Showing posts sorted by date for query Environment and culture. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Environment and culture. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Jun 23, 2024

How Toxic workplace CANNGE you than you are to change it before burnout

A toxic work culture describes a company environment that perpetuates unhealthy working habits in the workplace. It can be caused by ineffective work practices, policies, or management styles.

"Toxic workplace culture was a major contributor to the 'great resignation.' Employees are leaving work environments that are disrespectful, unethical, negative, and stressful."
Amanda Hetler Senior Editor-

Toxic is inflammable, hazardous, and injurious to mental health, better prioritize YOUR mental health before going mad or burnout! 

Migration Birds flew 1000+ miles from sub-Saharan countries to Bangladesh in search of friendly weather. We are human and always looking for an environment and culture to work and grow with. 

What is a toxic work environment?

Toxic work environments make employees feel punished, rejected, guilty, defensive and humiliated. Employees find it difficult to work in this environment because of negative behaviors from management. Common behaviors include bullying, yelling, manipulating, and belittling.

Learned 3 months from Hitler Emotional TYPO mental Bossing and sneaky style personnel management. 

A toxic work environment can impact your physical and mental health, performance, and self-esteem. While it's recommended to leave a toxic workplace, it's not always possible. Here are some ways to protect yourself in a toxic work environment what I did:
  • Set boundaries: Communicate your boundaries to your CEO and consider shutting off your work phone after hours.
  • Document everything: Keep track of tasks, achievements, and any form of abuse.
  • Build a support network: Find a confidant and seek support from trusted colleagues, friends, or family.
  • Practice self-care: Take time off to recharge, decompress after work, and find an outlet for stress.
  • Focus on what you can control: Let go of what's outside your sphere of influence.
  • Prioritize yourself: Consider leaving your job.
  • Seek professional help: If needed, consider seeking legal advice 
  • Avoid drama: Don't take things personally, and avoid getting into arguments or discussions that can lead to drama.

What are the effects of toxicity in the workplace?
The effects of toxicity in the workplace are numerous. To name a few:

  1. Reduced employee engagement
  2. Higher rates of burnout
  3. Greater rates of absenteeism and turnover
  4. Decreased feelings of psychological safety in employees
  5. More symptoms of depression and anxiety in employees
  6. Pervasive feelings of negativity
  7. More company expenses
  8. Increased interpersonal conflicts
  9. Chronic and excessive stress
  10. Employees may experience excessive stress for many reasons. Common contributors include being overworked, feeling uncertain about expectations, disagreeing with bosses or co-workers, or struggling with communication.

Fears of failure and difficulty communicating with CEOs may cause chronic stress, which can eventually lead to employee burnout.

Causes of a toxic workplace

Toxic work cultures can stem from many factors, but here are a few common causes of toxicity in the workplace:

Poorly defined core values: A company without well-defined values can suffer from internal inconsistencies and a lack of brand identity. Promoting strong values gives employees a sense of belonging within a company, and an organizational identity to internalize and act on.
Inconsistent expectations: When expectations change abruptly or frequently without support, employees can feel disengaged, confused, and frustrated. Maintaining consistent expectations and providing support through changes reduces anxiety and encourages connection.

Unclear communication: Communication goes both ways. Employees need clear communication from their supervisors, and they need leaders who will listen to their concerns and encourage them to express themselves honestly.

Rampant bullies and cliques: Bullying is a real problem in the workplace, and it can decrease your employees' sense of psychological safety. Eventually, this can result in significant problems like reduced self-esteem, increased susceptibility to mental health issues, and higher rates of burnout.

In an interview with HR Bartender, Workhuman Global Head of Analytics Jesse Harriott said, 

“Psychological safety is critical for employees to be productive, strive for excellence, innovate, and generally bring their best selves to the workplace. Toxic work cultures are a breeding ground for things that undermine psychological safety.”

Some signs of a toxic workplace culture include:

Poor communication: Lack of trust between employees and management, or unrealistic expectations

Negative behavior: Bullying, yelling, manipulating, or belittling

Unhealthy competition: Hurtful office gossip, or a "cutthroat" environment

Micromanagement: Superiors who micromanage employees

Blame culture: When problems or failures are blamed on individuals instead of situations

Low morale: Employees who feel undervalued or unappreciated, or who dread going to work

High turnover: Employees who leave the workplace at high rates 

Other signs include Disengagement, Low enthusiasm, Role confusion, and Chronic stress. 

