Showing posts with label 21 Century. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 21 Century. Show all posts

Sep 7, 2020

How to make a human impact in a digital world

Hello world of Employers, Hiring managers, Readers and Followers!


Digital Darwinism: Survival of the Fittest in the Age of Business Disruption and agile Marketing

To transform and sustain in the market is the FOCUS of all. 





AN Entrepreneurial DNA- 1983-1997 about 15+ years of traditional track CEO/Founder of 100% Export oriented Printing & Packaging industry.  


1997-2007- about 10+ year’s semi-digitized arena home and abroad… Executive Director, Manager home and abroad…


And 2008- Present about12 years of the digitized track with the niche market, freelancer, virtual service provider, Digital Marketing specialists and Digital marketer Internships, a bunch of online e-learning and certifications 


In total- about 36+ years of a track with sales and marketing, business development plus more… combination of traditional and the digital age: Human Intelligence (HI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), a Mix up of old and new marketing talent.


Thriving- a challenger and love to take the challenges of sales and Digital Marketing.


I have been applying and answering FAQs to these regards and would like to summarize some of my answers to this end for your appraisal:




What is the relationship between human intelligence and artificial intelligence in marketing?


Human intelligence revolves around adapting to the environment using a combination of several cognitive processes. The field of Artificial intelligence focuses on designing machines that can mimic human behavior.

The End HUMAN is the king of marketing.

HOW marketing featured the business to humans?

 Marketing professionals are Human to customers are human: flesh and blood.

Numerous Tools, Tech, and apps are used in marketing by human hands. Ultimate drivers and game-changer HUMAN converts to LEAD sales whatever… B2B B2C whatever

The marketing executives and customers both are human. Marketing strategy and customers= human convert to revenue. 

When comes the question of launching products in the market it is important to research all about the prevailing market condition of the same products, competitor, prices, quality, brand voice, plus more using tools and insights.

Here comes the question AI, data, robotics, copying, thief ting, stealing from others.


Collaborative Intelligence: Humans and AI Are Joining Forces


Humans and machines can enhance each other's strengths. ... 

Artificial intelligence is becoming good at many “human” jobs—diagnosing disease…


The second wave of digital marketing was sparked by the rise of social media…

Today, the technology exists to help build a complete picture of each customer in…

With this kind of non-stop access, combined with consumer power in sharing…


In recent years, the importance of digital marketing has become paramount. ...

While allowing you to benefit from these state-of-the-art technologies greatly

This is most often accomplished through a combination of social media marketing and…

Ways that show you respect them and value them as human beings.

How should businesses create an effective digital marketing strategy without having to compromise human connections?

Social media interactions; Recognize the audience; Mix up old and new marketing strategies


What is human-centric marketing?


Human-centric marketing is defined by brands that approach engaging their current and prospective customers via advertising and marketing tactics as whole human beings with hearts, minds, and spirits,” said Philip Kotler, author of more than 20 marketing books and father of a modern marketing strategy.

Human-Centered Marketing uses a combination of research, empathy, design-thinking, and an agile mindset along with creating business alignment across marketing, sales, product, and engineering because the humans on the inside matter just as much as prospects and customers.



How to make a human impact in a digital world

By 2020 it is estimated that at least 50% of the workforce will be millennials who are tech-savvy individuals and operate quite differently from generations before. They have never known a world without computers or the internet and see digitization as an advantage. They embrace technology and are to a large degree driving its implementation. Already AI systems are being incorporated into many aspects of businesses including data analytics and customer service.

Does this mean that in the future the remainder of the workforce will be made up of robots?

As technology gets more deeply integrated into our daily lives and in business operations, many people are asking the questions; what does the future of work look like?

What impact will technology have on organizational cultures, customer behavior, and people interactions?

And how can these technologies are used to enhance business operations and customer experiences?

The Impact of Technology

Technology brings with it many advantages and opportunities if it is implemented in a way that seeks to complement and enhance the workforce rather than simply replace it. There are many tasks that robots can complete with greater efficiency and accuracy then humans, but there are also other tasks in which humans simply cannot be replaced.

