Jul 29, 2022

How Market Career orientation of creative BRAND and EXECUTIVE value

Creative-oriented BRANDs and EXECUTIVEs Inspire Thrive HELPING Companies do extraordinary things! CREATIVE DREAM EDGE!!

Extraordinary- 09 out of 10

Creating rejuvenated competent energized and compelling personalized content that converts or generates sales. So our main theme, context, and concept- Creative brand and creative people in particular. 

This is an online social media connecting age. We see sometimes Out of eyewitnesses surrounding our neighborhood some mobile content goes viral online and gets exposed. The uniqueness of the content is new and news uncommon that draws attention. Engaged with and reacted. This is an instinct of human nature.

Peoples always love and like uncommon, new, and unique content creation that is energized. Compelling and personalized content always clicked converts and generates sales.

Creativity has given Apple Nike Coca cola its competitive edge and inspired an unparalleled end-to-end user experience; Apple’s brick-and-mortar stores are as clean and modern as the products it sells.

Apple is a company synonymous with creativity. It’s a brand that’s encouraged others to “Think Different” and, in turn, actually made that happen. 


Creative products and creative peoples are in high demand or value in the market. 

Creative products always get BRAND value, high turnover, and high price and choose by all.

People get twisted inspired enthusiastic evolved Happy with looks charming, cheerful, and happy.  


Creative peoples are of high value in society and the workplace. They are highly acceptable, highest payout, are salaried, and are most in-demand in the job market. 

Creative peoples are always happy, friendly, helpful, empathetic and loyal to work and company. They create positive people culture and environment in the workplace. Those impact other team members to be creative.   

Creativity way out completing a task easily at the shortest possible time saves energy and time ultimately saves cost.  Enhance profitability of the company.

Creative peoples work SMART. They always go through processes and are system-oriented. Creates SOP Standard Operating System to make work hassle-free and save idle time.  They don’t do repetitive work experiments every time.  They always love continuous improvements.  

They create a distraction-free working procedure that increases overall productivity. Creative peoples brainstorm new ideas, ways, and means to apply short-cut easy ways to get the job done.

Creative peoples provide worthy and meaningful solutions to any issues and work to get the job done with minimal time and hardship. They work SMARTER not HARDER.

They are always of Entrepreneurial MINDSET: ethical honest full of Positive energy. They energize others' integrity too. The transformation of positive energies in the workplace and infusing that into teammates revitalize the energies.

They are hearty Lively Sturdy Cheerful Delighted EVER LEARNER to co-opt with the Dynamic and Agile tech and business world to keep the company ahead of competition and time.

Eagerness and put full of Enthusiasm to work and create the best ideas. Always mass communicative, matrix plan, strategy, and data-driven. 

They believe in simplicity and create a simple and easy way out. They are go-getters, go far and beyond to get the job done and drive the goal.  Work is their prayers and fuel of life. 

Jun 20, 2022

How to align marketing and sales to secure High growth in annual revenue

Generating revenue through Sales and marketing that infuse blood into the organ. I say sales and marketing are the HEART of any company and business that INFUSE blood.

I always love Interested in sales and marketing. Sales and Marketing are the bottom lines of any company and business. 

In our body, so many organs work to produce blood in a synchronized way. Synchronization is the matter. But there is a conflict in blood cells between red and white blood. Is this a conflict or Friction? This is a race to reach out to the center. Central deviation that generates Life circulation Electron and Proton creates electricity. I might say it competition to reach out to the center.

We see in the shallow engine there is a big and solid wheel. When it starts rotating that creates more motion forward and circulation due to the velocity of running that generate power and saves fuel consumption. Speed and running generate more movements and movements create power. Engine starts the using whole power to rotate the ROUTER WHEEL first. When starting release the engine from heavy lifting and oil consumption and use of power.  The Wheel makes it easy and secures smooth rerunning out of circulation. SO MOTION IS POWER.