Toxic workplace cultures can lead to employee burnout, reduced productivity, and damage to profits. 


This and that way I did my job without keeping a direct connection with MY CEO for about 90 days. Bring wonderful outcomes at the end of sales calls and lead conversions. From day 1 my vision was to change the Toxic environment by fighting Arguing with CEO. At large I had changed my mind to save my soul and mental health and take a forced leave for 20 days to repair my Social Family and Mental health... burnout!!!!!!!!!!! 

Toxic is inflammable, hazardous, and injurious to mental health, better prioritize YOUR mental health before going mad or burnout! 

At large- Toxic workplace CANNGE you than you are to change it before burnout

More resources and contributions: 

Google searches, Gemini AI

May 8, 2024

Breaking the Chains of Unprofessional Authoritarianism: A Call to Embrace Change

In the heart of every thriving business, there should be a pulse of professionalism and respect. Yet, in some corners of the corporate world, an outdated relic persists – the unyielding grip of authoritarianism. It's time to shine a light on this stifling culture and chart a course towards a more enlightened future.

The workplace environment plays a pivotal role in shaping employee experiences and overall company success. A positive office atmosphere, coupled with a strong company culture, serves as the foundation for productivity, innovation, and employee satisfaction.

Creating an office environment that promotes collaboration, creativity, and mutual respect is essential for cultivating a thriving workforce. From ergonomic workstations to inviting communal spaces, every aspect of the physical workspace should be designed with employee well-being and comfort in mind. Additionally, fostering open communication channels and providing opportunities for professional development can further enhance the office environment and contribute to a sense of belonging and purpose among employees.

Unprofessional behavior: Shouting. Abusive and bullying words are not the official language. 

This is against the law and subversive to the official code of conduct. Unfortunately in developed or underdeveloped countries, the environment prevails with such environment and cultures as slavery. Authoritarians like faltering and oiling... so employees to save their jobs became pets and chose the path to save their jobs. Employers became oh my LORD! 

In the realm of professional conduct, the use of abusive language, shouting, and bullying tactics is unequivocally unacceptable. Such behavior not only violates legal standards and official codes of conduct but also perpetuates a toxic environment reminiscent of archaic authoritarian regimes. Sadly, in both developed and underdeveloped nations, these detrimental cultures persist, resembling modern-day forms of servitude. Authoritarian figures manipulate and coerce, reducing employees to mere subservient pets in a desperate bid to retain their livelihoods. Employers, once respected leaders, have regrettably devolved into oppressive figures, leaving employees feeling powerless and disheartened.

Picture this: an environment where hierarchies reign supreme, where dissent is squashed, and where innovation withers on the vine. This is the landscape of unprofessional authoritarianism. But fear not, for change is not only possible but imperative.

Let's address the elephant in the boardroom. Unprofessional behavior, draped in the cloak of authoritarianism, suffocates creativity, demoralizes employees, and ultimately stunts growth. It's a toxic cocktail that no business can afford to imbibe.

So, how do we face this challenge head-on? It begins with a revolution of mindset. We must challenge the status quo, question outdated norms, and champion a culture of inclusivity and collaboration.

But wait, this is no ordinary call to arms. We're not here to simply pontificate from our ivory towers. No, we're going to shake things up with a unique proposition – the Unprofessional Authoritarianism Challenge.

Imagine this: a platform where businesses are invited to confront their own shortcomings, shine a spotlight on the dark corners of their culture, and pledge their commitment to change. It's a bold initiative designed to hold companies accountable and spark a dialogue that reverberates throughout the industry.

Here's how it works: companies willing to take the plunge will submit themselves to a rigorous assessment, evaluating everything from leadership style to employee satisfaction. But here's the twist – the results will be made public for all to see. No more hiding behind closed doors. It's time to face the music and own up to our failings.

But the Unprofessional Authoritarianism Challenge doesn't stop there. Alongside the assessment, participating companies will gain access to a wealth of resources and support, equipping them with the tools they need to foster a culture of professionalism and respect.