Customers may enjoy the efficiency offered by technology, but when there’s a glitch that they cannot resolve themselves, more often than not they reach out to another human to help them.

The impact of technology and its changing effect on the marketplace is something that businesses will need to adapt to. And keeping the human element in this increasingly digital world is going to be vital if businesses hope to create better employee engagement and customer experiences.

The working environment is rapidly changing as technology becomes more affordable, more advanced, and more personal.  Customers expect better access to information, products, and services and because they know the data is freely available, they want all of that with a personal touch.  For employees there is an increased level of complexity, but therein lies the opportunity. Technology can help in finding more efficient ways to do things.


The Human Touch: Achieve Humanization in A Digital Marketing World


As people, we trust other people more than machines. We know this, yet in marketing, we rely so heavily on a digital world to create marketing campaigns despite knowing that human interaction would win every time! In an online space, how can we get across that feeling of face-to-face interaction, marketing to buyers on a level that goes beyond screen-deep?

  • How you can implement a “human” approach to benefit band awareness and lead generation
  • How humanization can protect the future of your marketing strategy


The good news is as businesses start to realize that a human touch in the customer journey is critical, we will soon see a shift from automation being a gatekeeper to being a facilitator.


Competencies and character qualities will become much more important. In the digital age, we will need qualities such as curiosity, empathy, adaptability, and emotional agility. With these qualities, workers can add value to the use of smart automation.


The customer retention definition in marketing is the process of engaging existing customers to continue buying products or services from your business. The best customer retention tactics enable you to form lasting relationships with consumers who will become loyal to your brand. Customer-centricity helps you to build trust and loyalty of your customers, but also a solid reputation


How Marketing Technology Enables Brands To Be More Human

Automation in marketing can be a really great option for any business—as long as it’s implemented well. Freeing marketers from the more mundane and repetitive tasks that sometimes come along with the job, allow them more time to focus on the bigger picture. But don’t think you can “let the machines do the talking”—sloppy, boring or even “robotic” feeling marketing is rarely effective, especially in the modern digital era where speed and pin-pointed relevance is crucial to the survival of any kind of company. There’s simply no room for mediocrity when it comes to appealing to customers and automating too much destroys the human engagement factor vital to a successful digital marketing strategy.

Automating The Human Experience

Automated marketing technology can improve the entire scope of the marketing experience by leveraging new concepts that change how businesses engage with customers. Understanding big data—especially new sources of customer information from the Internet of Things (IoT), social media usage, user-generated content, and the use of sensors—will undoubtedly produce opportunities for effective and useful automated processes. And while the entire concept of big data relies on sound analytics to ensure the collection of information is utilized to its greatest effect, and automating the process should seem like a no-brainer, you still need an experienced—and warm—body to provide the deep thinking and analysis needed to make sense of the numbers.

Marketing automation technology has evolved, and today there are new devices and platforms, marketers should be familiar with, as they can be a lot of help in determining which part of a marketing strategy is actually working: Where in a campaign did consumers engage most effectively, for example, and where should tweaks be made. The time saved and data collected through automation could potentially trigger more brands to spend more time and resources on the most important part of any strategy—their customer base. In fact, if considering using automation, make sure you aren't letting it detract from the customer experience.

Market To Your Customers’ Emotions

Marketers, unfortunately, fail to maximize the human potential of the digital age far too often and see diminishing returns in their strategic initiatives. Automation shares a portion of the guilt in this regard—far too many marketing strategies have relied too heavily on automated processes that destroy the human factor of interacting with customers. A shrewd marketing professional will ensure their automation technology is used to save time on mundane data collection and analytics, without letting it govern the ways they interact with their audience. This, in turn, frees up more resources to be spent on engaging with customers. Creating an individualized approach to marketing with emotionally charged and exciting interactions is vital to staying relevant and valuable to your customers.


