Showing posts with label Communication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Communication. Show all posts

May 22, 2022

How to Connect, Network, Pitch, Negotiate Share to build spam free GROUP

Communicating, Network building, Pitching and Negotiating Skills. Sharing thoughts honor and empathy to build a Spam free Professional group  "HELP ME HELP YOU" 


My last post was on FEB 23, 2022, Introductory and My Career goal. I was been deep and dump for about 3 months and haven’t created any post. I have been dogging and numbing, thinking and sinking so far… thoughtful of managing a digital marketing job or freelance work permit in the UAE.


Online have much helpful information, people, and tips but are too hard to locate and trace. In this regard, I have joined so many Facebook groups but fad up of spam, floods of unauthentic illusive guilty gold.  


I am trying both govt. ae official site and other private services, and providers. Searching and Researching, connecting through Messenger, WhatsApp, ZOOM, and Email seeking professional HELP through networking too.   


Very recently joined with a Private Group- Digital Marketing Dubai and group created by Kishore Dharmarajan Admin and CEO of SEOSOUK, SEO Souq is the only SEO Agency in the UAE.


I have commented that it is 99.9% Spam free. Indeed- he has been working hard to keep his promise. This is like the queen bee of a Honey Comb. Every post and comment screening segregates the poised and spam ones in the dark! 


I wish you Please never compromise and give it up. My profound thanks and best wisheshe is doing a great novel job to HELP us. I believe in HELP me HELP youand this post to encourage him to continue and let others know all about this groupa gesture of help by good review.  

From this week I am thinking of creating a post on Communicating, Network building, Pitching, and Negotiating Skills.  His following post pitch encourages acceleration and is a great outcome of his post.

I LOVE networking and Groups and have been managing University Alumni, WFH, and Bangladesh Freelancers CLUB... I can't see and manage it spam-free. I know how HARD and sincere he is doing... BIG CLAPS Salute and appreciate him...



In the group currently about 45.5 members, but vibrant and live members are assets for all.

1.   I haven’t gone through the data of how many daily postings and how many active and sleeping members. We have owned the group spirit and rules up

2.   This is an entirely professional group of Digital Marketers. We hand together to help Admin keep the legit work up…keep empathy and honor respect to everybody’s culture, religions, and beliefs untouched. No bullying and Dictating, uttering words- only FUN FREEDOM Passionate HELP ME HELP YOU… we achieve LEARN much from it…  

3.   We must have to share thoughts and comments and write reviews and appreciation on Benevolent Generous works by members, Experts, and Admin Moderators. That way we must be benefited and also group too.   

Jan 10, 2022

How to FOCUS on Communication Skills being a BEST Digital Marketer

This is a communication age. Especially Digital Online marketers must be well-versed in communication to grow their careers. 

Getty image from online

Marketing communication is the backbone, lifeblood, HEART beat of the company in generating revenue infuse blood into the organ to transform any business. 

The role of Digital Marketing Executive to Transform a Business

The Transformer Change Maker Challenger Communicator Collaborator Creative and Critical Thinker Barnstormer Mover Performer of your business none other than a Digital Marketing Executive do…

Moreover- Digital Marketer is the bottom line that represents the company as a communicator with customers’ stakeholders; with all Major Social Media platforms Emailing Cold calling One-on-one meets Events Promotion Branding to build Trust Loyalty and Retention.  They are the vocal outspoken brand ambassadors and legal representatives of your company in the market frontier -frontline soldier  

Here are some Communication skills we’ll win to drive success in our career move. Do-follower, Listener, HELPER, and co-opt skills is a must… the traits that I love and live in 

  • First of all Listen-do-follow company or management that marketing work under
  • Digital marketing is teamwork and must have communicated well with…
  • Most predominantly- marketing is the bottom line and legal representative of the company to communicate company messages with the users, customers, clients, buyers, purchasers, Fans, and Followers
  • Plus more…competitors, media, etc that is INS and outsiders to listen… 

1. The Ability to Listen-

Here is bottom-up communication with the company management to do-follow the plan, strategy, goal to implement. Next- UX CX customer’s intent to learn and communicate with the market accordingly to have better know how…

  • First, listen.
  • Make sure you fully understand the issues/challenges you’re expected to address in the presentation, promotion, products, and services launch. If not, ask questions and keep listening until you’re crystal clear.


