Oct 26, 2020

How to Make customers more happy Fall in Love in YOU

Marketing is the total of communications HONEYMOON results. Isn’t it?

It builds TRUST LOVE AFFECTION LOYALTY REFERRAL PARTNERSHIP BRAND VOICE GOODWILL + 3X More ROI through customer retention in the long run. And your lovely CUSTOMER always is your referrals and partners!!!  

If you want a successful online business these days, it’s not enough to simply close the sale. You’ve got to help your customers fall in love with your business. Lovely communication makes customers fall in LOVE with business.

Let’s enjoy the honeymoon… that makes money soon!!!

Love needs no rules…whether your fiancé is black or white, tall and short, thin and fat, Sweet or Chili, Lovely or UGLY…they always need more from you!!!

SO CUSTOMER IS… require personalized care to fall in love … feel them LIKE “I LOVE only YOU”!!

Marketing communications include advertising, promotions, sales, branding, campaigning, and online promotion. The process allows the public to know or understand a brand. With growing technology and techniques, the direct participation of customers is made. This is done by including their ideas and creations, in product development and brand promotion. Successful branding involves targeting audiences who appreciate the organization's marketing program.





Treat the Customer like Royalty, and ROYAL WAY…

1.   Be Courteous to Customers. A study by NewVoice, reveals that 53% of customers who don't feel valued switch brands. ...

2. Do Something Nice For Customers Every Time. Appreciate your customers for doing business with you. ...

3.   Create a Lasting Impression. ...

4.   Offer Customers Value For Money. ...

5.   Respect Customers' Time.




Understanding a customer-first approach

The term is pretty self-explanatory. You put your customers first, above all else. This means doing business around them and doing what's important to them.

Customer focus means putting your customers' needs first. ... While customer service skills are key to customer focus, a customer-focused company shows that the customer experience matters across the organization, at every step of the customer journey.

Customer-centric marketing requires that marketers carefully consider each medium in the context of the core message, surrounding messages, social influence, and customer preferences and perceptions.

The customer buying decision process is rarely linear. It is a zigzag. Customers typically don’t start at point “A” and move through each subsequent step of the buyer’s journey until they reach the finish line. Instead, customers move into the purchase funnel with different phrases. They may enter early at the top or middle of the funnel or join late in the journey right before they make their purchase.


So brands need to have a strategy to catch customers at each entry point and know how to market to prospects at each stage of the buying decision process


What Is the Buying Decision Process?


Before you can optimize your customer’s buying decision process, you must be clear about what it entails. You must know the consumer buying process definition.

The buying decision process is the path that customers take while moving toward doing business with you.

How to Market at Each Stage of the Buying Decision Process

I have gone through the search and research topics and keywords. The core ingredients spice up to have better commutations as under:

How to make communication the backbone

How to Make effective awesome communicat6ion

How to make communication BEST and attractive

How to make communication FANTASTIC and attractive

How to make communication FANTASTIC and awesome

How to make communication AMAZING and awesome

How to right communication make wonderful results



When communication is under control, managing the business becomes easy. 

How do YOU Making Communication the Heartbeat of Your Business Operation…


Digital Marketing is an amalgamation of innovation, creativity, and analytics; one should have a creative mind, data analysis, writing and editing, and technical skills to be a successful digital marketer.

The 3 C's of Driving Sales: Connect, Convince, And Collaborate

4 Cs of Digital Marketing

Customer – Who sees the message
Content – The message customer sees
Context – Why the Customer sees the message.
Conversation – Happens between you and your customer. Nothing forces them to convert if they fall in love. So the theme is LOVE HELP LISTEN to CARE that converts. No tricks and tactics …modern customers are learned… be generous to generate lead out of affection and love in you- the modern and corporate concept…

Content is KING… SEO Content is a matter of creating compelling relevant engaging and meaningful content. Just am emphasizing content creation and especially SEO content. It’s an easy, inexpensive, and best communication media with the customer in the short and long run. That creates a brand voice, awareness, promotion, loyalty, and retention in the long run which is the main outcome of communication…

Buyers persona Buyers intent Buyers journey Buyers needs

What are Buyer Intent Keywords? Buyer intent keywords are search queries that show someone is actively looking to make a purchase. 