The End of Marketing: Humanizing Your Brand in the Age of Social Digital Media and AI- to keep you ahead of…


Are your marketing strategies taking advantage of the massive leaps in technological innovation to reach your customers when—and where—it matters?  

In the arms race that is modern marketing, failure to capitalize on advances in emerging technologies such as AI can result in customer engagement levels far behind your tech-enhanced competitors.  

In today’s hyper-personalized world the human effort required to craft truly personalized, large-scale marketing and advertising has made it virtually impossible to target buyers with surgical-like precision.

Thanks to artificial intelligence, however, we now have the tools to do just this—making it easier than ever to find, connect with, and convert prospects.

Just as importantly, artificial intelligence is allowing for the streamlining of marketing processes, lifting the prohibitive costs that once impeded efforts to enhance 1:1 communication and individualized content.


How you can use a “human” approach to benefit band awareness and lead generation. How humanization can protect the future of your marketing strategy.

Strategic marketing: SEO strategy, Content strategy, Social Media Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing strategy…. Some total consist of strategies and to LEAD requires TEAM WORKS- “HUMANS” to transform a business through purposeful drive to add 5Ps- purpose to make money…the ultimate goal…

We live in a noisy world. Nowadays to stand out as a brand you either have to offer an unparalleled customer experience or become a really engaging storyteller or both.


A)  third highlights that consumers can view brands in ways that are ... the brand's actions,

B)  And how consumers choose to interact with the brand in the future.

C)  Both ... protects customers and makes them feel powerful in overcoming ... Strategic relationship management and service brand marketing.

We live in an age rich with invaluable data that offers brands and businesses a wealth of insight into the thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires of their target audience. And these insights are invaluable to the ongoing success of any organization.

But, with a wealth of metrics available readily at our fingertips, it’s all too easy to focus on the data alone and move away from one of the most important elements of any successful digital marketing campaign: the human aspect.

As competition turns into a game of who can generate the best and greatest number of ideas, creativity scholars are being asked pointed questions about their research. 

·        Studies suggest that consumers are 53% more likely to engage with a business they can contact in real-time - a testament to the vital importance of personal connections in today’s hyper-connected digital age.

·        With so many touchpoints and so much to consider, appealing to the right customers in a way that isn’t viewed as promotional or overly corporate can seem like a colossal challenge. In this article, we explore how to humanize your organization's digital marketing efforts.

·        Today's digital natives crave answers to their questions and solutions to their problems in an instant, which means the ability to spark up conversations and react to your prospects in real-time is an invaluable way to demonstrate your brand’s human side.

·        In the digital realm, people expect a personalized relationship with brands and expect communications that are tailored to their specific queries, curiosities, needs, and problems.

·        By ensuring that every one of your people-facing touchpoints is responsive, providing immediate answers to queries, timely solutions to problems and sharing the right content with the right people, at the right time, you will ultimately forge relationships that will add value to the growth and evolution of your brand.

·        Brand loyalty, and customer retention definition in marketing is the process of engaging existing customers to continue buying products or services from your business.

·        The best customer retention tactics enable you to form lasting relationships with consumers who will become loyal to your brand? Customer-centricity helps you to build trust and loyalty of your customers, but also a solid reputation.

·        ATTRACT, COVERT, and RETAIN – retention is a game-changer. Cheaper to retain existing customers than acquire new ones is the fact. 5% customer retention increase boosts profits by 25% to 95%


In a world where we are being touched by hundreds of brands and adverts every day, how can you build a strong relationship with your consumers?

Through communication tools, and human efforts we can build strong bondage with our customers. Trusted relationships are so important in uncertain times


Last Thoughts

Engaging your customers with a human touch will help build a competitive advantage and one that allows you to learn faster and smarter than the competitors.

Humanization helps brands form real human connections with their customers. While data is integral to the ability to develop and evolve the marketing efforts, making informed decisions that drive growth and evolution, the way in which I can deliver the initiatives will ultimately determine your success.

Take the time to humanize your organization's marketing efforts today to reap the rewards long into the future.