The mission is power, not emotion. No friction or conflict between sales and marketing. A likes hand and legs of a body. Marketing is the leg of the plan to move and Hands catch out, Lead, generate, and divert customers into revenue. Hangs are the gripper we called the sales.  

Same in the case of sales and marketing- When sales and marketing bury the proverbial hatchet, they enjoy a shorter sales cycle, better overall ROI, easier marketing attribution, and happier customers.

Aberdeen Research reports that companies that are best-in-class at aligning marketing and sales enjoy an average of 20% growth in annual revenue. Laggard organizations, in the meantime, experience a 4% decline in annual revenue.

When sales and marketing bury the proverbial hatchet, they enjoy a shorter sales cycle, better overall ROI, easier marketing attribution, and happier customers.

Like most of the problems that modern marketing encounters, a commitment to Agile processes and principles can help solve the sales/marketing alignment conundrum.

Brand awareness, content marketing, social media engagement—these long-term marketing initiatives are unlikely to create immediate sales, but they’re nonetheless key to a successful marketing strategy.

Similarly, both teams squabble over the quality and quantity of leads that come in.

Commit Your Agile Marketing Team to Sales Support.

Life hacking to survive #FloodinBangladesh

As a Marketer, we are way out of Digital Darwinism: Survival of the Fittest in the Age of Business Disruption and agile Marketing to save us. 

But agile methods can improve the performance of product development, marketing mix, and brand marketing as well, by providing more frequent feedback, allowing for testing and iterating of ideas and communications in the market, and accelerating the process for delivering impact from brand efforts.


There are so many resources online from competent authors and authorities. I just would like to highlight the new upcoming world order. For better understanding you may read the following to draw a conclusion: 

An approach for SMEs to becoming Agile in a dynamic Post Pandemic & Ukraine Russia War to survive. 

Are Your Marketing and Sales Teams on the Same Page?

Throughout the pandemic, businesses have needed to continuously adapt as customer needs and preferences evolve. But that quick adaptation is difficult when the business lacks alignment between the departments that most frequently speak to potential customers: sales and marketing.

When sales and marketing teams aren’t aligned, both suffer: In fact, sales-marketing misalignment is estimated to cost businesses more than $1 trillion each year. Why? This misalignment can lead to a lack of trust and understanding between the two departments, which makes every step of working together more difficult and, therefore, slower. 

A Harvard business review to DOWNLOAD 

"Organizations Need a Dynamic Approach to Teaching People New Skills"

FOBES Magazine post: Alignment is a model. If you sync then that model is adjusted to accommodate where you tell it is when you perform the sync.


Steps to Sales and Marketing alignment : 

Step 1: Define company strategy and goals...

Step 2: Define buyer personas and appropriate messaging...

Step 3: Agree on a shared Sales and Marketing pipeline and content distribution...

Step 4: Implement a culture of collaboration...

Step 5: Place CRM at the heart of your business.


Why is sales and marketing alignment so important?

Sales and marketing alignment is potentially the largest opportunity for improving business performance today. When marketing and sales teams unite around a single revenue cycle, they dramatically improve marketing return on investment (ROI), sales productivity, and, most importantly, top-line growth.

What is marketing and sales alignment?

Sales and marketing alignment is a shared system of communication, strategy, and goals that enable marketing and sales to operate as a unified organization. Working together, aligned teams can deliver high-impact marketing activities, boost sales effectiveness, and ultimately grow revenue.


Sales and marketing misalignment is extremely common, and companies with divided sales and marketing teams that function separately are putting themselves at a disadvantage. Both your marketing and sales teams have the same goal of driving sales and revenue, so it is crucial to keep them in sync. Sales and marketing alignment is potentially the largest opportunity for improving business performance today. When marketing and sales teams unite around a single revenue cycle, they dramatically improve marketing return on investment (ROI), sales productivity, and, most importantly, top-line growth.