Personalized content and experiences are key. Making each one of your customers feel special and unique will send a positive message: they are cared for and important to your business.

Experience is everything creative ways to communicate with customer

  • The customer is king and creating customer loyalty means listening to...
  • Customer communication can boost your company to the next level. ...
  • Once the client is satisfied or dissatisfied can have a major effect on your business. ... 
  • Keep them in the loop to establish stronger ties and customer intimacy.
  • Today, customers expect relevant content concerning what they're doing…
  •  which explains the increase in digital spending
  • And to deliver a better customer experience, you first, need...
  • seamless multi-channel experience.
  • Relevance at scale or via Business Website and Social Media marketing: IS the key to delivering a seamless customer experience to drive and maximize revenue
  • Within digital marketing, marketing frequently manage both paid and digital media (digital advertisement) and owned digital media (company websites and social media pages)
  • Need to be the very best communicator

Marketing is a form of professional communication since it consists of communicating to the public why they should buy or otherwise engage with whatever is being marketed. This is great public relations PR tools

Text-based, image-based, video, or even audio, as in podcasts- you can make sure that content production is engaging, professional quality and on-message RELEVANT AN ANALYTICAL THINKER can create a relevant message

Marketing requires a lot of research-based analysis to determine what the audience wants and needs, and a lot of careful strategies crafted around that analysis. Marketers often have to change course based on new information and I can able to draw logical conclusions based on data and other information received.



Marketers need to be able to think of new and exciting ideas to appeal to their clients and to the target demographic to keep from becoming stale. From having an eye for design to coming up with amusing concepts, the ability to think outside the box is crucial.

IN form of writing, from crafting ads copy to creating scripts or phone conversations, creating multimedia campaigns, understanding design, and having a general sense of who the end-user is and what they want. Buyer’s persona and Helping friendly passion matter now a day’s other than masterminded sales closure philosophy.

To create loyal customers it is necessary to feel them homely and foster a friendly environment. Humanization of communication with customers is a must…

In the long run, they became the source of LOYAL partner Word of Mouth Referral …

Verbal communication is important as well, both for positions that involve speaking directly with potential buyers and those that do not. Since marketing is often a team effort, marketers must be able to communicate effectively within their team and their company.

Huge data-driven plan and strategies, to collect huge amounts of information, and properly analyzed to interpret the results. To creating and implementing effective campaigns - use these numbers to demonstrate to clients exactly how much difference the services make in terms of the company's bottom line.


Brand management and a digital presence are an essential part of nearly any modern business. Social media platforms provide a company with the opportunity to gain attention and build brand loyalty with consumers with no outside spending required.


Customer-first and Customer obsessed always matter. But not madness, relevance is the KEY to UNLOCK REVENUE!

For most companies, getting the customer experience right looks easier than it is, and many of them believe they are already doing a good job. In our daily experience, however, we often see a large gap between the experience customers expect and what is delivered. But why is this case? What are the major challenges we are seeing out there today?

By utilizing and combining some of the above marketing communication tools, you will be able to deliver your brand’s message, loudly, and with more transparency. Communicating with your audience will help you build your brand in the future. Therefore, streamlined marketing communication campaigns and solutions can improve your sales and brand image.

By utilizing and combining some of the above marketing communication tools, you will be able to deliver your brand’s message, loudly, and with more transparency. Communicating with your audience will help you build your brand in the future. Therefore, streamlined marketing communication campaigns and solutions can improve your sales and brand image.


Relevant marketing communication

Marketing communication helps move products, services, and ideas from manufacturers to end-users and builds and maintains relationships with customers, prospects, and other important stakeholders in the company. Advertising and sales promotion will continue to play important roles in the marketing communication mix

Integrated marketing communication

1. Clear

When writing or speaking to someone, be clear about your goal or message. What is your purpose in communicating with this person? If you’re not sure, then the audience won’t be sure either.

2. Concise

When you’re concise in your communication, you stick to the point, and keep it brief. Your audience doesn’t want to read six sentences when you could communicate your message in three.

3. Concrete

When your message is concrete, then your audience has a clear picture of what you’re telling them. There are details (but not too many!) and vivid facts, and there’s the laser-like focus. Your message is solid.