Having a combination of the traditional and digital age: Human Intelligence (HI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), a Mix up of old and new market talent. I can transform your business by performance pro-following 3X ROI…and automation apps to grow 24/7

Innovative leaders are creative visionaries who have big ideas and, most importantly, can motivate people around them to turn those ideas into reality- ultimately the end marketing comes true by the hands of HUMAN touch.

The human touch: achieve humanization in a digital marketing world 

Individuals, teams, and organizations differ in their creative problem-solving styles. I can manage these styles that can have a significant effect on performance.





Aug 31, 2020

The great Entrepreneur and Creative Thinker Professor Muhammad Yunus is my inspiration

Hi, Hiring Manager/Employer /Advertiser/Readers/Followers!

A proter/Entrepreneur/Founder became a job seeker...never mind read the real-time history of mine. Digital savvy corrupt country!  
1 Pillow of Tk-200 became 8000 and one chair of TK-600 Became 600K!!! Due to corruption, I have left my factory in the year 1997 which was under a Govt. bank credit, sold, and recover their loan in the year 2000.


Thriving to hunting a Social Media Marketing, Digital Media Marketing, SEO Content Marketing, Email Marketing, SEO Marketing, Business Development- Strategist, Branding, Sales consultancy, and Startups support situation …

I myself fellow Fan and student of Professor M. YUNUS whose impact my life in boyhood. 

With Professor Muhammad Yunus at his father's, Ziafat MEZBAN (FEAST) at Nazu Meah Hat, and my Chittagong University Batch 78 Masters Economics Department's Fellow student of Dr. M. Yunus and My bosom Friends while they were visiting my house to meet with honorable sir.  Feb 2008 so far 

Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus (born 28 June 1940) is a Bangladeshi social entrepreneur, banker, economist, and civil society leader 

who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for founding the Grameen Bank and pioneering the concepts of microcredit and microfinance. These loans are given to entrepreneurs too poor to qualify for traditional bank loans. In 2006, Yunus and the Grameen Bank were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize "for their efforts through microcredit to create economic and social development from below". The Norwegian Nobel Committee said that "lasting peace cannot be achieved unless large population groups find ways in which to break out of poverty" and that "across cultures and civilizations, Yunus and Grameen Bank have shown that even the poorest of the poor can work to bring about their own development". Yunus has received several other national and international honors. He received the United States Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009 and the Congressional Gold Medal in 2010.

Dr. M. Yunus is my cousin’s son by relation – NEPHEW. We are from the Same Village and belongs to the same birthplace renown south Chittogram locality Nazu Meah Hat

His father Haji Dulla Meah Showdagar was my beloved cousin. I had very good relations and contact with him until dead. From the boy, I was influenced by Dr. Yunus.

In 1968, the NIRIBILI residence builds by his father at the Punchalish Residential Area at Chittagong city. For the inauguration and home party, my father was invited and was accompanied – Dr. Yunus came with a Voxwagn car drive self-drive. That was the first journey trip in my life by car.

Secondly- First-ever drink Coca-Cola at the party

Thirdly- First-ever watch waki–talkie film of construction and 

Fourthly- Dr. Yunus established Printing Packaging Industry “Pakistan Packages” after independence which was named as “Packages corporation” I was greatly inspirited by this an industry which became my dream comes true in the year 1993- I had established “Desh Packages Ltd.”, Printing and Packaging. The difference is that Packages Corporation - a Cardboard box and mine was both Cardboard and Corrugated paper box.

Dr. Younus lives in the town center, occasionally or yearly comes to enjoy and met villagers and relatives on EID_FEATIVALS. So no such intimacy with him like his father and other brothers. However- he was and is my ICON…his family and his influence in life greatly.

