Aug 30, 2009

A good Friend is like a computer

My eyes move around friends N family facts finding mission. This is an extraordinary outcome of the post on Facebook by Dagmara Elminowska and subsequent comments on it out of many...let's enjoy..the very facts...

 "A good friend is like a computer he ENTERS in your life SAVE himself in your heart, FORMATS all your troubles and never DELETE you from his heart."

Col Taylor "...The best thing about good friends and computers is they also have a recovery if things go wrong.."

Dagmara Elminowska
" but need to remember about getting the right source of energy to work properly - pessimism can kill us "
" and erase all the painful experiences from your disk which take space and slow you down. Where is home? Home is where the heart can laugh without shyness. Home is where the heart's tears can dry at their own pace. Welcome! SHIFT your thinking, ESCAPE the negativity without creating a BACKSPACE (painful memories) and ENTER the world of spiritual souls to be recharged on a regular basis and use only High Definition for the best quality life."

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Aug 23, 2009

Friends- ever GREEN kingdom of love

Friends N freedom- beyond imagination, boundless Happiness.
Friends- ever GREEN kingdom of love and divine, heart and soul- bosom N blossoms. Windows N Avenues for - light and air, more flesh onto life, intimate n emotions. Boarder less - FREE port easy access. Roots, route, and road to HEAVEN. Nearest, Dearest- HOT N CHILL door to HAPPINESS. Long live friends N friendship- the one N only values that remain ATLANTIC, Everest, ever BEST. Am maid up of friends...GOD BLESS...Freedom. let's Enjoy the all Joyful fruits of Green positive friendship."BabaOHome"
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Aug 19, 2009

Green tune & sing a song of friends & family HOME

Green tune your heart with green living friends and family HOME, then you hear the sounds of ATLANTIC at your room, rhythmic mighty songs of folks modern rock-jazz POP band. YOU laugh within you automatically that waves touch the sands through tidal bore.. eyes wet of unknown miracles,...dancing fairy tale way alike peacock without clouds RAIN and thundershower. Some times may discover you at WALT Disney or at fantasy KINGDOM! And prehistoric mighty warrior the con corer of the whole world. Eagle or kite that flying in the bank of the river to claws...Why? This is the god gifts on pious holly living Happiness that you can't found to buy in the free JUNK market at Trillions bux. Go green live BIG.

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Friends N family- Happy Holly Lolly Heaven of quality kids

Friends N family - Funny fairy fantastic fountain of HAPPY laugh, love, light, life and live to gather. The GREEN GARDEN of flowers BLOSSOMS. Alike honey bees that whisper energies, waves, songs, and messages from one lover to another: Collect the essences from the hearts. Gents unite to gather the same at a FAMILY HOME- COMB, under the QUEEN♥♥ This a friendly grouping- Family- Universal learning of living to produce quality honey -  " KIDS ". Homely lovely generations to build a 
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Aug 16, 2009

One life Live BIG - JUST MARRIED don't disturb - Honey Moon way

One life-breath short! Only a moment away is life n dead! So live BIG. Enjoy the POSITIVE fruits of Friends N family LOVE N egos no conflicts No arguments No bargaining ..JUST MARRIED WAY......HONEYMOON....don't DISTURB way Every... moment- joyful cheering ..darling♥ ♥ Please don't hate n hard BUT heat YOUR target...HAPPY living "WE CAN"

Please do not confine in one's a year celebration- Enjoy every day your birthday, marriage on..friends N family day occasions. One life BIG live..cheers Enjoy green living HOME...heaven on earth Global oneness♥

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Unipolar Caricature on Family org to jeopardise Socialization

Take a look...on Caricature!

Family grouping of individuals based on blood relations, houses, tribes, religions, cultures, languages are the most universal and strong organization for socialization. Socialization was found great threat by the imperialists. The fall of colonial rule after the great world war II. In the meantime, the subsequent NEW inaugural showdown was made through BIG BANG at Hiroshima Nagasaki. Until now in Bosnia, Palestine, Afghan, Iraq, Sudan, Swat, Somalia...many other parts, where family value exists, heated by WAR, and continue...! Next through WW free sex and free life sponsoring MEDIA propaganda war against moral values and norms to jeopardize the UNIVERSAL family home. Outstayed from their land only to make them homeless to break their Grouping, moral courage, values to CAPITALIZE unipolar corporatism BRAND O BIZ N SHOW BIZ O BIZ?

" Universality. In view of the fact that all aspects of an individual’s life, are considerably influenced and made possible by family grouping, it is found all over the world and at all levels of culture. Besides, there is no conclusive or convincing evidence that there ever was a time when this institution did not exist. Modern civilization has not so far succeeded in providing a complete and fully satisfying substitute to this grouping. Family is the most universal and the most important organization for socialization."
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Aug 14, 2009

Green living global oneness village

Green living Global one Village: friends and family Heaven Home. Red ... mysterious # 06 Wonders of the World. Encouraged of Multidimensional Friends and Family values. Working as a catalyst of the social movement against Unipolar corporations' corruption. The objective of sensitizing them about the menace of corruption and developing the virtues of good citizens - honesty, integrity, ethics, patriotism, and social responsibility. Wonderful images of sun waves. Reflection of waves on WATER. Water welcome and curtained the color. The color of friendship, manner, Happiness BLOSSOMS water, and "BabaOHome" heart swathe. Water dancing ruling moving to express......creates amazing SUPER colors. Exactly THE COLOR OF FRIENDSHIP- no sex. A natural pious heavenly happiness...beyond. Spiritual SOULS light reflection in inn our Mother earth HOME.
A global village vision from the ( East Asian  ) Bay of Bengal to the ATLANTIC ocean WEST.....Oneness
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Aug 13, 2009

The Family as a Functional unit

BabaOHome relentlessly pleading- as a pro friends &   family social activist. A universally accepted Ideal of Multidimensional, Multifunctional, Multinational POSITIVE faces of HOME -Love & Light- global oneness. 