4. Correct

When your communication is correct, it fits your audience. And correct communication is also error-free communication.

5. Coherent

When your communication is coherent, it’s logical. All points are connected and relevant to the main topic and the tone and flow of the text are consistent.

6. Complete

In the complete message, the audience has everything they need to be informed and, if applicable, take action.

7. Courteous

Courteous communication is friendly, open, and honest. There are no hidden insults or passive-aggressive tones. You keep your reader’s viewpoint in mind, and you’re empathetic to their needs.

·         Social media

·         Blogs

·         Email marketing

·         Support

·         Videos

·         Discussion forums

·         External complaint channels


Practice Active Listening and Follow Through.

Active listening refers to a pattern of listening that keeps you engaged with your conversation partner positively. It is the process of listening attentively while someone else speaks, paraphrasing and reflecting what is said, and withholding judgment and advice.

Customers are the lifeblood of any business. If you want your business to grow and stay healthy, you need to listen to whatever input your customers give you in their customer feedback. This will help improve your customer loyalty program.

Gathering feedback from your customers and leads have never been easier. 

You can use any one of the following methods.  Even better, use a combination of a few methods to make it as easy as possible for them to speak up and share their opinions with you:

·         Surveys

·         Focus Groups

·         Observation

·         Point of Sale

·         Customer Service

·         Social Media

·         Communities and Groups

·         Email and Web Forms

·         CRM software


When they’re speaking — in whatever way — your job is to listen actively to them. You can’t simply give them an outlet and then disregard what they’re telling you.


First of all, ignoring customer feedback does you no good. You might as well save your time and energy. The whole point of seeking input from customers and prospects is to figure out how you can better deliver what they most desire, ultimately to improve customer satisfaction and service quality, and to increase customer retention rates.


More importantly, they’ll know you’re not listening to them and valuing their input when you don’t try to implement any of their suggestions. That will tell them that they don’t mean much to you beyond a quick buck or two, and they’ll start to lose trust in you.


That’s no way to make your customers fall in love with your brand.

Being a good active listener means that you first and foremost pay attention to what you’re hearing. Instead of trying to formulate a response or figuring out how to convince them that they’re wrong, just focus on hearing what they’re saying first.


Second, don’t be afraid to dig deep — it’ll help you understand what they’re telling you more clearly and it shows them you do want to know what they think and value their opinions.


So ask questions to clarify their statements. Paraphrase their comments to them and ask them to agree or correct you — e.g.,


Treat a Customer Like a Valued Partner with Two-Way Communication.


Human relationships are dynamic and ever-changing; your customer engagement strategy should be, too. With that in mind, let’s take a look at three things you should consider when your brand is looking to engage with audiences on a human level.

Humanization of communication

Effective Communication is supplementary to marketing. It makes a marketing campaign memorable and develops an emotional link between the marketer and the target audience. When a piece of communication is to the point, relevant, worthwhile, and compelling, it moves the audience — prospect — to the consumer.

Communication and collaboration are two of the most important aspects for any business to get right because companies who engage their workforce are proven to be more competitive, profitable, and attractive to future employees.

Two-way communication, by definition, is the interchange of information and ideas from sender to receiver and vice versa. Sounds simple, yet many companies still fail to establish effective two-way internal communication and don’t realize the damage it’s causing.

The challenge

In today’s modern world, every product, big or small, faces stiff competition, and having a prominent brand is critical. Your brand is more than just a logo or corporate identity, and it starts from within. If your people don’t know their own company’s story, customers almost certainly won’t either.

You need to motivate your people to get the best out of them and to do this, you must cultivate a working environment whereby each employee feels valued and is immersed in the story and culture of the company.

How two-way internal communication can help
Firstly, choose the right platform. Unlike, email, intranets, or over-engineered employee applications, a mobile app that is quick, easy, and fun to use will meet the expectation of the modern workforce

Leaders who understand the importance of communication – and you can’t lead without communicating well – engage employees with different types of content that strengthen the link between individual objectives and the overall success of the company.

Consistent, two-way communication encourages employees to take ownership and understand their ideas are valued – and detailed mobile analytics means you can measure and improve engagement, and introduce effective two-way communication.

