Showing posts with label Digital Marketing Course. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Digital Marketing Course. Show all posts

Jun 10, 2021 post on freelancing

This is a border-free globalize one market. Freelancing is a huge market with a damn huge challenge and competition to compete with global top talents.


Come entry into the HEAVEN is too tough even YOU have skills!


Although you have completed Digital Marketing course, Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Fundamental of digital marketing, Free digital marketing courses for job readiness. Know how on tools SEMrush, Ahref, BuzzSumo, G-suite, MS-Office suite, Google Keyword Planner, Adwords, Google search console, Google Trends, and MUCH MORE! Project Management Software ZOHO, Wrike, HubSpot CRM, e-mail automation apps: MailChimp, Aweber, Social media posting automation apps- HootSuite, etc….


Very recently a post by Mark Mehling, Direct Response Marketer visited and commented on by me, Md Leakat Ali, Exceptional Ever LEARNER Tech BIZ SM DMM Savvy Growth Hacker


This is an outcome of this post How come entry into freelancing can be so tough even though there is a huge market for it and you have the skills? post on freelance marketing yourself and my comment 

I have copy-paste the total post and my comments at the bottom of the post for your reference.  Here are putting more lights on:   


A very valuable 3 points have caught my attention.

He actually sheds more light on what he mentioned in points-2

Yes, that's his second point I focused a lot on it. I don't disagree only we freelancers are under-qualified but mentioning or placing have all the skills, that floods and businessman worries of sachems… truly this a hurdle

Now it seems to me that one side has done it and the businessmen who recruit us are worried about floods.

We people or freelancers are also scared worried about scams of businessmen, employers, recruiters HR!  I was talking about the problem from both sides of the Isles… vice versa.

Here we see many recruiters undermine that we are from an underdeveloped world, English is our second language.  We are third-world people.

We are freelancers though we are under-qualified and many business recruiters show us various temptations and in fact, they try to hire us at low prices, as we are from underprivileged countries and our language is not English. Floods internship with different promises to exploit our labor and after the completion of the internship, they provide a comment “This time you are not fit for the company”.

This way that way they sold our internship works/ jobs to other buyers on their platforms. Who are their subscribed members?

So now that's a problem on both our sides. One of the most frustrating ways for businesses and employers to show us the temptation to give us jobs is through the internet.  We are also being worry about their scams too.

Professor Maslow’s HR theory of wants is predominant and humanitarian ground one.  Working environment and salary issues always subside due we are in a disadvantageous position. There is no hard and fast rule for online freelancer’s recruitments. This is a FREE world and FREE marketplace, and Everybody taking advantage out of it.  

Digital Darwinism: Survival of the Fittest in the Age of Business Disruption and agile Marketing

To transform and sustain in the market is the FOCUS of all. 

All that glitters is not gold…but bad money drives good money out of the market…


Copies paste the total post and my comments as under:

“Because, like any business, you need to market your skills. And many freelancers know nothing about how to do marketing.

Secondly, since there are few certifications to indicate your quality, the market has been flooded with unqualified people claiming all types of skills. Business owners are wary of being scammed.

People do business with those they know, like, and trust. That’s a great place to start. Use your freelance skills to build up those three areas.

Much of freelancing is like riding a bicycle. Once you learn, it’s all about practice and refinement. Even the best constantly study their craft.

The more marketing you know, the more people will want your services.

Welcome to freelancing!!”


My comments:


You are right and trace out the focal point out of problem-solving know-how and market realization.

This is a border-free globalize one market. Freelancing is a huge market with a damn huge challenge with global top talents. Come entry into the HEAVEN is too tough even YOU have skills!

The first hurdle- you pinpointed the MARKETING. I am thriving and many of us know nothing how to brand ourselves to sell out in the market. This is the most predominant LEGACY for every freelance!

The second one- Guilty GOLD, “the market has been flooded with unqualified people claiming all types of skills.”, and “Business owners are wary of being scammed.”, creates another hurdle!

The Third- Building trust is the most critical and sneak peek that dozed and nubs me. From 2008 to date I am thriving to do the same. Ask Google “ Md. Leakat Ali” “Md. Leakat Ali Leku” “Lekubd” Lekuctg”. Very simple to know about me and my works through presence. I am confused off… when recruiters ask me so many questions other than using AI? Even after submitting all requisites, FAQs answered the honorable HR asked “where is your 1) answer….” OMG…under the pillow? Sorry! How could we come up with it?

They have all the rights and privileges of doing and undo anything! In most cases, the working environment and Humanitarian issue of wants subside- offering very low or internship labor… spam and scams!?

Please put more light on this issue. This is my earnest appeal and request you to make it vice versa.

“The more marketing you know, the more people will want your services.” the only way out…to get rid of...

You are MOST welcome, Thanks for your time and advice.

Again- please put more light on…



·         The freelance market has been flooded with unqualified people claiming all types of skills. And employers exploiting with providing a fake promise of appointment, and internship scams… problems from both sides of the isles to overcome to have a win-win situation for all.

·          To transform and sustain in the market is the FOCUS of all. But online is too open…no privacy of what you are doing, going, writing, interacting, commenting, reviews, sharing, posting all are contents and links… on SEARCH ENGINE… spider and AI keep tracking on…

All that glitters is not gold…

but bad money drives good money out of the market!?