The silos between sales and marketing departments are a long-standing issue throughout every industry. The problem with misaligned sales and marketing teams is the inefficient processes that arise, ultimately wasting time creating content without a clear objective. In fact, the Content Marketing Institute reports that 60 to 70% of B2B content is never used because the subject topics are irrelevant to the buyer's audience. Meanwhile, 79% of marketing leads never convert due to a failure to nurture consumer connections (HubSpot). If both teams were on the same page, all that work would be less likely to go to waste.

Continue reading our blog posts Comments Share Thoughts and stay tuned.....



Jun 6, 2022

How to BEST Agile in a changing Post Pandemic & Ukraine Russia War

An approach for SMEs to becoming Agile in a dynamic Post Pandemic & Ukraine Russia War to survive. 

The main focus on

What is the importance of an agile Approach in Sales, Marketing, and Team Building in this changing world to sustain?  

Business Economy Environment Society Politics Working Environment is Dynamic and ever-changing.  Overcome the dynamic situation to co-opt with the changes shortly through an agile practice.  Business is a going concern and continuous revenue goal to drive to transform the life cycle.

“Since no one knows what the world will look like in the future, even the near future, Agile organizations use the ability to learn and adapt. Scientific thinking is exactly that: a process of deliberately engaging reality with the intent of learning.”


Alarming uncertainty due to Post pandemic and Russia - Ukraine WAR era…inflation may lead to uncertain buying power and unemployment situation might cause next… business has to cut your coat according to your cloth…the simple math of the time


Corporate and multinational companies always have their backup plans.  Moreover, they manipulate state power to invade IRAQ Libya Ukraine to loot and manage… can do and undo anything from hoarding (the recent Bangladesh scenario) to creating the caustic situation to catch the fish out of muddy water…  


But SMEs can’t … they don’t have backup and manipulating powers!?
They are the first responders in this regard to overcome the situation.    


COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent Russia-Ukraine war brought forward the Agility. This is not about agile scrum management. Talking about, Agile = A practical application of scientific thinking.

Teams and organizations can use scientific thinking to help them set and achieve goals even though the path can’t be fully known ahead of time.


Helping employees develop scientific thinking empowers them to solve problems and make decisions

While a basic example, this is the defining characteristic of business agility—embracing a culture change of disruption of normal working processes and using technology to help you improve your productivity, cut unnecessary costs, and improve your product and service. 

  1. Using technology to help you improve your productivity
  2. Cut unnecessary costs
  3.  And improve your product and service.

Using the tech and automation apps 24/7 improves productivity…

Distractions are the primary reason for reduced productivity in a team. The team loses focus because of these distractions and cannot really justify why they delivered lower than normal productivity.

Unnecessary Unprofessional Manpower or Team recruitment to cut unnecessary cost by choosing Talented Creative Innovative Productive individuals that improves the products and services indeed.


What does being agile in the workplace mean?

Agile working is about bringing people, processes, connectivity and technology, time, and place together to find the most appropriate and effective way of working to carry out a particular task. It is working within guidelines (of the task) but without boundaries (of how you achieve it).

  1.  Bringing people and Processes
  2. Connectivity and technology
  3. Time and place together to find the most appropriate and effective way of working to carry out a particular task.


Choosing Talented Creative Innovative Productive individuals and Creating SOP standard operating process to reduce repetitive works automation that Time and place together to find the most appropriate and effective way of working to carry out a particular task.


An approach to becoming Agile in a dynamic world

Helping employees develop scientific thinking empowers them to solve problems and make decisions

Overall- the tech and business world is dynamic and ever-changing too. To co-opt and keep ahead of time and competition agile working skills are always appropriate.


Key Skills are:

  1. An ability to cut through unnecessary work and focus only on essential work.
  2. Sound judgment under pressure and the ability to remain calm under stress.
  3.  Strong motivation and coaching skills to guide and support teams throughout a project.