And the cherry on top? Recognition. Companies that rise to the challenge, and embrace change with open arms, will be celebrated as pioneers of progress. It's not just about fixing what's broken – it's about leading by example and inspiring others to follow suit.

So, to all those entrenched in the clutches of unprofessional authoritarianism, consider this your wake-up call. The world is changing, and it's time to change with it. Join us in the fight for a brighter, more enlightened future – one where professionalism reigns supreme, and where every voice is heard.

In summary, prioritizing the office environment and company culture is paramount for creating a conducive and fulfilling workplace where employees can thrive and contribute to the success of the organization. By fostering a positive and inclusive environment, companies can unlock the full potential of their workforce and drive long-term success.

Apr 4, 2024

Empathy at the Heart: Transforming Team Dynamics for Sustainable Growth and Employee Ownership

Discover the Power of Empathy: Elevating Teamwork for Lasting Success and Employee Ownership

This is simply using EMPATHY but the outcome is MAGICAL outstanding! Unlocking the Workplace Potential: The Transformative Power of Empathy

Empathy isn't just a buzzword; it's the cornerstone of a thriving workplace culture. It reshapes leadership styles, amplifies collaboration, and revolutionizes communication among colleagues. Far from being a mere soft skill, empathy emerges as a potent force that propels workplace success to new heights.

Enhancing Team Dynamics: The Vital Role of Empathy in Fostering Trust and Unity

Empathy is a pivotal factor in successful teamwork, lifting both individuals and the team. By recognizing and validating emotions, teams cultivate stronger bonds, deeper trust, and a genuine sense of care. In the current landscape of ongoing uncertainty, prioritizing employee engagement through empathetic practices becomes increasingly crucial for building resilience and nurturing a supportive community.

Harnessing the Power of Empathy: Elevating Employee Performance in Modern Organizations

In summary, cultivating leadership empathy emerges as a valuable asset that significantly influences employee performance within contemporary organizations. This empathetic approach fosters a nurturing and collaborative workplace atmosphere, resulting in heightened engagement levels, decreased stress, enhanced loyalty, and overall improved performance across the board.

"Innovation Through Empathy: How Teamwork Thrives in a Diverse Culture"

Marketing and sales aren't just about individuals; they're about teamwork. Within a team lie diverse perspectives and backgrounds—lazy and easygoing, ambitious thrivers, challengers, and seasoned experts—all collaborating towards a shared company goal. It's akin to the synchronized movement of five fingers, each with its own role and importance.

But what makes this teamwork truly effective?

It's when team members prioritize helping each other, listening, and caring with empathy. Learning from mistakes becomes a daily practice, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. This synchronization, this seamless harmony, results from empathy—the cornerstone we must cultivate and emphasize.


Empathy isn't limited to one direction; it extends from team to team, peer to peer, company to employees, employees to company, and even company to customers—impacting every aspect of our internal and external stakeholders. Empathy fosters an environment rich in fun, freedom, opportunities, culture, productivity, loyalty, retention, and ongoing growth. It's the driving force behind our collective success.

Read more resources:

Feb 13, 2024

Craft Your Dream: Building a Thriving Freelance Career from Your Smarter Home Office

Tired of the 9-5 grind? Dream of being your own boss, setting your hours, and working from the comfort of your home?

Freelancing can turn that dream into reality, offering flexibility, independence, and the potential to earn a fulfilling living online. But how do you balance this pursuit with maintaining a productive and distraction-free work environment?

This guide unveils the secrets to achieving harmony between your freelance aspirations and a smarter home office, empowering you to thrive in this exciting new career path.


How do you establish a Smarter HOME office?

Where you are stationed at? Comfort is the issue- that is affordable and well suits clients’ requirements. Say for example- you are a customer service provider. You are asking about a calm and quiet environment- requiring a noise-free phone call for the same, mere- Webcam, Headset, and Filing space too. Moreover, you have to sit for almost 30-60+ hours per week. So requires having a friendly environment home office that is calm and quiet. If you have kids less than 1-3 years may cause noise. If your home is adjacent to a busy highway then might cause sound pollution. Buyers may ask some times of kids under age and of the home is situated! Read more

Imagine this: No more commutes, rigid schedules, or office politics. Due to Nepotism and culture, Work Ethics Honesty Integrity are not evaluated and judged. Cherished reward and recognition not achieved...? Hassle-free and freedom are yours to grow and career development in the online era...