Two-way communication is when one person is the sender and they transmit a message to another person, who is the receiver. When the receiver gets the message, they send back a response, acknowledging the message was received. The model looks like this: Two-way communication is essential in the business world.

Identifying audience issues is a key task in ensuring effectiveness in any communication strategy. What is the ideal audience for a particular communication? The audience may include everyone who influences or is influenced by the information being shared. For the most effective communication, audience size must also be appropriate given the information being shared and whether the interaction will be permitted. If organizations anticipate that employees will have any questions regarding a new and unique benefit offering or a new procedure, for example, audience size should be limited so that questions can be adequately addressed.

Listening to employee issues and concerns build loyalty and drive improved productivity.

The subject of managing organizational communication encompasses formal and informal communication throughout an organization, including communication to employees, with employees, and from employees to upper management. This toolkit reviews the basics of effective organizational communication, the importance of a communication strategy, the role of different communicators within the organization, types of messages and vehicles, training for better communication, and methods for measuring results. 

Communication is a vital management component of any organization. Whether the purpose is to update employees on new policies, to prepare for a weather disaster, to ensure safety throughout the organization, or to listen to the attitudes of employees, effective communication is an integral issue in ineffective management. To be successful, organizations should have comprehensive policies and strategies for communicating with their constituencies, employees, and stakeholders as well as with the community at large.

The following communication topics are discussed in this toolkit:

  • The impact of effective and ineffective communication on the organization and its employees.
  • How to build an effective communication strategy.
  • The various constituencies are affected by the communicated information.
  • Measuring results.
  • How to select the appropriate audience for each type of message.
  • The types of communication methods used in organizations.


From top executive to middle, bottom and company representative to buyer-seller partner Govt. agencies…as a whole to all stakeholders. As a whole internal and external flow of information is communication. When a concern succeeds in internal communication well then they keep it up with external stakeholders.   

Human interaction is the most important aspect of any business venture. It heavily influences everything from productivity to sales revenue. 

Communication is the heartbeat of sales and marketing Dynamic TECH and the Businessworld frequently changing ever, and to co-opt with it will require Mission Vision Strategic plan to keep ahead of your time to have sustainable growth.

Marketing means C's communications: Creative, Critical thinking Clients Company focus, Communicative Collaborative Committed Consistent Courteous Caring Challenger   

PR Public Relation Marketing, and Communication the pillar of any business and organization to drive success and transform…grow

1.  Sales and Marketing are the bottom line. CEO frames the policies with a board meeting, the information then pushes to the departmental BOSSES to disseminate and communicate the information throughout the organ.  And TEAM leads get the management politics and target, GOAL 

2. The flow of information from top to bottom alike HEART pump/push blood to the body and again pulled back… PUSH AND PULL… any blockage might cause stoke …communication and feedback all the same…any mistake in the flow of communication might incur loss…

3.  Communication is indeed the heartbeat of relationships, it’s little wonder that most relations ... Such a skill set enables relationships to thrive, businesses 

4.  Communication is the HEART of business that infuses blood into the whole organ or body. Businesses consist of internal and external stakeholders to communicate with the right information on time.

5.  Success and failure depends on how the company communicate… backbone

Confession and limitations:

COMMUNICATION IS A BIG and broader term. I just try to outline the very terms by gathering a few cohesive, impressive words only. Taking into consideration most are the common words and terms. Here is a limitation that to keep the post short I didn’t elaborate and explained most of the terms.


Topics: PR, Marketing, Communication

Oct 15, 2020

Digital marketing as career in Bangladesh and its salary

DIGITAL MARKETING: A two thousand crore taka market!

Hello DEAR Bangladeshi Hiring Managers, Job seekers, and Trainees! 

Fasten YOUR Seat belt...on your Mark...GET SET GO...

First published on Oct 15, 2020, updated and reposted on @9 Jan 2024 the Job market and Salaries a bit up due to inflation... but mentality hunting cheap workers! Hopefully, It might be changed in the coming years 5 and more to overcome... 