Desh Packages Ltd., Chittagong, Bangladesh, Managing Director/Founder, Sep 1993 - April 1997
·         A B2B 100% export-oriented Ind.: Printing Packaging & Converting Industry from greenfield to Op
·          Sourcing Procurement, Strategic Plan. Sales Marketing Operations Admin to Finance, HRM, Management 
·         Export shipment Documentation Commercial B2B Buyer Bank handling, one-on-one, Calling, Email & Marketing 

A Few Affiliations Won: 

  • Founder and President- Chittagong University Student Association'78 Feb 2003 Present
  • Assistant General Secretary and founder- Bangladesh Corrugated Carton Manufacturing and Exporters Association, Central Committee Dhaka 1991-1993
  • General Secretary and founder- Bangladesh Corrugated Carton Manufacturing and Exporters Association, Chittagong Regional Committee, Porbokon office, East Nasirabad, Chittagong.1988-1993
  • General Secretary- National Association of Small and Cottage Industries Association, Chittagong District Committee, Chittagong, Bangladesh- 1988-1993

After completion of my Masters from the University of Chittagong, I didn't run for a job. I was determined from an early age to be an entrepreneur. The job consists of taking bribes unethical issues. Reasons why I never think of...

But after 15 years of managing the industry faces so many govt. thieves and corruption. My mind revolt and left all achievement because of govt.  40 branches of thieves, and ALI Baba myself at large on Facebook 

In the year 1997 lay of my factory and went to the United Arab Emirates taken a Factory manager Job 


Baba Home, Chittagong, Bangladesh, Blogger Freelancer Virtual Marketing Consultant, Feb 2008 – Present  

·         Admin support Social Media  HTML, XML simple Design Content Development  CMS PR Digital Marketer Strategist

Money Mouth Marketing | Atlanta, GA USA, Digital Marketing Specialist, Aug 2019 – Nov 2019

·         Organic Growth to Paid, Deep Dive Research Strategic-Plan, Admin support, Data Mining, Group Take over

·         Lead Gen, CVJ Funnel- Lead magnet, Tripe Wire Sale, Core offer to Profit Maximizer CRM, EM, SEO SEM

Noapara University College, Chittagong, Bangladesh, Contact Lecturer, Aug 2017 – Mar 2018

·         In charge Accounting Dept.; Accounting and ICT Honors in course, Management, Marketing, Banking-Insurance, Taxation Lab Practical ICT Audio Visual Class, Examiner, 

·         Set up a Students club, counseling students to maximize collegiate Attendance and guardian participation to have better communication and sturdy managing through student CLUB

Aziz Garments Ltd., Chittagong, Bangladesh, Executive Director, Nov 2013 – July 2016

·         100% export-oriented garment Ind. of 500 HR: oversees Operations Marketing Finance Admin

·         Bank Commercial  Documentation B2B Buyer, Pricing, Negotiation, One-on-one, calling Emailing

·         BMRE project proposal and works links here:   

·         Contribution works and projects document samples:

Kutubdia Technical & BM College, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, Principal, Oct 2011 – June 2013

·         12 grade College Head, Governing body GS as an ex-officio, Attended all govt. offices, E. Board

·         Manage all curriculum, academic calendar extracurricular activities staff & Exam Centre Mgt.                                                                             

Hazera Taju University College, Chittagong-4212, Bangladesh, Cont Lecturer, Feb 2008 – Sept 2011

·         Accounting & ICT Honors in-course: Principles of Accounting, Financial Accounting, Taxation,

·         Corporate Law and Practice, Computer in Business, ICT, Tutorial, Projects, Exams, Club

Chowddagram Chemical Ind. Ltd., Cumilla, Bangladesh, Executive Director, Mar 2005 – Sept 2006

50 TPD Sodium Silicate Mfg. Ind. Oversees Prod to overall F&A, Marketing all admin, operation as CEO

Corrg sheet Packaging Ind. Ltd., Chittagong, Bangladesh- Executive Director, April 2002 – Dec 2004

·         B2B 4.5 TPD 100% Export oriented Cartoon- Prod to overall Finance and Admin, Marketing

·         A lay off Sick overdue bank loan, reschedule, Operations, Recover, Maid Feasible Paid Bank loan

·         Shifted a 4500 to 20,000 Floor Space production facility as BMRE Capacity & Sales building 

New pack L.L.C., Sharjah, U.A.E, Factory Manager, May 1997- Dec 2000

·         B2B 4.5 TPD 100% Export base Paper box Ind. 75 HRM, Operations, Procurements, Sales & Marketing

·         Sick factory RED to GREEN Bank Fig. Project Proposal, BMRE Semi-Auto Machine import, Installation, Prod. 