Definition of agile principles:

Their manifesto outlined a set of key principles, which are designed to ensure companies prioritize the right things; namely: customer satisfaction, collaboration, communication, adapting to change, and more.

This is a Digital Darwinism: Survival of the Fittest in the Age of Business Disruption and agile Marketing

To transform and sustain in the market is the FOCUS of all. How do we sustain in the market: Human Centricity?


The End HUMAN is the king of marketing or Human-centric Marketing!

The humanization process of marketing is the ultimate focus of time. Let’s TALK about…

HOW does marketing features the business to humans?

Marketing professionals are Human to customers are human: flesh and blood.

Numerous Tools, Tech, and apps are used in marketing by human hands. Ultimate drivers and game-changer HUMAN converts to LEAD sales … B2B B2C whatever


This is a data and analytics-driven marketing world, Guessing and emotional decision-making days are gone.

Are you’re marketing strategies taking advantage of the massive leaps in technological innovation to reach your customers when—and where—it matters?

In today’s hyper-personalized world the human effort required to craft truly personalized, large-scale marketing and advertising have made it virtually impossible to target buyers with surgical-like precision.

Thanks to artificial intelligence, however, we now have the tools to do just this—making it easier than ever to find, connect with, and convert prospects.

Just as importantly, artificial intelligence is allowing for the streamlining of marketing processes, lifting the prohibitive costs that once impeded efforts to enhance 1:1 communication and individualized content.

The ultimate game-changer is HUMAN. Data-driven or AI featured decision making and their implementation is done by humans.


Strategic marketing: SEO strategy, Content Strategy, Social Media Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing strategy…. Some total consist of strategies and to LEAD requires TEAM WORKS- “HUMANS” to transform a business through the purposeful drive to add 5Ps- purpose to make money…the ultimate goal…

We live in a noisy world. Nowadays to stand out as a brand you either have to offer an unparalleled customer experience or become a really engaging storyteller or both.

We live in an age rich with invaluable data that offers brands and businesses a wealth of insight into the thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires of their target audience. And these insights are invaluable to the ongoing success of any organization.

But, with a wealth of metrics available readily at our fingertips, it’s all too easy to focus on the data alone and move away from one of the most important elements of any successful digital marketing campaign: the human aspect.


The marketing executives and customers both are human. Marketing strategy and customers= human convert to revenue. 

This is connecting and online age. People are heading to online presence searching, inquiring, and looking for places, products, and services. Here SEO SEM and Content come first.


All you need to know about CONTENT MARKETING. My main (major) subject matter is SEO content. How to create? Its importance in Digital Social Media Marketing, Inbound and outbound marketing Plus more…


So SMEs must be well versed and fully equipped to drive sales and revenue…


How sales are the life of any business


Sales are the bottom line of any business that infuses blood into the whole organ. Through operations, it works as Lifeline to transform the whole process into the blood to attain GOAL ROI …. +X

Commit Your Agile Marketing Team to Sales Support. Sales are the ultimate goal and bottom line of marketing. Marketing is the BRAIN and SALES is the Hands to drive brain goal, so nothing to conflict with marketing and sales. All the matter of collaboration and collaborative TEAM playing


The second wave of digital marketing was sparked by the rise of social media…

Today, the technology exists to help build a complete picture of each customer in…

With this kind of non-stop access, combined with consumer power in sharing…

Social media interactions; Recognize the audience; Mix up old and new marketing strategies




The matter; is how SEO and social media work together. In short Social Media Management… know-how

Human-Centered Marketing uses a combination of research, empathy, design-thinking, and an agile mindset along with creating business alignment across marketing, sales, product, and engineering because the humans on the inside matter just as much as prospects and customers.

Customer satisfaction comes through a standby company policy- customer first or treated as the customer is KING! Marketing is the total of communications HONEYMOON results. How to make customers more happy Fall in Love with YOU


To make customers fall in love with you easily we have to thoughts each and every aspect of reaching out to the customers and their satisfaction. First and foremost the pitches come first.  