I am hopeful of Digital Marketing Boom in Bangladesh: Salary Surge Despite Cheap Labor Mindset

# 01: In-Demand Profession by 2021

The profession, of digital marketing is now highly growing in Bangladesh today and most corporate firms want to own digital marketers where the professional can earn more with their tasks. Nowadays in Bangladesh, many digital marketing agencies are being established to solve clients’ needs. This provides digital marketing a unique competitive advantage where you can gear yourself up for a career.

Digital marketing has now become a phenomenon in Bangladesh. Like many markets in the world, digital marketing in Bangladesh is growing exponentially. Due to exposure to the global market through social media most audiences now have basic knowledge as a result there is an increase in demand for digital platforms.

“Taking into consideration the marketing imperative of reaching a wide customer base at a low cost, let us start the discussion with a news report from last week. Published in the digital section, the report that caught the eye was: three leading private mobile phone operators in Bangladesh have spent a combined $1.04 billion or Tk 8,744.20 crore on social media advertisements in recent years!” Source: Muhammad Zahidul Islam is a senior reporter for The Daily Star

With a 48% internet penetration in 2018, Bangladesh is facing a digital revolution in 2019. The country’s new democracy Facebook with 30M users and YouTube with 20M users enabling everyone’s potential, and creativity, and creating positive social changes. Job search, Online shopping, Sports updates, Movies & Restaurant reviews, Banking, etc. are the major activities on this platform.

Global ventures like – Uber, Alibaba, Rocket Internet, and popular local players Pathao, Pickaboo, Chaldal, and Shawpno are the movers and shakers of the industry. Telecommunication companies are influencing building the of digital infrastructure as well.

Companies are getting direct tangible benefits from digital marketing. It is enabling the oddest and not so attractive industry in Bangladesh like – insurance. Green Delta Insurance Ltd. a major player in the insurance industry is having a great impact on their sales. After launching its digital facilities, with the help of digital marketing they have achieved a 400% increase in sales in three months' duration. This is a huge revenue for companies like Green Delta Insurance Ltd.

The Bangladeshi market is facing new challenges every day for digital marketing since the audience and most companies are completely new. To achieve the business objective agencies are adopting new trends and technologies. Due to exposure to the global market through social media most audiences now have basic knowledge as a result there is an increase in demand on digital platforms. But the reality is still to understand…


Present Bangladesh DM Career Salary preview

Digital marketing is a vast mPreviewg technique that includes many other marketing tact. It is a marketing tactic used to promote a brand, product, or service through digital technology, like email, mobile, TV, radio, etc. Social engine optimization, social media optimization, Search engine marketing, content automation, content marketing, e-commerce marketing, social media marketing, PPC, display ads, email marketing, etc, are subsets of digital marketing. Digital marketing is not all about selling and purchasing oroducts and services. It is a source of entertainment, social interaction, news, consumer exposure to a brand, etc.

Digital Marketing is an amalgamation of innovation, creativity, and analytics; one should have a creative mind, data analysis, writing and editing, and technical skills to be a successful digital marketer.

1.    Mastery of a diverse set of skills: Educational Technical Soft Hard Specialized skills for a niche industry, Managerial, Leadership, interpersonal Communication Skills 

2.    Digital Marketing is the bottom line that represents the company as a communicator with customers’ stakeholders; with all Major Social Media platforms Emailing Cold calling One-on-one meets Events Promotion Branding to build Trust Loyalty and Retention.  So they must be vocal outspoken, and communicator and peoples skills.

3. Digital Marketing is an absolute TEAM-oriented job. Critical Creative Thinking Collaboration Communication Empathy Friendliness culture/environmenareis a must.

DM is of innovation and creativity to co-opt with the dynamic Tech and Biz and keep aheaofff… ambiguity and vision to see the big picture in the future grow…

This post comes out of my recent Job market ads, Applications, Interviews, and salaries practical issues.

Over the years, I have acquired relevant skills and experience in Marketing and sales working at home and abroad.

I have been applying for jobs and this is my daily routine like full-time work: Signed with the world’s #1 Job site indeed.com, GipRecruters.com, Monster.com, carrierbuilder.com, and byat.com.

Since March 2020 all of a sudden I have been experiencing some job ads coming out of FB jobs. I had faced an interview with a BPO firm; a sister concern of a well-known group. My asking salary was 120K BDT/mo, and they offer 80K BDT/mo.