This is not as easy as A B C D... !!! Freelance Marketplace other side of the tech and dynamic world. You have to compete with the top talents of the world. Competition is tuff!! Primarily they sorted out all applications through ATS software. This is the first hurdle you have to overcome.

Step# 2

Applicant Tracking Software. So first all you have to curate ATS friendly RESUME. This is a tricky and important issue to solve first to compete with global top talents... So fasten your seat belt to explore the freelance journey onboard...

Your workday unfolds amidst the familiar comfort of your home, equipped with a strategically designed workspace that fuels your focus and eliminates distractions. Whether you're a recent graduate, an unemployed professional, a retiree seeking purpose, a homemaker yearning for financial independence, or simply someone desiring a fulfilling side hustle, freelancing opens doors to a world of possibilities. This guide equips you with the knowledge and tools to transform your dream into a tangible reality.

Step# 3

First of all, you have to know about the fundamentals of freelancing or the Foundation of freelancing. Never mind watching my video that gives you clear pictures of...

In the following sections, we'll delve into:

  • The Essential Tools & Technologies: Discover the must-have equipment and software to streamline your workflow and boost productivity.
  • Crafting Your Ideal Workspace: Learn how to design a distraction-free and ergonomically sound home office that fosters creativity and focus.
  • Time Management Mastery: Unlock the secrets to effective time management, conquering procrastination, and ensuring you meet deadlines efficiently.
  • Freelance Fundamentals: Explore the different freelance platforms, identify your niche, and master the art of pitching and landing clients.
  • Maintaining Work-Life Balance: Discover strategies to create healthy boundaries between your work and personal life, preventing burnout and ensuring overall well-being.

Remember, your dream freelance career is within reach. With the right guidance and a smarter home office as your launchpad, you can unlock a world of opportunities and build a fulfilling life on your own terms.

Step# 4

Next, Create a unique profile ID


Search Engine Results Page… A unique ID is necessary to make you distinct or rank in SERPs page one. Say for example- have a look at my IDs:

“Md. Leakat Ali” “Lekubd” “Lekuctg”

Step# 5

Select your JOB niche- niche noun [C] (POSITION)

a job or position that is very suitable for someone, especially one that they like

I am interested and in LOVE with the Marketing Sales career building ever.  

My favorite niche is Sales and Marketing.

What is yours? 

Data Entry, Photo Editing, Logo Design, Admin, Accounting, Bookkeeping... Whatever choose yours out of thousands of niches in which you are compatible, interested, and Love one... 

Step# 6

Job readiness- Job Readiness involves an awareness of your strengths and areas for growth – it is not a scorecard or measure of success. It can feel good when you can check off one of the boxes. When you can't, don't despair – recognize what may be in your way and develop strategies to move past it.

It can be earned or gained online through recognized niche industry providers like Google Facebook, LinkedIn, Udemy, HubSpot, Ahrefs, and many more free...

Look at my online Certificates, awards, badges, and industry-recognized credentials portfolio links that may give you more insights

Please don't go for or believe in Bangladesh scam ads on Facebook illusive Guilty gold that you drove to heaven of Billions of Dollars …Free training but only paid instrument cost to be paid... so many techniques and tactics to pick-pocketing you...

I have learned by joining and expending a handful of money this way that way...

Nothing is all rubbish and bogus... very few but like finding a needle out of seawater. My suggestion- So don't try and go for it at all... 

Step# 7

Brand yourself to sell online-


Now you can try to compete and participate in bidding with the world of top talents. But most importantly proficiency in English is a must. You may sign up with and and try applying... or you can fly or swim in the freelance ocean like a shark hunting for a job …

Wishing you a wonderful journey... please take care of self-destruction. Mind it you are your enemy... after half done you may be derailed from the track! Due to your Emotions Whims or Shortcut Joy Bangla Or Zindabad...  

But in Freelancing there is no shortcut... freedom and choice are yours to drive. SLOW and Steady win the race. 


