Showing posts with label SR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SR. Show all posts

Oct 14, 2017

What is job profile and Profile readiness, sign in, sign up and register with jobs and professional sites?

Hello, my students and readers, 

Thanks for continuing to read this blog and the posts. The prime goal and my SR is to render the best knowledge of Freelance, Jobs tips to earn living from the comfort of your home free of cost. Only subscribe, read, share thoughts is the best payment to encourage me to continue... 
Keep all Tools in your tools kit to get set ready to work properly and accordingly to get in return of...

What is and know-how about the matter is the right answer to questions so far in a nutshell. In an earlier post I have used the terms sign in, sign up or registration and Profile ready, CV ready, TAG, how to slow and steadily to do profile update, and tips on how to get the search attention of the employers. 

Very simple- most of the user knows sign in, sign up or registration foe emails which is a must and mandatory for next sign in, sign up or register with any sites of social, jobs, professional, employer or freelance whatever. When you filled up with your particular in their site's form that prompted automatically then it will become your profile. The difference only is that in job and employer sites require academic and experiences insight along have to upload your CV etc. So I think you have got the answer about the job profile. 100% Profile readiness will take more attention and time to get complete know-how on. Killer CV readiness also needs to know how more about it. The next post will be on SEO keywords, user name, tags, job objectives, skills, other skills, desired skills issues to have better results to get in return. The better the profile and CV or resume the better response may come through it. Continue reading and sharing with friends and families around having college and university graduates that perusing BBA, MBA and so on.... meet you with more insight ... see you. 

Aug 30, 2015

Learning is the key to success- 02

ABC of the freelance chapter or lesson -02 

Leaning by reading commenting intersecting sharing 

Hi, All friends and learners,
Hope all is well. 
FB Page LIKE and page visit is satisfactory. Learning consists of LISTEN REACT or interact on.  Perhaps everybody looking on- let's see what happens next. Nothing to happen by fate, be a self maid. This is distant learning online...comment share talk email (chat), Message is a must to communicate the thoughts. 

YOU see In this regard the result is too poor. Nothing will happen without your response. After sometimes I may dishearten and stop writing, updating pages, blogs the result will be ultimate ZERO!! Out of SR working hard managing Blog design Updating with FB  TWITTER  LINKEDIN badge creation set up... BUSY today.  This is also a part of freelance skills on SMM, SEO, Blog posting, writing  Commenting, etc.... and have a look at my blog post, sidebar, etc... 
I am a learner not an expert in English. If you read, comments, share that might help us in this regards
Freedom and Choice is yous
Best wishes

May 3, 2011

Workshops - The magic of exceptional communication With Youth

One of the excellent benefits of attending motivational workshops are that they get you energized about changing your life. before beginning the main Freelance job fair and Seminar these may be used to say WARM-UP ...

6 workshops are in consideration by this time. Starting first one from East Delta University, Chittagong CAMPUS, and hopefully by the next fortnight.

A Best Case Scenario
Workshops seem to work best for people who already have a vision/mission vehicle in place, or have a fairly clear idea about what they want their future professional vehicle to be. People with an established vehicle go to work (or to their businesses) on the following opening day brimming with new ideas and strategies which they are able to put to work immediately. And because success builds on success, each successfully implemented strategy leads to the next, and so on. These participants can truthfully say that the workshop changed their lives. It gave them the necessary impetus to move their career or business to the next level.

We are working with the students who are perusing graduation or graduated and the project is of IT-based new generation featured one. Other than these, help up of growing with a proactive attitude to let them drive towards self-motivated, self-starter do-follow and learning passionate personnel as Proactive human capital

The same applies to those who know what vehicle they plan to use in the future. On the Monday morning after the workshop, they make their first (or renewed) moves towards establishing the vehicle. They make phone calls, arrange loans, write letters, purchase new equipment - whatever steps are required to turn the idea into reality. The motivational energy from the workshop propels them to make the decisions and take the actions that will lead them to their goals. If they continue to build momentum, they are also justified in claiming that the workshop changed their lives.
Workshop registration, Notification, and other things are ready. For more ....keep follow up of or contract organizer   

Apr 28, 2011

We never give up computer- one home one computer one job !

Thanks, computer and net users friends- YOUR Presence is imperative. Our country's contest most graduates doesn't know how to use computer.... browsing and social media networks far beyond! SO those who keep Presence is something and Brain Storming Sharing Thoughts Pleading; worth more... 