Polarization is a must - weaving poverty to attain sustainable development goals for world peace & harmony.

" The biological, emotional, and economic needs are the foundation of a family. It grows out of biological needs, particularly those of the expectant mother and the infant child, who cannot support and live by themselves.

Every association of people; it be a state, a nation, or a tribe -- has its own distinctive culture, its modes of living and thought, which are developed as a response to the peculiar circumstances of the environment, natural and ideological. Family is the agency through which the impressionable rising generation is made familiar with such traditions. It teaches the individual what situations to anticipate, how to behave, and what behavior to expect, by giving one the gifts of language and dress which integrate within one’s cultural ethos. It facilitates adjustment to people and groups outside the family circle."  let's UNITE "WE CAN" save our family home out of GUILDER'S imitating golds.
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Parents HOME & re-perenting egos- a global oneness.

Family home- others: brothers, sisters, elder, young, father & mother- parents. A guardian supports plays an educative role under the lovely hearty caring emotional blood relationship that makes kids cool gentle under the chain of the green circle. After age, Re- Parenting egos to soften n soothe cool. Myths overactive egos always inflammable that destruct the CHAIN of commands by FORCE. Generally- accepted notion that the ego needs to be destroyed. But mine is that- to transforms SUNLIGHT into MOON shine that's worthy. TRUTH n FALSE, RIGHT n WRONG arguments make room for DEVILS egos to in inn..forth ONLINE. Then wear the goggles of might is the BEST! Let's put our soft hands- egos to deviate and divide. Against Global oneness, friends, and family values. Get lost...dump egos...let's honor each other...

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Green living HOME eclipse- a fency diamond ring !

Home lover is a lover of god. Universal home is socially recognized Friends n Family living heaven on earth. " The term eclipse is most often used to describe either a solar eclipse when the Moon's shadow crosses the Earth's surface or a lunar eclipse when the Moon moves into the shadow of Earth".However, this is a Mastermind CAPITALISTIC"A DIAMOND RING "on our free hands. Polluting GREEN peace. BY media shadow GRAND GALA GOO LA corporatism eclipse, put is a cultural eclipse. Brand Frankenstein-franchise JUNK Free sexxx fast life n foods. Diamonds became HOT suicidal life style..that we are sucking lollipop- Happy sign a die! Another symbol liberty and freedom - Export of DEMO CRY SEE - War and terror game, a SUN eclipse that grips our HOMES under darkness pain agonies to homeless worker...refugee...beggar ...WHY?
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Aug 11, 2009

Friens N family is love and light !

Friends & Family is Love & light towards the " STAIR " case! Love is not a mean BONSAI sexxx HUGE is love. POSITIVE oneness is the ultimate reality- that we are one. From one god..and to be back! same destiny!! No way... one-way ticket....passenger of the same TRAIN! Friend n family is one, that's all. No far no near, all heart and SOUL mates! No divide and rule- no religion, no virtual mutual, no boundary, black and white, close N bosom all these are emotions." WE ARE ONE" issue. I made up of friends, live-in friends, addicted and always drink the wine from friends heaven, get dream and drunken- Am mad of friends. God in favor of Universal......Go green living
. The heart is Love, love is Family, family is Future, future is Destiny, ambition, aspiration, motivation became belief and Peace! Peace is our Target, the target is our Friends and Life has no fun without FRIENDS !!  No light in the darkness......

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Global oneness- HUGE brave bunches -under a colomn !

BabaOHome- Friends and family- Go Green living positive Global oneness under the tree. Huge bunches under a column. We are trillion under one roof- SKY on earth of one soil. Many countries colors faces races religions cultures tastes and fashions languages! But of the same red human blood under one heart and soul globally! Live-in home! Born and broad up getting the same foods bread or rice, fruits plants from and the body last of all departed under same soil. The mother MA MOM MUMMY same sounds! One SUN one MOON. Man and Woman, we are HUMAN from the same very first couple grand ADAM and HOW'S sons - daughters !! Subsequently divide and ruled through BRUIT Wealthy healthy, poor-rich,develop-undeveloped,race-religious fundamentalism. In the name of god but master-minded democracy- fascism, monarchy or kingdom whatever the same guilder's gold. and coin sides !? This way that way we gave walk over and make room to Polarized unipolar corporatism BRAND! We are divided!! People's power, freedom, peace all the same- a slogan. A light- civilization BIG Q submerged under Darkness !? Think of if and CHANGE ourselves. UNITE we STAND. Deviate we divide and ruled over and over again and again. let's see this HUGE banana tree as the symbolic one...     
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Aug 9, 2009

Friends and family- a destiny !

BabaOHome- Universal Friends and family- Green living home is our destiny. Sex kids foods shelter emotions education support grouping centered and round through it.

((My Friend))
Heart is your Love,
Your love is your Family,
Your family is your Future,
Your future is your Destiny,
Your destiny is your Ambition,
Your ambition is your Aspiration,
Your aspiration is your Motivation,
Your motivation is your Belief,
Your belief is your Peace,
Your peace is your Target,
Your target is your Friends,
Life has no fun without FRIENDS
Make ' Every day is Friendship Day' send this to all.
Love Laugh Light -open all windows of friendship,
browse by heart and soul. This is our FNF oneness!!
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