·         My contribution & significant works here:  

Umm al Qaiwain Paper Products, Port Rashid FZE, UAQ, U.A.E, Factory Manager, Feb 22001- May 2000

A 12 TPD recycles Paper mills and paper bags Manufacturing Factory: oversees total Operations, B2B Marketing

In search of TRANSPARENT/WHITE INCOME visited Japan USA UK and 20+ other countries of the globe. 

Still in searching through freelancing Virtual WORKING from Home Work-Life-HOME Balance to earn living from the comfort of my home or relocate

A Book & street SMART Seasoned Professional WON 36 years TRACK- CEO Executive Director Manger,  LED B2B 100% Export Oriented Manufacturing Ind. Sales & Marketing, Strategic Planning Managing overall  to transformed my skills into revenue by performance KPIs ROI add X factors to bring the changes: 

  •  I sleep, eat, and breathe Digital. It is in my DNA- I LIVES AND BREATHS IN, OBSESSED INTERACTIVE TECH SOCIAL DIGITAL-SAVVY TRENDSETTER. Plan Strategy Data-Driven crucial to the success
  • Results-oriented  with a strong background in strategic sales and Marketing  Creative & critical thinking
  • Customer GOAL Focused Do-Follower Go-getter Quick CO-Opt in Challenging Dynamic situation. Empathetic TEAM PLAYER – consistent and foster psychology motivated environment events Training
  • Mastery of a diverse set of skills: Educational Technical Soft Hard Specialized skills for a niche industry, Managerial, Leadership, interpersonal Communication Skills
  • Won agility and 'de facto' working practice which underpins the way, everyone approaches to achieve goals.
  • Tours & Travel: Japan, USA, UK, Malaysia, KSA, UAE, and 20+ Countries and I always think the global vision



Critical Thinking Skills: Adaptable Artistic Creative Critical observer Desire to learn Flexible Innovative Logical + out of box thinker Problem solver Research Resourceful Uncertainty Tolerance Troubleshooting

Leadership Skills: Conflict Mgt. & Resolution Deal & Decision Delegation Dispute Inspiring Motivating People Meeting Talent & Team Mgt. Facilitation Giving clear feedback Mentoring Successful coaching Supervising

Positive Attitude Skills: Confidence Cooperative Patience Energetic Enthusiastic Eager Friendliness Honesty

Teamwork Skills: Accepting feedback Collaborative CS CX Dealing with difficult personalities & situations Emotional intelligence Empathy Establishing relationships Interpersonal skills Influencer Networking Perusing Self-awareness Sociable Teambuilder

Work Ethics Skills:  Attentive Competitiveness Dedication Dependability Do-Follower Self-Starter Meeting deadlines Multitasking Perseverance Persistence Proper business etiquette Punctual Reliable Resilience Results-orientation Scheduling Self-monitoring Focused on task Strategy Time Mgt. Scalable Working well under pressure

Computer & Technology Skills: Microsoft Office Suite G-Suites and Apps HTML Analytics

Social & DMM Platforms Skills: Major Facebook, LinkedIn Twitter CMS Blogger WordPress +++

Communication & Digital Skills: Fluency in written & spoken English, Emailing, Skype, Zoom, Meet, MailChimp.