What are the Hurdles and Challenges to overcome?
  • Job market LANGUAGE in ENGLISH- our mother language is Bengali. You have to be proficient in communication- writing and speaking.
  • Computer and other tech and tools savvy- this is the primary hurdle and Challenge to JUMP first…. More coming next… the whole journey is challenging…
  • Know-how to differentiate Legit and non-legit companies/mentors,
  • Illusive GUILTY offers “EARN $1000 a day- no experience required- start NOW”,
  • Fascination to gig quick earning jobs may derail you from track 
  • Destruction-free dedicated workstation.
  • PC, Laptop Android Mobile Webcam Headset,
  • Uninterrupted power supply Broadband, or Dial-up Internet

Note: With mobile can’t be possible at all and don’t think of it. At least a laptop or a tab is a must.


If confused- read again… Please no destruction in the way of the journey… you are your enemy- Drop DOWN HERE!
If yes- ignite and START….Key and STEERING in your hand!! Again- think of twice thrice …confused? Dropdown….HERE!

NOW- Long drive Journey fastens YOUR seat belt to drive safely. To compete with the global talent to grip an offer… 

YOU are going to CROSSING 7 stations one by one…

#8 is the one job issue after joining …

7 wonders to concur:

1. Required Time Tools Training Internship Courses to GET job readiness. 

2. Personal Brand and Profile building- Blog Social Media Account Creating USING, writing, sharing...

3. How to craft ATS friendly Resume and Cover Letter

4. Keywords- Passion and attitude in the job market  

5. Sign up with job the site create a job alert email account and start applying

6. How to Facing interview Meetings Cold Calling Chatting

7. How to get an offer to land a job, agreement signing, joining   

8. Collaboration Team playing Self-starting Do-Following  Know how all about steps and hurdles to overcome and cross up out …


Freelancing offers an empowering path to freedom, flexibility, and financial independence. By harnessing the power of a smarter home office and mastering the essential skills, you can transform your dream into a thriving reality. This guide serves as your roadmap, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the exciting world of freelance work and craft a life that aligns with your deepest aspirations. So, step into your power, embrace the possibilities, and start building your dream freelance career today!

Feb 12, 2024

How marketing growth hacker-challenger can HELP your brand thrive

From Growth Hacker to Challenger Brand: Thriving and Evolving in the Digital Marketing World

Tired of blending in? Learn how a digital marketing growth hacker embraced a challenger mindset, built a powerful brand, and carved their own path in the corporate world. Get actionable tips for career development, self-promotion, and standing out from the crowd!

Unleash explosive growth! Learn how a digital marketing growth hacker built a challenger brand, dominated the SEO jungle, and thrived in the competitive online landscape. Focus on B2B marketing, B2B growth hacking, or B2B challenger brand.

Hey there, I’m Leakat,  A digital marketer; Savvy Social Media, Blogger, SEO, entrepreneur, and thriving Challenger committed to helping you promote and develop a brand that matches your voice and your needs. Productivity to a new height; Collaboration Co-opting dynamic tech creative thinking do-following SMART goal with branding and promotion online build and manage your social media presence across platforms online…

WON Digital Marketing Strategy, Blogging, SEO content Creation Promotion, FB and Google Advertising of Businesses /Brands to drive organic and paid traffic. Much More like SMO social media pages managing website article blog post content

To be successful know that long-term success is directly tied to how well I serve rise by lifting others; a person's most useful asset is not ahead of full of knowledge but a heart full of understanding, an ear ready to listen and a hand ready to help. When we help others achieve their dreams, will achieve our own.

Every day I wake up with a mindset- how can I help businesses grow by Creativity, Productivity Collaborative TEAM playing, and Do-following?

Require a battleground and scope of work to put my talents stay out of my comfort zone to go far and beyond…  Promise Challenge Growth hacking… possible?

I have learned throughout my career that it must be initiated and supported by organizations. This is done by understanding the creative process itself and by making small but fruitful adjustments to the work environment and the overall management of the workforce where work ethics honesty integrity evaluate and judge  

·         This is not a one-sided issue.  It will require a friendly environment and collaborative team culture where Humanitarian WANTS herd … this is not a paycheck but more than that to my recognition, satisfaction, promotion, relation, and career development … 

·         Only Specialized Re-known mentor leaders in niche industry markets can provide on-the-job tanning Team Culture and environment support as a whole…

·         Migration birds flew thousands of miles from Siberia to Bangladesh in searching an environment-friendly climate. Huge trees BONSAI and became a showpiece in a living room… due to space… 