2. The Ability to Quickly Pivot From the Script When Needed

Marketing always works within a written script of plan and strategy taken out of researches, evaluations. The business and marketing world is dynamic and agile to co-opt to keep ahead of time and completion. So it will require driving according to the new road map of the traffic

 A new direction in strategy while pivoting a business can breathe new life into an otherwise failing business may cause! 

“Many startups focus on building their user base first and then determine how they can best monetize that base. For example, Slack started as a gaming company called Tiny Speck, and its team communication app was developed for internal use. The company soon realized its app could be useful for other businesses, and that’s how it pivoted to become one of the most popular team collaboration tools.

If you have been thinking about pivoting your business, then you should know what it entails before you go forward with the move.”

Usual A/B testing, Site Audit, Customers surveys to have a better know how… and common practice in digital marketing.

What is pivoting?

A pivot means fundamentally changing the direction of a business when you realize the current products or services aren't meeting the needs of the market. The main goal of a pivot is to help a company improve revenue or survive in the market, but the way you pivot your business can make all the difference.

When is it the right time to pivot?

A pivot is not a magic pill that can solve all your business woes. Companies should only consider pivoting when absolutely necessary. It should be the last resort when all other options have been exhausted and considered by the following:

  • Focus on a feature instead of an entire solution.
  • Pick goals that align with your business.
  • Understand your target audience and their problems.
  • Analyze what your competitors are doing.
  • Speak the language of your audience.
  • Strategize before you make a move.

3. The Art of Brevity

People are busy. Get to the point quickly. Easy to communicate “Take the time to make it brief.” Marketers should know, How to Master the Art of Brevity and Present Clear, Simple Communication

People are busy in this online and engagement economy age. Get to the point quickly. East to communicate, “Take the time to make it brief”. Marketers should know How to Master the Art of Brevity and Present Clear, Simple Communication.  

A master of brevity says less and gets more done. To be brief doesn't just mean being concise. Your responsibility is to balance how long it takes to convey a message well enough to cause a person to act on it. That's the harmony of brevity when it's striking the right chords.

Concise that learned the message easily and quickly to act on (Say for example) to drive traffic and GEN lead the button or click-through should be a focal one…

4. The Ability to Distill the Complex Down to Simple Terms

“If you can’t explain something in simple terms, then you do not understand it.”

Remember that it’s hard for a decision-maker to approve what they don’t understand. You’re the expert in your particular area of marketing. That decision-maker is not.


  • Always think about the one or two points you want to make sure get across. Repeat those points out loud or write them down.
  • In written communications, bullet points are effective as long as you don’t use too many in a single list.

5. Writing with a Proper Grammar

Blog Social Media Ads content conveys the messages. Don’t sabotage your brilliant point with poor grammar.


  • For written communications, do the standard spelling/grammar checks and then print out the document if you have access to a printer. Read the paper version. I can almost guarantee you’ll find something you didn’t on just the digital format.
  • Some people swear by online services like Grammarly.
  • Have someone – anyone – proof it for you. The second set of eyes will usually always catch something.

6. Confidence

All good marketers fight imposter syndrome from time to time. Many who have confidence in their ability to do the work lack it when presenting to a stakeholder.

A marketer must project confidence when addressing stakeholders. This doesn’t mean you make stuff up when you’re not confident in a plan or data you’ve received.

7. Humility in Your Voice

Confidence does not mean arrogance. Never confuse the two.


  •  If you’re not already, become a lifelong learner who’s forever curious.
  • Constantly remind yourself that you’re a lifelong learner and a work in progress.
  • Ask for feedback on your presentations, emails, and any other type of communication.

8. An Ability to Use a Relatable Analogy

I use a few different analogies, depending on the client understanding user needs,


  • If you’re an agency/freelancer, think about the clients you serve and what type of analogies would resonate with them.
  • If you’re in-house, think about the market your company serves. Find an appropriate analogy that your internal stakeholders and decision-makers can relate to.