 Precision digital approach: B2B SEO Content Writing, Blog & SMM drive traffic, Funnel Building Lead Gen to Sales

Analytical Skills: Statistical Analysis, Data mining, Resource Mgt., use of data to explore decision making

Marketing Skills: SEO SEM Local SEO EM CM MCM CRM Google Analytics Ads Facebook Ads Manager

Technical skills: CANVA, Grammarly, Hemingway Editor, G-Suite, Gmail, Goggle Apps, Google WebMaster Tools, Google Keyword Planner, Google Search Console, MS Suite, HubSpot CRM & CMS, Moz, BuzzSummo, Aheref, Google Text Ads, FaceBook ads, ZOHO, HootSuite QuickBooks online, A/R, A/P, Bookkeeping, Accounting Financial Ratio Analysis Excel Docs Drive Sheets Cloud

Multi-tasking & Language Skills: Met deadlines on overlapping projects in a fast-paced agency environment; used project management apps ERP SMEs ZOHO Wrike Arabic Bengali English Hindi Urdu



Accomplishment 1,  Entrepreneurial DNA- Scratch to Existence, Palming Managing overall Sales, Marketing, perusing negotiating, Founded- a small venture of $ 10K in a 2000 Sft. Room to $500M  Industry of 2100 Sft floor.   

Accomplishment 2, Consultancy and Challenging restructuring, BMRE Project, Strategic Sales, and Marketing, Manage overdue loan burden, Sick and lay off companies back to sustain and feasible block to over $500 M in sales Accomplishment 3, 100-500 HRM Admin Buyer Handling Financial planning experience, I’ve maintained over 200 client relationships while helping develop, and eventually managing the company’s CRM system.

Accomplishment 4, BMRE project proposal and works links here:   

About my contribution, works and projects document samples here:

Accomplishment 5, a sick factory managed RED-GREEN Bank Fig. Project BMRE New Semi-auto Machine import, Installation, operation, my contribution & significant works here:

Accomplishment 6, Set up a Students club, counseling students to maximize collegiate Attendance and guardian participation to have better communication and sturdy managing through student CLUB

 Accomplishment 6, All Export order comes through L/Cs. Project management  under batch  or Production work order, Ensure quality on-time production and shipment, Commercial, Documentation with banks for negotiation consists of strict follow up Feedback  Supervision, Meeting conducted throughout my carrier


Certificates, awards, badges, and industry-recognized credentials

·         Hubspot Academy Content Marketing Certified

·         The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Certificate Exam from Google

·         Money Mouth Marketing Specialist Certificate of Completion:

·         Digital Marketing Apprenticeship Certificate: 

·         Completed the course How To Build a Sales Funnels using ClickFunnels on 09/23/2019 here:

·         Udemy Certificate of completion- SEO in 2020- See What’s Working Today:

·         Udemy Certificate: How to run Digital Marketing Ad Using Google Adwords Express:

·         Drive Advertising Revenue with Google Ad Manager- Passed:

·         Completed course How to drive traffic, generate leads and sales with TAGON here:

·         Facebook Blueprint: Certificate of Completion Business Manager:

·         Certifications to Credit: • BSCIC ILO ABD organized Course: On "DOCUMENTATION" at home 1992

·         NPO certification course: on "Productivity and its measurement" Under the ministry of Ind., Dhaka, Bangladesh Feb 91

·         PBAE-1 Entrepreneurship Scholarship Training course On Total Quality Control from AOTS, Tokyo Japan April- May 1990


"Honesty is the best policy". We are all working to earn living whether an owner/employer or employee. But different in pronounce "Profit" "Wages" "Salary" generated income shares by all stakeholders.

  • We are all must be entrepreneurial-minded positive passionate to transform sustainable business growth.
  • To be our own boss do-follow and ever LEARNER to opt with dynamic ever-changing teach and Biz world we must be creative passionate. 
  • Every stakeholder must be honest empathetic to each other to foster a better friendly environment grow where efficiency integrity works ethics evaluate and judge 

Let's think of Professor Mohammad Yunus's and hope for the best to have employment for all. Let's try out our level best to manage profitable ventures to creates more jobs to face the POST COVID-19 PANDEMIC unemployment situation to overcome. 

Wishing a wonderful journey to grow with an esteem organization to keep my performance .... to drive revenue KPIs ROI by adding X factor

Cheers and Best wishes


Nazu Meah Showdagar (Marchant), the Grandfather of Yunus Founder Nazu Meah Hat