This is a wonderful drive for me to find such a renowned environment and company culture to make an ongoing lifetime relationship. The Featured organization will surely prove to be an excellent platform for me to establish my skills and knowledge in the corporate world. Visited: Japan USA UK and 20+ other countries of the world; think globally and always ambiguous to see the big picture


Marketing is a bottom line that transforms a business- infuse blood, REVENUE generator! Creativity Performance Achievement of GOALs to drive success!! Throughout my life, I have been working in sales and marketing: 

  •  LOVE Live breathe obsessed interests in SEO SOCIAL Digital Marketing- A tech BIZ savvy  
  • Partnering Company Customer Communication FOCUSED and Works Ethics Honesty Integrity is a passion to get the job done on time.
  • Digital Marketing has many variables parts and tools. It is a data-driven amalgamation of innovation, creativity, and analytics; one should have a creative mind, data analysis, writing and editing, and technical skills that I won
  •  Always Take High ownership, Creative Critical Solution provider Challenger Performer Growth Hacker, responsible for own as well as the company's growth.
  •  The "4Cs" for 21st Century Marketing Critical to success: critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity that I won.
  • Staying Current with Industry Trends, Innovation and Creative Thinking, Collaboration and Coordination, Crisis Management PLUS 
    more as per situation demand to co-opt with...

    I am a Challenger Growth Hacker Performer Team Player ready to bring a positive impact in Branding and Marketing leading the brand through marketing communication activities for the company's digital channels. I visited Japan, the USA, the UK, and 20+ other countries of the world- a visionary who thinks globally to see the big picture to grow in the corporate world. 

    Entrepreneurial MINDSET- a change maker way out helping to thrive in achieving SMART Admin Customer Supports Accounts Operations Project Management Social Media, Digital Marketing goals as under: 
    1. B.COM honor, M.COM- Major in Accounting WON all Mastery of a diverse set of skills: Educational Technical Soft Hard Specialized skills for the niche industry, Managerial, Leadership, interpersonal Communication Skills to drive company goal a success...
    2. Challenger Growth Hacker Creative Innovative Productive support to convert my skills into revenue.
    3. Tech and App savvy: MS Office and G-Suite (Keyword planner, AdWords Express, docs, sheets) user, competent with CRM CMSs and Project Management tools (ZOHO, HubSpot, Wrike, MS Teams, etc). Screenshot Monitor remote time tracker, Facebook Ad Manager, Google Ad Manager, SEMrush, Collaboration Communication and collaboration Apps Slack, PM- Trello, Automation CRM- Dubsado, Canva Hootsuite, Hub spot CRM, Mill chimp, Gmail, Drive PLUS soft skills
    4. Do-follower, Growth hacking thriving to HELP Win, Get Better Every Day & Succeed Together to drive company goal…
    5. Hungry individuals with big goals, optimists, and team players who are humble yet confident. Experience is good but a willingness to learn more to co-opt with the ever-changing dynamic tech and business world.
    6. A communicator and looking for an opportunity, NOT a job, we may be the perfect fit
    7. I am a driven, high-energy, ambitious, and resilient professional who is dedicated to changing lives over the next few years, by working in a challenging but highly rewarding job.

Over the years, I have acquired relevant skills and experience, which I shall bring to your organization. I have also worked tirelessly on my communication abilities and teamwork skills, which I will put to use in my future career, which would be in your organization if I am selected for the position. I have given my 100% effort in my past companies, and this has enabled me to recognize my capabilities and limitations. If I channel them further, they will bring fruitful results to me and also to your esteemed organization.

Seeking an environment and scope to use proven project management and creative critical innovative ideas team playing skills to HELP improve productivity and quality by change-making to transform revenue…  

Your organization will surely prove to be an excellent platform for me to establish my skills and knowledge in the corporate world

Should you require any further info at my end please do reach me…

Thanks and Best Regards 

Md. Leakat Ali
Savvy Dynamic Creative Innovative Growth Hacker SMART SEO SMM DMM BDS
BLOG & EM SEM Admin Startups Support Managerial Services provider, 
Baba Home

WhatsApp  +880-1975571800

Haji Hamid Sharif Road Bathua Chittagong-4337 Bangladesh

+Skype- lekubd  |  +Meet- lekubd

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