9. Speaking From Abbreviated Notes or Prompts

This is more important than many realize. I’ve seen too many slide decks with great information from talented marketers who fall into the trap of reading directly from the slides.


  • The best communicators need a 1-2 word prompt and off they go. You don’t need to start there; just figure out the minimum amount of detail you need to remember what you want to say about a topic or slide. 
  • Practice. If you’re not already good at this, the only way you will get there is to practice. I’ve found no other method.

10. Rationally Defend, But Do Not Be Defensive

Being a marketer is a little bit like being a sports coach in that a lot of people think they could do a better job than you.
  • Dig deeper and ask relevant questions, even if those questions are technically out of your scope. For example, a relatively new client felt their conversions from paid search were underperforming and their internal reporting disagreed with the numbers from our team (which come from Google and Microsoft). Upon further digging, we found that customers who fill out a form weren’t getting passed into the CRM system so there was a huge breaking point.
  • Stay factual. Communicate the facts and then reiterate your assessment of what to do with those facts.
  • Keep your emotions in check. It’s probably not personal.

11. Understanding and Communicating the “Why” 

  • “Why are we doing this campaign?”
  • “Why are we meeting, again?”
  • “Why are we redoing this site, again?”
  • “Why are we looking at THESE numbers?”

12. Adjusting “What” and “How” You Communicate Based on “Who” You’re Interacting With

A good friend of mine once gave me advice I’ve often repeated and always follow: “When communicating to the C-level, pretend you’re presenting to an 8-year-old. Simple numbers and a pretty picture.”


  • Always ask “What, exactly, does this person need to know to keep this initiative moving forward based on the role they play?”
  • Be mindful of how much time you have. Never try to cram an hour’s worth of material into a 20-minute slot. It never works.

13. Clarity, Clarity, Clarity

You’re not hosting a game show where contestants have to guess the answer or piece clues together. Your communication must be crystal clear.


  • Asking “why?” (See #11) will clarify your objective. 
  • When communicating you is asked, spell out the objective.

14. Repetition

There’s nothing wrong with repeating yourself if that’s what it takes to get your point across.

There’s nothing wrong with repeating yourself if that’s what it takes to get your point across.

15. An Ability to Guide Others to Find the Answers

I’ve heard disparaging remarks made about consultants with phrases like, “Well, they didn’t really tell us anything we didn’t already know.”


I hope these insights have been helpful.

This list does not include all the communication skills, of course, but hopefully, provide us with a good start to build our communication skills in ways that will benefit our digital marketing career for years to come.

More Resources:

How do I USE Tools Skills To STAND OUT Opportunities

HOW the Collaborative TEAM WORKS as tools to drive SMART goal success

·         Working With Cross-Departmental Decision Makers for SEO Success

Careers & Education: Work Smarter, Not Harder

Sep 11, 2021

Why 3 Cs Company Customer Communication out of CX marketing so important

3 Cs Company Customer Communication and Customer centricity is factor in this connected age. 

Customer centric marketing; company, process, policy, culture influences the way everybody in the organization behaves and makes decisions. Regardless of their role, employees are keenly aware of how it could affect the customer. However, as the people who are primarily customer-facing, sales and marketing professionals typically have the most direct impact on the CX.

Marketing is dynamic and now a research hub, a creative lab and a growth engine — all in one. Marketing is a data-driven amalgamation of tools. Savvy investments and accurately measure and analyze the success of those investments in driving sales and revenue has earned marketers a strategic seat at the decision-making table. It will require customer relevance, Value, Happiness, Satisfaction all about Centricity- CUSTOMER FIRST.

Drive traffic, pursuing though buyers journey helping them feel homely and friendly with brand. Much more have to manage CRM, CDP, CLM, and Retention & Loyalty. An enterprise has a lot to consider if it wants to achieve this. There’s an explosion of data and touch points to manage. The consumer privacy landscape grows tougher by the day. And companies need a solution for surfacing accurate and trusted data in real time so they can move at the speed of their customers:

·       Whether a business or consumer, today's buyer is more Learned & Leaned Educated informed; more conscious savvy, and more particular about the brands they choose than ever before. 

