditional fellowship and Mechanized standard of free-living. Eastern Homes- Universal Authentic Socially approved conscious GREEN living in love: Sex Kids Foods emotion supports education all in one. The outcome: Life partner's bed, homemade foods, fellow feelings, and Green generation. Lead Save and Safe life.

Westernized one- mostly in a relation FREE individuals living in needs to satisfy natural cause. Fast life and fast foods:  Hi honey..bye babe..never mind ready maid foods & FREE sexxx! Frequent change of homes, honey and model of cars all the same so far.....
The information age brings more light to remote village homes. Changes world, erases geographical border and no traditional 9-5 office, no commuting. Be your own Boss, Spent more time with your family, live life abundantly. Patience, determination, and be a team player - You need to have these attitudes to be successful in any online job. Free globalization's, freelance jobs to earn living from the comfort of our home. kick up your paddle and try it fortune prey-er...... cheers.

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Aug 29, 2010

Long Distance Job Affair- tour

Remote work's happy ever after
Information age erases psychic borders, relations, jobs, businesses that threaded remotely the whole world. Changes worlds- traditional to IT globalized way. How it works? Free individuals freelance world. No office no BOSS, no 9-5 office, no commitment, and no commuting- Works from home. I am an ex-industrialist's. Due to corruption got rid of, industry. Have been visited Japan USA UK and 20+ other countries of the world in surveillance to earn living from 90-2002. Somehow misfortunes and back to the pavilion. Lastly, in 2008 internet opens the door to long-distance jobs. After long trial & error as a learner/practitioner have succeeded. Am confident of freelance service providing to earn living from the comfort of our home. But the road is not so smooth, there are so many spams and scams- Have lost EURO 5000 for long six months (whole night, 40+ Hrs per week). Lastly I am an Elance, earn USD $1800+ a month ( ).
This is an outcome of facebook friends request by long Distance job affairs.Have confirmed friends & maid a surprise visit out of curiosity. Found real jobs affairs....comments on and now became a post.
Yea- In your words "I took a leap of faith and plunged to a long-distance job affair. And I’m proud to say, it’s the best decision I’ve made in my life. Not to mention, the longest relationship I've been in - two years and counting." 

My Long Distance job affair friend is single, affairs with long-distance freelance to earn .....well done. Now she is happy ever. Why don't YOU?

Proverb- Money is better than HONEY! So no money no...sweetheart H..moon!
I am a blogger, Pleading- Go green living home jobs kids, foods, friends, and family global oneness village. Being parts of you, we are one.
Happy freelance and a free global village. Enjoy HOME....................... Cheers! August 29, 2010 2:04 AM
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Aug 16, 2010

Cane crafts of Bangladesh

Crafts of Bangladesh and the history of Bangladesh handicrafts is an old saga. 
The craft tradition in Bangladesh has revolved around religious beliefs, local needs of the commoners, as well as the special needs of the patrons and royalty, along with an eye for foreign and domestic trade. The craft tradition evolved over the centuries and encompasses the cultural diversity of several social groups of Bangladesh. This is mainly a home base craftsmanship, generating employment other than the Cottage industry. Mostly rural women, collateral less remote villagers, poor inhabitants used to earn living by...Bangladesh Cottage industries corp. and Grameen Bank plying a pioneering to support and develop this sector.

Cane is a flexible plant, branch or twig used in weaving baskets or furniture. Cane is light yet sturdy, making it suitable for furniture's that can be moved often....beautiful shape, nature friendly, artistic, durable, and lovely!

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Jul 19, 2010



Looking forward to earn living from the comfort of HOME online jobs.
IT information age high-speed internet maid easy and Free excess to global outsources market place. Free individual- no office no boss nothing to imitate. Self-motivated, reliant, creative hard worker CAN DO, DO FOLLOW ever learner, practitioner. Available 60+ hours per week/7. Have been supported by 4 eligible family members in need.

Carrier highlights-
Look at the experiences & abilities as under:
Manufacturing- concept design, ideas, market study, buying HOUSE, buying agent, financial analysis, ratio analysis, project profile, CRM, garments, babies wear stock lots, new order, shipment, cutting manufacturing CM sourcing. Financial Accounting Social media network marketing Administrative & Virtual assistance.....Read more

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Needs more jobs to keep youth generation out of per-vicious idiots

3 idiots- a Bollywood film. 3 friends' extraordinary curricular activity looks idiotic to Mr. principal and hence they used to name idiots. Universal Authentic Conscious Living in a love- HOME. Parenting kids, emotion, education supports all under one roof to built a GREEN  HOME. Kids became adults and youth, enter into practical life. Needs own living, nests, jobs. State or society's prime face responsibility to take care of all such basic Needs. Employment generation and the welfare state is the mere desire in our parts. About 10 million educated graduates having no jobs. An idle brain is the devil's workshop. Masterminds connect young to misguide and imitate the per-vicious world. Hence this is corporate to social and individual responsibility to generate employment. 

"We need more jobs and ever more economic opportunities to prevent impressionable young to misguided and per-vicious ideologies which are the antithesis of peaceful Islam"  Who is to bell the CATS? Ourselves...

Changing world how it works. IT age opens the door and new world order. Hi-speed internet connection- erases geographical border. Traditional psychical presence offices became virtual and visual offices to earn living from the comfort of our home. Maid easy excess to the FREE US$748 billion global outsources to freelance works market place. Self-motivation and self-help are the BEST HELP. Survival of the fittest is the only ANS! Kingfisher's natural and universal way.......GRIP & GRAB your market share...
SIGN UP or register, be an ELANCER START earning

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Jul 13, 2010

Real work-at-home freelace jobs

IT age bring Computers & high-speed Internet access mean new,
better-paying choices for people who want the flexibility and convenience of careers that don't require an office-building, traditional profession 9-5 timing. Everyone like the flexibility to earn an extra income. Technology is opening up new opportunities for parents, College goers and others who want to work at home. Finding and landing legitimate, profitable work still isn't easy, but here are a few venues 4 real jobs you can do from home. I have been engaged in freelance jobs and earned US $1802.5 a month.

A Real time work-at-home freelance jobs done by me. I prefer, a better market place outsources to freelance. High paying quality clients available here and secured payments method guaranteeing our earnings. Visit and try HOW IT WORKS. Join and sign up NOW!! Start earnings................cheers
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