How Good pitches tell a story, but the best pitches make it more personal that Sales. Personalized HELP and relationship Building and 80:20 Rules redefined in this agile world situation. Alarming uncertainty due to Post pandemic and Russia - Ukraine WAR era…due to inflation uncertain buying power and employment situation next… we have to cut our coat according to our cloth…is the simple math?!


Secondly the relationship building

Relationship marketing refers to the marketing strategy of cultivating more meaningful relationships with customers to ensure long-term satisfaction and brand loyalty. Relationship marketing isn't about short-term wins or sales transactions — instead, it focuses on delighting customers for the long haul.

Overall Agility is the matter in marketing and a Team is our main topic to win and overcome the dynamic situation.


What skills would an Agile team need?

Communication Collaboration Time Management/ Planning Thinking Conflict Management Dealing with Change/ Flexibility Decision making Teamwork/ Teambuilding Handling stress Problem-Solving Leadership Diplomacy

Agile Methodology has come a long way in recent decades as companies started implementing it in their organizations. In the recent state of Agile survey, most of the respondents have seen significant benefits in their revenue and other factors after the implementation of Agile in their company.


Agile Marketing Teams are Happier

The individuals on those teams become more satisfied, loyal, and innovative. Agile marketers engage more in their work because they have control over it. Agile marketing can transform your marketing department, making it easier to build and maintain a team that makes marketing magic. A satisfied, Loyal and innovative TEAM is a long-term asset for the company retained. Frequent migration of team members might cause system loss due to trained manpower flying. Think of Your Secrecy, Policy also leaks and flown too.    


How would you adapt yourself to an agile and dynamic work environment?

Here are some tips.

(1)  Respond positively to changing requirements. ...

(2)  Offer customers as much flexibility as possible. ...

(3)  Use short “sprints” to deliver value quickly. ...

(4)  Simplicity–the art of maximizing the amount of work not done–is essential.

(5)  How do you demonstrate agility in the workplace



Agile methods can improve the performance of TEAM, Sales & Marketing, and branding. Company Team and Customer Loyalty Retention come through it and give a brand voice in the long run to drive ROI and sustainable growth. Human centricity is a must. The customer and Marketing TEAM both is HUMAN. And SMEs should have to focus greatly. Humanitarian aspects of management to be considered, implement, and exercised for the sustainable development of culture …

1.    Making sales is the uptime goal. Agile skills should be providing personalized HELP. The Pareto Principle (80:20 Rule) for Customer Success. 80:20 Rules to foster a Friendly Loyal long-term relationship with the customer which drives 25-55% more revenue than new acquisition.  Use the 80-20 Rule to Increase Sales and Leverage your Business. Customer retention is most important in ROI…

2.    Data analytics Automation apps driven team and marketing SEO SEM Content Personalized Sales Pitch and SEO and Social media targeted marketing… all should be mobile friendly and optimized… 

3.    Studies suggest that consumers are 53% more likely to engage with a business they can contact in real-time - a testament to the vital importance of personal connections in today’s hyper-connected digital age. Messenger and WhatsApp friendly Chabot social media CSM and CRM

4.    Overall- Agile Team Agile Marketing and Agility practice throughout the life cycle of the Marketing process to co-opt with the dynamic teach and marketing

May 23, 2022

How Good pitches tell a story, but the best pitches make it personal that Sale

This is a communication and connecting age. Everything everybody heading to online connecting and communicating, Network building, pitching, and negotiating skills. 

This is the best time to learn how to confidently show your edge and strengths to convince that communicate well. Our ultimate goal is to Generate Leads and Create value…Sales!

Or in other words information age- to present online through the website, blogs or social media profiles, pages, community, groups, Meetups, and so on
Personal, Products and services

The power of pitch 24/7 floating on the network online and look at the real-time history and outcome! How Good pitches tell a story, but the best pitches make it personal that Sale.