·       Today’s consumer craves brands that share their values and demonstrate that they understand “me” at a personal level.

·       Social media booming age; Connectivity became inexpensive and usual in our day-to-day life. Everybody socialize connected through Mobile Pages Groups Forums Meetups Alumni and so on.

·       Apps like Messenger WhatsApp Skype Google Meet ZOOM and other Live Chats apps. Personalize interaction is the new norm. Having a business model that revolves around customer-centricity is essential. It helps the organization to achieve a positive and personalized experience for their customers...

What is customer centricity: The importance of CX in the age of data?

What’s driving this trend? It turns out the digital economy, which grew fast during the pandemic, added a new twist to an old adage. Yes, customers are always right… and now they’re in complete control of their relationships with brands. This twist adds significant complexity for businesses looking to differentiate based on the experiences they offer.

Let’s look at the challenges surrounding customer centricity, how enterprises tried to achieve it in the past, and why technology like new customer data platforms (CDPs) are ideally suited to help accelerate this shift.


The definition of customer centricity is the act of putting your customers at the heart of everything an organization does. This requires deep understandings of customer expectations and perceptions, as well as aligning across all facets of the business, including – but not limited to – operations, product, marketing, service, and sales in order to be truly customer-centric.


What is meant by customer centricity?

Customer-centricity means putting the customer first and at the center of everything that you do. ... Customer-centric organizations take steps to understand the customer and act on that understanding by creating a culture that empowers employees to make the best decisions for both the customer and the company in parallel.


What is an impact of customer-centric marketing?

A customer-centric culture empowers marketers to increase loyalty and boost repeat sales through ongoing communications that are valuable to customers.


What is customer centricity and why is it important?

Customer centricity is an approach to doing business that focuses on providing a positive customer experience in order to drive profit and gain competitive advantage. ... Customer-centricity helps you to build trust and loyalty of your customers, but also a solid reputation.


Here Company at starting, Customer in the Middle or center and Communication last to rapping up organization and customer all together. Company is a Body, Customer is a HEART or revenue that infuses blood to the organ or body, and communication is vain/wires that circulate electricity/relation throughout.


Company- #1- C

”A company is a type of business. The definition of the term varies by country. ... It is often a business organization which makes goods or services in an organized manner and sells them to the public for profit. It may also be a non-profit organization. A company may hire people to be the staff of the company.”


A type of Business or a business organization marketing goods and services in an organized manner and sells them to public for profit.


Here Organization and organized manner is our focal points. Manner depends on company policy. Here Customer Centricity taken as a company policy. Customer is the center means organized manner to make it HEART of marketing.


Customer Value, Happiness, Satisfaction all about Centricity- CUSTOMER FIRST. Drive traffic, pursuing though buyers journey helping them feel homely and friendly with brand.


How to make customer Happy, Satisfied through providing Helping Hearing Pre and after sales services. This is a matter of organizational policy. Customer Centricity is not a FANCY word to put as a slogan only. Turn into a customer-centric organizational policy that everybody understands prioritizing the customer and focuses on this. This is essential for the long-term success of the business.


C in the middle or center- Customer the HEART of any Business

A person who buys goods or services from a shop or business is a customer.  Or a person of a specified kind with whom one has to deal. Customer Service, Customer Care, Customer Value, Satisfaction, Happiness and so on…


C #3- Communications


The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.

Two way connections- Means of sending or receiving information.    

Communication is vain/wires that circulate electricity/relation inbound and outbound marketing. Combines company Customers and organizations HR to a common goal. Communication is a system or process to connect or circulate information.

The six major modes of communication in marketing include advertising, digital marketing, direct marketing, personal selling, public relations and sales promotion.

It’s important to communicate the value of any product or service. But B2B buyers today demand more. Keeping your customers satisfied with your product or service is non-negotiable. 