As a developing nation status, weaving unemployment or hopefully graduate employment generation to attain the UN sustainable development goal and merely saying vision 2021 goal DIGITAL BANGLADESH concept, we never give up- Computer and its use. I am talking about self-employment- Outsources to freelance. Online jobs to earn living from the comfort of our home."10 Things We Can't Live Without"  

This is an American way of living and our CSR SR and individual responsibility to popularize computer and internet - WE CAN. Matter of Self-motivation and Pro-activism....keep in touch and keep going.......appreciate

Apr 1, 2011

The URBAN YOUTHS attitude building to attain UN sustainable MDG

Project summary-  Attitude building

Innovative IT-based sustainable new globalization concept

UN sustainable development goal to elevate poverty- we have to give a WAKE-up call in the right direction. Attitude is the base of the mind. New information, messages, and belief creates BRAINSTORMING towards POSITIVE CHANGE that might open WINDOWS- ventilate new air. Welfare information or belief creates the will-force to be a workforce out of disguised attitude in the inn. Attitude is of PRO-ACTIVE and RE-ACTIVE. Pro-active are passionate about creative thinking according to goals and objectives other than homological and emotional works. They are having been passionate about COLD BRAIN and hence self-motivated. RE-ACTIVE peoples have no agendas of their own. The renowned proverb “an idle brain is the devils' workshop”. Always run behind the emotion. So their forces lead by others or mislead, misguided by the MASTERMIND's per-vicious ideologies. So we need more jobs to keep the youth generation out of per-vicious idiots

Mar 31, 2011

New tech NEW WORLD ahead of freedom fever

New tech reminds us pollution and Corruption free world ahead of....!! 
Press.. the Car that run nothing...! And FREEDOM FEVER is the social media free individuals!! Fasten your seat belt and KICK UP your paddle or pick up GEAR......heads UP. Free individuals have already been awakened and a positive fellow is always followed by! Used to say..." going on". As a social being, activist and networker keep trying and join....on going WW FREEDOM fever is on. HEADS UPS.....WE CAN- Give the world....your Best...fasten your weighted a HERO ....cheers ♥

Mar 16, 2011

A greater pro-active individuals led GREATER WORLD

And the Activist Award Goes To..Greater pro-active individuals..A GREATER WORLD.

The information age, Changing world. Social media and virtual presence takes
place. Jobs, biz, politics to diplomacy everything. Free individuals world- no office, no boss, no brand, no more per-vicious masterminds to control over the affairs. Free oneness, border-free globalization, erasing physical border. No more corrupt family and corporate BRANDED so-called politics! No kingdom, no monarchy- A greater pro-active individuals led GREATER WORLD. We are not a king but maker of ......

See the power of individuals......some more decades we have to face. Masterminds will take revenge, chance to divert, sabotage....but at large WE SHALL OVERCOME SOMEONE DAY. We CAN build a sustainable world by this century....UNITE WE STAND FOR PRO-ACTIVE world....... be an activist, this is our Social Responsibility to save our souls............Cheers

Mar 11, 2011

Youth emploment generation to support MDG sustainable devlopement

Urban Graduate YOUTH employment generation and entrepreneurship development ( UGYEGED ) project

Introductory phase- 03

To support our urban youth with the aim of advancing the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the Habitat Agenda by youth-led program-me of empowering through employment generation, creativity, and development of positive attitude to be a pro-active self-motivated force other than miss-led  by per-vicious idiots.

The projects MAIN SLOGAN right of employment for ALL. This is a basic HUMAN Needs and the main agenda of any welfare society, organization, and states as a prime face goal. Renown proverb “ idle brain is the devils' workshop”, so to keep youth out of re-active forces the only alternative is EMPLOYMENT. And through new technology-based one is more enthusiastic. This is an IT age of fee globalization of free individuals that erases physical borders. Changing how the world works. Uprising socialization remote service providers virtually connected through highspeed internet. Nothing to commute no 9-5 office, no boss, and no commitment outsourcers to freelance marketplace jobs/biz to earn living from the comfort of their home!! So this is a new technology based concept that may Pilot and demonstrate new ideas on employment as a role model....cont to phase 04...

Graduate YOUTH emploment generation for better world

Urban Graduate YOUTH employment generation and entrepreneurship development ( UGYEGED ) project

Introductory phase 02

Globally, 85 percent of the world’s young people live in developing countries. An increasing number of these young people are growing up in our cities; more than 70 percent of inhabitants are under the age of 30. Young people, and especially young girls and women, are the most vulnerable to social problems caused by unemployment and poverty. Chittagong a 4+ million inhabitant’s city comprises poor citizen facilities and welfare activities. Youth, especially graduate youths having no jobs. They are Idle and no living depends on others' supports, there is a clear need to meaningfully engage and support youth growing up in today’s rapidly urbanizing world.

We believe strongly that young people have a major role and a stake in urban poverty reduction. Especially College goers and educated graduates play an important role in this arena.  This is because we regard graduate youth as a major force for a better world.....cont...

Mar 5, 2011

Urban Graduate YOUTH employment generation and entrepreneurship development ( UGYEGED ) project

A youth organization- New life foundation (NLF). 

A Chittagong Urban-based newly founded social organization (Registered) is trying to start its NGO functions soon. Looking forward to a grant from the Urban Youth graduate employment generation and entrepreneurship development project Fund to alleviate poverty among young people. 

The organization plans to select 40 young (age 18-28) people pursuing graduation or graduated from an informal settlement and train them in freelance, entrepreneurship and help them register as freelance services providers to earn living from the comfort of their home and set up 5 IT computer-based small businesses. 
Search for Youth freelancer search for Freelance jobs