Like to think of each post as a small salesperson travelling through the alleys of LinkedIn to learn talking to everyone he meets. He is soft spoken and intriguing but also convincing a different type of way…”

Myth- In His absence, LinkedIn posts do the jobs by reaching out to people and convincing them to work with SEOSOUKthis is 24/7 revenue generation online while you are sleeping or otherwise engage. Outcome and beauty of Productivity, generate more XXX ROI AUTO

Special Thanks to Mr. Kishore that his post on Digital marketing Group Dubai unlocks my windows as an inspiration to create 2 posts after 3 months of deadlock!! His post not only creates the sale but also a source of positive energy that inspires me...

Communicating through Text, Pitches, Pictures, Audio, Videos, and Ads all are content or information to reach out to the (targeted) Readers, Audience, Customers, and Traffic.

Social Media Networks and Groups members are notified when members create any posts and blogs and website posts come through SE provide SERP upon VOICE or Keyword text SEARCH.

You have to heat the target and the target must have to E-A-T the content or information first for them by them.

We need to eat to live. And so does your website, social media, and ad content. Otherwise dead content!

We are using SEARCH through voice or text… that generates SERP to present through it… 1 to 10 each… ranked basis… Social Media Facebook and LinkedIn all other SM Also a Search Engines too…

The E-A-T acronym stands for ExpertiseAuthority, and Trust, and was created by Google to use a range of signals to see how trustworthy your content is and to measure how much trust it should place in a brand

Each of these three words represents a measurement of a business’s right to be considered a leader in their field, no matter what industry or niche they may fall into.

Google is using each of these three metrics to measure the expertise, authoritativeness, or trustworthiness of a website, the website’s page content (on a URL by URL basis), and the content creator.

Another important matter is that content should be Unique New Create Value Personalized that loved by audiences and Google AI boot too. Optimization is another single most important issue How to BOOST | YOUR SEO Traffic | with perfectly optimized contents


How do you pitch or content effectively?

5 Tips for Delivering an Effective Pitch or content for your good and Services:

1.    Tell a personal story. Good pitches tell a story, but the best pitches make it personal. ...

2.    Explain the opportunity and risks. ...

3.    Show the change your service will create. ...

4.    Answer the question, why you and not someone else? ...

5.    Above all, remember your audience.

How to Make a Sales Pitch

1.       Make it short.

2.       Make it clear.

3.       Explain who your customers are.

4.       Explain the problem they're facing.

5.       Explain how your product addresses their needs.

6.       Describe what success will look like as a result of using your product.


What makes good sales pitch?


Be sure your pitch includes thorough research and solves a customer problem. It should also address potential sales objections that may come up ahead of time, if possible. The most common sales objections fall into four buckets: budget, authority, need, and time (also known as BANT)


What are the 2 key factors of a successful sales pitch?

4 Essential Elements of a Powerful Sales Pitch 

  • Reach Out With A Personal Message. Make your message feel personal, so prospects see it isn't another generic marketing pitch. ...
  • Offer Your Prospects A Compelling Solution. ...
  • Show Your Value With Social Proof. ...
  • Follow Up On First Impressions.

Limitations: I have created some bullet points but didn't elaborate on the points to clear. All are common and readily available online...be Googler, easy to know more...


  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC) and customer lifetime value (CLV) are two distinct yet equally pivotal metrics. SEO creates organic traffic out of BEST pitches or content…

  • Value-add pitches are unique, specific, and targeted efforts, rather than a blast of the same old press release pitch to dozens of reporters. At 3Points, we go through three steps to create a value-add pitch: sourcing, framing, and targeting.

  • The more information companies can learn about their current and future customers, the more effective marketing efforts will be. But what digital marketing metrics should businesses track to help stimulate growth?

  1. Traffic Source
  2. Time on site
  3. Engagement
  4. CAC
  5. CLV
  6. Brand Equity