Statistics & Facts on Keeping Your Customers Happy

1. It costs 5x as much to attract a new customer than to keep an existing one. (Source:

2. 68% leave brands because they are upset with the treatment they’ve received. (Source: U.S. Small Business Administration)

3. On average, loyal customers are worth up to 10 times as much as their first purchase. (Source: White House Office of Consumer Affairs)

4. 48% of customers who had a negative experience told 10 or more others. (Source: Harvard Business Review)

People of all backgrounds have been struggling with the answer to this question for centuries, and for almost as long, marketing leaders have been pondering the secret to customer happiness. Unfortunately, most are still stumped. Keeping your customers satisfied with your product or service is non-negotiable. 


If customers are unhappy, they won't just leave you, they'll add salt to the wound, leaving you for one of your competitors, and the last thing any business needs after a blow to the wallet is a bruised ego. 


The role of marketing today is as much about delighting existing customers as it is attracting new ones. You want to make sure customers have a great experience using your product or service so they not only buy again, but ideally, spread the word through referrals or social media. 


4 Keys to Keeping Customers Happy Through Inbound Marketing

·         Create Customer-Focused Content. Customer-focused content is one of the most effective ways of keeping your existing customers happy. ...

·         Build a Relationship Through Social Media. ...

·         Ask for Feedback. ...

·         Look at the Analytics & Track Data. 

Customer Value, Happiness, Satisfaction all about Centricity- CUSTOMER FIRST. Drive traffic, pursuing though buyers journey helping them feel homely and friendly with brand.


Ask yourself: Why are you bringing in customers?

It’s not for one sale. The first transaction is a start, but what you’re really acquiring is the opportunity to build long-lasting relationships. That’s why it’s so important to consider how you’re interacting with your customers. Business is going concern and building ongoing long-lasting relationship is above all to be unique in the eyes of customer in all respect. It will require to way communication to know better about your customers.


Marketers have been thinking about, teaching and practicing the art of customer relevance since the first peddlers hawked their wares. Yet each generation of marketers has claimed the invention of customer-centricity without regard for the fact that relevance is an evolutionary concept.


The act of communication is now part of the relevance equation — not just what is being communicated and where. The marketer’s responsibility to develop and guide the message has never been more intricate.

The five stages of customer-centric marketing


The following five steps form the basis for a customer-centric marketing and merchandising effort:

Stage 1: Collect and analyze customer intelligence

Stage 2. Develop customer requirements

Stage 3. Product and process development

Stage 4. Message development and delivery

Stage 5. Feedback


That’s where the Customer Data Platform (CDP) comes in.

Where the unique combination of online and offline data collection creates a non-siloed, single customer view for highly personalized marketing campaigns. With the right tool, the potential is huge: unlocking the opportunity to drastically improve your customer experience, making it faster, easier, more consistent, and more convenient for the buyer.


Creating a Customer Lifecycle Management (CLM) Framework

A customer lifecycle is often used to describe the various stages a consumer must travel to purchase your product, but to provide a marketing framework for communication with customers at each touch point in their interaction with their brands; marketers often employ a Customer Lifecycle Management (CLM).


Why Customer Centricity Is the Key to a Competitive Advantage

To develop a booming business in today’s world, there are many factors that we have to put into place. One of such crucial factors is the customers. In recent times, we place more emphasis on the customer’s experience with a personalized and positive brand or business. 


Organizational customer-centric marketing: This time it’s personal

Centricity is about understanding what makes your customers different and unique. A focus on positive customer experiences whether it’s discovery, point-of-sale or post-sale communication. Adds value by enabling differentiation from competitors who do not offer the same… 


Customer Value:

Customer value is the benefits a customer gets after subtracting all the cost and effort involved to buy the products/services. Win-Win emotional gain level of customer is the best value.


What is customer value and why is it important to customer satisfaction?

Customer satisfaction plays an important role within your business. Not only is it the leading indicator to measure customer loyalty, identify unhappy customers, reduce churn and increase revenue; it is also a key point of differentiation that helps you to attract new customers in competitive business environments

Retention ≠ Loyalty

Retention does not equal loyalty. 
A retained customer is one who continues to buy from your brand. 
A loyal customer prefers to buy from your brand. They seek you out. They are your brand ambassador.

