Showing posts with label Career. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Career. Show all posts

Jan 1, 2023

How an Effective Communication in career and business a key to success

Communication is the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using another medium. Means of sending or receiving information requires skills to have meaningful communication. 

Your knowledge can help you inject effective communication to transform a relationship or business.

This is not simply dumping a message like spam to send to the spam folder or delete forever but to drive, connect building a meaningful relationship a key to success.

Forming good relationships at work through positive communication can make you happier and more productive

The ability to communicate with people both inside and outside your organization is a key characteristic of successful business builders.


Why communication is considered the human connection to Personal Career and Business success?

Communication skills involve listening, speaking, observing, and empathizing. It is also helpful to understand the differences in how to communicate through face-to-face interactions, phone conversations, and digital communications, like email and social media, blogs, websites, Newsletters, Resume, Cover letters, Press Release, Webinar likewise financial statements, Reports or love letters whatever…   

Overall – communication is the key matter of professional skills set how to communicate.

Easy Authentic un-common Personalized Impressive Honest and trustworthy content that always attracts.

So, Communication is the art and science of Creating Presenting Publishing information to drive goals.

In Business Communication Marketing Promotion Branding Driving Traffic converting to Sales and maintaining loyal long relationships requires people’s skills to have journey mapping to drive success out of CX design experience.

CX- Customer experience (CX) refers to how a business engages with its customers at every point of its buying journey—from marketing to sales to the customer. CX concentrates on the customer. And its behavior in maintaining meaningful creative relationships.  

Final words- Conclusion:

Effective communication is the key to success in business because it mitigates the negative effects of misunderstandings and is the foundation for excellence in sales, marketing, management, and collaboration — all central aspects of running a business.

And an Executive with the right communication skill set transforms a business that generates revenue and infuses blood into the organ, in the long run. The business is running on a going concern concept. 

(Moments clip out of year-ending eve Post Marriage reception of a Daughter of Chittagong University Alumni Association'78 friend...)

Best wishes and Happy NY 2023... continue reading blog posts and comments and share thoughts to stay tuned.

Dec 26, 2022

Open to Work- A Job Seeker: Why Do I Want An Opportunity – Not A Job?

Teach and business dynamic and agile the world has to change- radically. “The traditional yellow brick road to success and financial security has imploded.” this is, a new broader free digital world order!  

To succeed we need to change the way the world is working now. If you are unemployed, underemployed, or want to take control of your financial future, you have to think of strategies to thrive in the new world.

Simple Definition of job. : The work that a person does regularly to earn money. : a duty, task, or function that someone or something has. : Something that requires very great effort.

Opportunity.:  A good chance for advancement or progress


We live in a materialistic fast-paced world. Looking for a shortcut to fulfill our needs.  Where we don't have much guidance or coaching when shaping our careers.


Mostly, the job title and money matter more than career development and growth. This is a common legacy and most likely we are looking for a job, not an opportunity. Then our main focus and aim to pay the bills?

Or to build something different that you and the next generation will be proud of?

Decide what matters most to you. Short-term gain or long-term benefit?

Have you thought about the difference between working for someone else and working to build for yourself?  What does that mean?

A good chance for advancement or progress always matters to me.

I am always going for long-term benefits.

When you love what you do and constantly grow and learn that’s how you excel in your career. You will probably never see anyone getting bored with an opportunity. In a job, you will deliver what you know but in an opportunity, you will get a chance to learn what you don’t know.

I am an ever learner and always love to learn from my mistakes along with continuous improvements.

Anyone can make money, but very few can make a difference”. Come let’s make a difference together!



What matters to you most?

If the job title and money matter more than career growth or creating a legacy then most likely you are looking for a job and not an opportunity. Is your main focus just to pay the bills? Or to build something which you and the next generation will be proud of?

The opportunity comprises a working environment or space to grow. A huge tree BONSAI on a plate or a SHARK in an Aquarium became a showpiece in a living room.

Limited space…so hinder growth!

Work is more than a paycheck to me. Working space, talented team, and company culture matter to me where development recognition and rewards career…