Jun 20, 2022

How to align marketing and sales to secure High growth in annual revenue

Generating revenue through Sales and marketing that infuse blood into the organ. I say sales and marketing are the HEART of any company and business that INFUSE blood.

I always love Interested in sales and marketing. Sales and Marketing are the bottom lines of any company and business. 

In our body, so many organs work to produce blood in a synchronized way. Synchronization is the matter. But there is a conflict in blood cells between red and white blood. Is this a conflict or Friction? This is a race to reach out to the center. Central deviation that generates Life circulation Electron and Proton creates electricity. I might say it competition to reach out to the center.

We see in the shallow engine there is a big and solid wheel. When it starts rotating that creates more motion forward and circulation due to the velocity of running that generate power and saves fuel consumption. Speed and running generate more movements and movements create power. Engine starts the using whole power to rotate the ROUTER WHEEL first. When starting release the engine from heavy lifting and oil consumption and use of power.  The Wheel makes it easy and secures smooth rerunning out of circulation. SO MOTION IS POWER.

The mission is power, not emotion. No friction or conflict between sales and marketing. A likes hand and legs of a body. Marketing is the leg of the plan to move and Hands catch out, Lead, generate, and divert customers into revenue. Hangs are the gripper we called the sales.  

Same in the case of sales and marketing- When sales and marketing bury the proverbial hatchet, they enjoy a shorter sales cycle, better overall ROI, easier marketing attribution, and happier customers.

Aberdeen Research reports that companies that are best-in-class at aligning marketing and sales enjoy an average of 20% growth in annual revenue. Laggard organizations, in the meantime, experience a 4% decline in annual revenue.

When sales and marketing bury the proverbial hatchet, they enjoy a shorter sales cycle, better overall ROI, easier marketing attribution, and happier customers.

Like most of the problems that modern marketing encounters, a commitment to Agile processes and principles can help solve the sales/marketing alignment conundrum.

Brand awareness, content marketing, social media engagement—these long-term marketing initiatives are unlikely to create immediate sales, but they’re nonetheless key to a successful marketing strategy.

Similarly, both teams squabble over the quality and quantity of leads that come in.

Commit Your Agile Marketing Team to Sales Support.

Life hacking to survive #FloodinBangladesh

As a Marketer, we are way out of Digital Darwinism: Survival of the Fittest in the Age of Business Disruption and agile Marketing to save us. 

But agile methods can improve the performance of product development, marketing mix, and brand marketing as well, by providing more frequent feedback, allowing for testing and iterating of ideas and communications in the market, and accelerating the process for delivering impact from brand efforts.


There are so many resources online from competent authors and authorities. I just would like to highlight the new upcoming world order. For better understanding you may read the following to draw a conclusion: 

An approach for SMEs to becoming Agile in a dynamic Post Pandemic & Ukraine Russia War to survive. 

Are Your Marketing and Sales Teams on the Same Page?

Throughout the pandemic, businesses have needed to continuously adapt as customer needs and preferences evolve. But that quick adaptation is difficult when the business lacks alignment between the departments that most frequently speak to potential customers: sales and marketing.

When sales and marketing teams aren’t aligned, both suffer: In fact, sales-marketing misalignment is estimated to cost businesses more than $1 trillion each year. Why? This misalignment can lead to a lack of trust and understanding between the two departments, which makes every step of working together more difficult and, therefore, slower. 

A Harvard business review to DOWNLOAD 

"Organizations Need a Dynamic Approach to Teaching People New Skills"

FOBES Magazine post: Alignment is a model. If you sync then that model is adjusted to accommodate where you tell it is when you perform the sync.


Steps to Sales and Marketing alignment : 

Step 1: Define company strategy and goals...

Step 2: Define buyer personas and appropriate messaging...

Step 3: Agree on a shared Sales and Marketing pipeline and content distribution...

Step 4: Implement a culture of collaboration...

Step 5: Place CRM at the heart of your business.


Why is sales and marketing alignment so important?

Sales and marketing alignment is potentially the largest opportunity for improving business performance today. When marketing and sales teams unite around a single revenue cycle, they dramatically improve marketing return on investment (ROI), sales productivity, and, most importantly, top-line growth.

What is marketing and sales alignment?

Sales and marketing alignment is a shared system of communication, strategy, and goals that enable marketing and sales to operate as a unified organization. Working together, aligned teams can deliver high-impact marketing activities, boost sales effectiveness, and ultimately grow revenue.


Sales and marketing misalignment is extremely common, and companies with divided sales and marketing teams that function separately are putting themselves at a disadvantage. Both your marketing and sales teams have the same goal of driving sales and revenue, so it is crucial to keep them in sync. Sales and marketing alignment is potentially the largest opportunity for improving business performance today. When marketing and sales teams unite around a single revenue cycle, they dramatically improve marketing return on investment (ROI), sales productivity, and, most importantly, top-line growth.

The silos between sales and marketing departments are a long-standing issue throughout every industry. The problem with misaligned sales and marketing teams is the inefficient processes that arise, ultimately wasting time creating content without a clear objective. In fact, the Content Marketing Institute reports that 60 to 70% of B2B content is never used because the subject topics are irrelevant to the buyer's audience. Meanwhile, 79% of marketing leads never convert due to a failure to nurture consumer connections (HubSpot). If both teams were on the same page, all that work would be less likely to go to waste.

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