Nowadays so many Digital marketing jobs situations on bdjobs.com, Careerjet.com, Google.com, and linkedin.com, and every day I am applying for 10-20 jobs.

After thatve faced so many interviews, over mobile, and Skype…most cases the salaries mostly 15-20K BDT/mo (Which I never CLICKED), a few 30-40 K BDT/mo my least, and very few cases 50-70K BDT/cup7cupup -120 K BDT missing!?

Sorry to say that most of them don’t know what is Digital Marketing. Bangladesh is an emerging new market. So that might be … but it will take time to have a complete understanding of…

I acknowledge my Limitations: SEO and Ads Manager (Facebook, Google) are so tricky. So many verifiable parts, types of ads, and Ads auctions to memorize all those things is simply impossible, and just we can restore all tips and tutorials. When needed we have to search and find out the right one from a record, restore, drive, docs, etc? All formulas and files can be maintained in this regard to work out…

When I have been selected for the next stage, I always attached 2 links to clear up more about the position first. This is my professional Integrity and ethics to share.

Why and How do we balance Organic and Paid Search


Collecting the Information regarding Sales and Digital Marketing Situation- Customer Feedback


I mostly carry out Google searches, visit companies' sites, Team and working culture, Scope of work, Freedom, on-the-job training, Promotion and paid off… etc.

Digital Marketing is an amalgamation of innovation, creativity, and analytics; one should have a creative mind, data analysis, writing, editing, and technical skills to be a successful digital marketer.

Digital Marketing is an absolute TEAM-oriented job. Collaboration Communication Empathy Friendliness culture/environment are a must. A min 5-7 person TEAM is optimum. Those who can’t afford to hire TEAM may go for a marketing agency to contact … 

DM is of innovation and creativity to co-opt with the dynamic Tech and Biz and keep ahead of… ambiguity and vision to see the big picture in the future grow…

Challenging Growth Hacking and Freedom of work always matter to prThe ovide, Company has to come up with Safety Security, and Recognition Pay promotions on job tanning paid off… work ethics integriare ty alwatreatedte andjudgede.

To understand all about the compensation- USA, UK, KSA, and some other countries I have conducted a small research on Digital Marketing Job Salaries comparison for your better understanding and clear conception.

The minimum Hourly WFH $25-30 Hr., Full Time 35 hrs, + Leisure 5 Hrs Week= 40 Hrs week with yearly 1 month paid off yearly 55-60k

Conversion= Taken minimum 50K USD X 84 BDT/12= 350K BDT/mo…

Therefore: My minimum asking rate is 120K- 150K BDT/mo

For Chittagong: not less than 80K BDT/mo and Dhaka to relocate rate 120K- 150K BDT/mo


New Carrer Market, Marketer, and Employer yet to flourish and set up...it will take some time to shape up  by 2021

Min Graduation in the BBA, and Masters Ideal! So, compensation and consideration should be humanizing!! 

Digital Marketing is the bottom line that represents the company as a communicator with customers’ stakeholders; with all Major Social Media platforms Emailing Cold calling One-on-one meets Events Promotion Branding to build Trust Loyalty and Retention.  So they must be vocal outspoken, and communicator and have people skills.   

Other than Professional experiences and Job certifications, a Digital Marketer must be proficiencies by the following tools:

SEO SEM SMM DM CM EM Promotion Branding Infographics

MS Office and G-Suite, Google Search Console, Keyword planner, Adword Express, docs, sheets, etc) CRM CMSs & Project Management tools (ZOHO, Hubspot, Wrike, etc).

Face BOOK Ad Manager, Google Ad Manager, SemRush, Collaboration Automation Apps, Canva Hoots Suite, Hub spot CRM, Mill chimp, Gmail, Drive PLUS soft skills

Moz: SEO Tool Ahrefs: SEO Tool SEMrush: SEO Tool Answer The Public: Keyword Research Tool Buzzsumo: Keyword Research Tool hunter.io: Email Search Tool Boomerang: Email Tracking Tool Keywords Everywhere: Keyword Research Chrome Extension SimilarSites.com: Market Research Tool Email Hippo: Email Verify Tool