You can get people to come back and purchase again, thereby retaining them, but retention is a short-term strategy. It feeds into loyalty as a long-term strategy, whereby there is almost an emotional connection between the brand and the buyer.


How to Create a Culture of Customer Centricity in Your Business 

In a customer-centric organization, everybody understands prioritizing the customer and focuses on this. This is essential for the long-term success of the business. So, the decision-making and thinking processes always put the customer at the center to provide a quality experience. To create that culture of customer centricity within a business, you must create awareness within the employees.


This is what makes the culture stick. Employees are able to uphold this culture even when no one is watching them. This will make it a part of them, and they will pass it on to future employees. This will continue until it’s ingrained in the organization’s culture. To achieve this, here are a few things you can do:


Make Everybody Work as a Team 

We cannot overstate this. It takes teamwork to achieve customer-centricity in your business. If different departments and individuals try to please customers individually, they won’t go far.

Everybody has to work together. Every department has to consider the other departments’ work to achieve this goal. Everyone has input in delivering the products or services to the customer. So everyone has to work as a team, and individuals while ensuring that the customers remain the priority. This will require more interaction between the different departments. 


Always Promote the Vision 

In trying to achieve something like this, you can’t focus on goals alone. You have to make sure that everyone sees the vision and feel like they can be a part of it. You must continue to demonstrate this goal and share it consistently. That’s why it is vital to share. An understanding of the view can be the driving force that your employees need. It will make them think and act to promote positive customer experience


Provide Training for Customer Centricity 

This is something that they are new to, so you do not expect that they suddenly become customer-centric. It is a process, and it might require some time. You must be patient and willing to give that time. 


Leadership And Team Alignment

While technology allows us to constantly push marketing boundaries (marketing automation, customer and behavior analytics, social media, etc.), it can quickly become overwhelming and costly. On the flip side, the delayed adoption of marketing technology can cost you customers and revenue. That’s where leadership comes in. When you make marketing technology decisions, hire staff and set expectations, think about it as an investment in growth. With marketing automation, including built-in customer and behavior analytics tools, marketing now owns a significant part of the customer journey and can provide strategic insights, such as brand sentiment, buyer intent and customer satisfaction levels, to sales and customer service. So instead of treating your marketing as mainly a lead generation machine, use its insights and capabilities to amplify efforts, iterate and pivot when needed. 


Marketing Automation Technology

It seems like every day there’s a new marketing tool or platform that promises to engage your customers like never before and set you apart from your competitors. Stay focused. Broadly speaking, your marketing technology should help you to address two needs: customer acquisition and marketing performance measurement. Customer acquisition encompasses everything from email marketing to advertising to content marketing, social media and more. In order to know what works and what doesn’t, you need to be able to track and measure the performance of each channel and individual campaign. The right marketing automation tool can help you to do that. 


Go-To-Market Strategy

With the ability to measure everything from customer sentiment to revenue contribution, marketing is no longer a creative function or an expense. Marketing is now your growth engine, with a goal to attract the right customers through the right channels at the right time with the right message. To make sure marketing serves its purpose, create a go-to-market strategy. Your strategy should define your target audiences, problem-solution fit and messaging. It should also outline channels and tactics you’ll use to reach your buyers and align sales and marketing around your business goals. 

The strength and success of your strategy depend on the data you use and your ability to execute as a team. It all comes together here — team alignment, technology and leadership. A go-to-market strategy is your map and framework to address all the moving pieces, including your marketing investments. There’s a lot more to developing an effective go-to-market strategy, but the key point here is to show the extent to which marketing today can inform, guide and help execute your business goals. 



  1. Uphold the policy of Customer FIRST centricity
  2. Create a customer centric culture in all level of the organization
  3. A focus on positive customer experiences whether it’s discovery, point-of-sale or post-sale communication. Hearing back through surveys and feedback.
  4. It will require customer relevance, customer value, customer satisfaction and Happiness, CRM, CDP, CLM, Retention & Loyalty. 
  5. Leadership And Team Alignment
  6.  Marketing Automation Technology
  7. Go-To-Market Strategy

References & Resources: