Jun 19, 2020

All you need to know about CONTENT MARKETING

My main (major) subject matter is SEO content. How to create? Its importance in Digital Social Media Marketing, Inbound and outbound Marketing Plus more…

All you need to know about Content Marketing. This is a continuation of my earlier post-

How do I Create SEO Friendly Content?


You’ve probably heard the content referred to as a demand generator and lead nurturer, but the role of content in your marketing strategy should extend to all stages of your sales funnel.

From Post Images Infographics all are content. So we have to curate its SEO and content friendly in line with a marketing strategy to drive traffic, Lead gen, and drive sales…    

Digital World- it's especially relevant in digital marketing. SEO Content Strategy Content Marketing playing an impactful role to drive traffic paid or organic

And it was an adventure for me. I discover the amazing importance of SEO and Content in the Digital Marketing arena. I was about to puzzle by experiencing that SEO and Content dominating the whole world Politics, Economy, Govt., Corporate whatever.

When finding a justification of SEO & Content…. Says that:

A political Lead’s speech … budget, planning whatever is a sum total of content… isn’t it?

Picture, Infographics, Video, Songs, Advertisement, PPC, Text Ads, Lead, Funnel, prospecting, phone call, Email, chat blab la all are content

All you need to know about content marketing-

Why SEO Is Actually All About Content Marketing

There’s a bit of confusion over SEO and content marketing. The confusion comes over how SEO and content marketing fit together. Do they fit together? Are they at odds with each other? If so, is it possible to force them together?


Neil Patel- the SEO expert explained why SEO and content marketing are like PB&J. They go together. They just fit. They work well together.


I have already been shared in my earlier post How do I Create SEO Friendly Content?


Exactly why that is — why SEO is actually all about content marketing, and vice versa.


Today, in his DIGITAL Era of marketing SEO is the most popular digital marketing tool.  That extremely helps in improving the visibility of your website for the relevant audience as well as makes the page rank higher on a search engine.

The modern approach: How To Be #1 With People S.E.O. (Set Everything Once) – other than Ranking#1 on Google.

Make SEO Your Door to Door Salesmen! Curetting mobile-friendly content that HELPS you reach everyone’s hand on Android and iPhone screens!! Rather you may say and to hands Salesmen at fingertips.   

Through the Search Engine, SEO became hands to hands Salesman a like the then door to door one!


SEO is a base ingredient. If we can just pour, curate accordingly that might transform your business.

“Content marketing is the strategic marketing approach to creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.”

That way SEO & Content Marketing Can Transform Your Business – And carrier

In this, all digitized era, SEO is one of the most important factors we need to look at.

Nearly about 70% of people like to use Google engines when they want to search for anything on Google; it shows you the top best similar result related to your query, which you can get the right information.

No matter to what extent your business spreads out or what kind of service you provide, you can always be benefitted from SEO.

Online presence is worth branding. And we can manage Brand visibility across the market with SEO.

For an increase in traffic, you need good SEO. But to get the traffic to spend time on your pages and convert them into sales you need good content.


How to Create Your Content Strategy From Scratch

As a content marketer, part of your job probably includes constantly and consistently coming up with content topics.

And not just any topics — you need ones that will resonate with your audience and earn ROI for your brand or your clients.

But, if you’re like most marketers, you are not a never-ending idea machine.


We’re all human. We can’t rely only on our finite brains for infinite content marketing ideas — although we should absolutely be pulling from our own creative geniuses within. But how do we jumpstart these ideas in an effective, productive manner?


There are various SEO marketing strategies used successfully. Various strategies using by Digital Marketing Agency, but with one single strategy, all kinds of businesses won’t be fruitful. And sometimes it is necessary to create a customized SEO strategy to transform a small business into a flourishing one successfully. In this article, we will be discussing the importance of SEO in today’s market and how a good SEO campaign can help make your business successful.

1.    Better brand recognition:

Once you are able to implement the SEO strategies into your marketing campaign correctly, your the business will successfully reach thousands of people — more specifically 67 thousand every second. When you use SEO to market your products and services, with regular updates and relevant posts you make your company services visible to an expansive user base, which gives you an amazing chance to attract prospects and make more conversions. It will easily establish a good relationship between your company and your targeted customers.

2.    Generates more and more web traffic:

Once with the fruitful implementation of all these SEO strategies, your website is at the top of Google search results, and you will see how dramatically your website traffic will increase. SEO provides a totally organic way for all kinds of businesses to reach the top. This also makes it easy for your brand to become trustworthy, ultimately leading to loyal customers.

3.    Information about customers:

Once you are equipped with enough information about the needs, priorities, likes, dislikes you will be able to create relevant content for them. With the help of social networking tools at your disposal, you can gather important information about your viewers in a very detailed manner. You can have a clear conception of their age, location, needs, and wants. Later you will be able to design your products and services accordingly.

4.    Increased sales:

With the help of SEO, the enhanced visibility of your webpage will highly facilitate you by increasing sales. Consumers usually opt for the search results that appear on the first page of Google. With an active online presence of your business in search results, simultaneous delivery of engaging content, and better customer support opportunities – an amazing path will be paved for your business to reach the next level.

5.    Keep the contents are always up to date:

A very vital part of SEO or any influential tactic is to keep fresh all the content on your site that can be done by adding more product pages and variations onto your site or regularly updating your blog. This is the basic process to keep Google regularly involved and interested in your site. Regular updating of informative and high-quality content is very necessary to attract a number of customers.

6.    Establishing trust:

Any professional SEO agency will culminate in a single viewpoint that sharing data about your domain will help in establishing the expertise of the subject matter. Interacting on a daily basis with your customers online and posting their reviews about your service will help new customers rely on your service easily.

Summing up:

So now you know that a good SEO strategy and its implementation in your business can immensely increase your visibility and your sales too.

·  YOU have to maintain some attributes:

·  Your content should be of high quality, useful, and relevant.

·  Your site should be easy to navigate.

·  Your design should appeal to your target audience. 

·  You should focus on content and make searching for information easy...

·  Most of these attributes, like being useful, usable, findable, accessible, and credible map directly to SEO.

·         This is all about the optimization of BRAND.  

Goals to pursue through content marketing

You can accomplish a lot with a consistent, relevant, and valuable content marketing program. But you’ll never attain the results you want if you haven’t first identified your goals.

Making SEO A Game-Changer For Your Business

Content marketing is a numbers game.

Marketing is a Numbers Game. For many people, the scariest part of running a business is marketing and sales. Rejection is built into the process, and the thought of it – even just the THOUGHT of it – is a stressor that makes it hard to present a strong, confident pitch

Marketing’s #1 challenge is generating leads to sales or profit or revenue. Let’s TALK and how to…

In the sales world, it’s easy to get stuck thinking that more calls mean more prospects and more prospects, ultimately, leads to greater sales.


Logic dictates that this is true. So, why is this no longer the case?

While it’s tempting to think that more calls can lead to higher sales, the industry itself seems to be rejecting this approach. Now, greater focus is placed on nurturing high-quality prospects, guiding them carefully through the sales cycle, and proving the benefit of the product or service being sold through personalized approaches. Friendly and Helping approaches other than LEAD gen and Sales to create is the modern concept- Focus on Retention & Loyalty- Branding…

Retention Loyalty Branding creates ongoing Fans referrals- a long-term relationship.  


Content marketing is a long-term effort

In the mix of all other marketing strategies, content marketing is a strategy with long-term rewards. Content marketing, in the digital marketing sphere, is used to develop ongoing relationships with customers or clients through content that’s not directly promotional but also valuable.


Content marketing helps your brand stay relevant

Another good example is what an American hotel chain owned by Hilton Hotels, called DoubleTree, did recently. DoubleTree is famous for its chocolate chip cookies, which are served to guests at check-in.  Apparently, the recipe is a corporate secret that many people have tried to replicate but have failed miserably.

Make a genuine effort to create meaningful and valuable content


Performance measurement can show what has been achieved in a specific period and in some cases show the efficiency of producing profitable income in real-time. As such, performance measurements give an indication of what commercial actions have been successful in the past and even currently. But future commercial performance is not based on a straight extrapolation of a graphical line. The marketplace is in constant dynamic motion that may be slow or rapid. Yesterday and even today’s answers may or may not be suitable for tomorrow’s market situation. Commercial managers must bear in mind that customer’s requirements change, established products and services are superseded by new designs and technology changes, markets become saturated, and competitors become stronger or weaker.

Producing a large amount of content is undeniably important for becoming a better content marketer, but so is your timing.

Content marketing can lower your customer acquisition cost.

There are clearly many reasons to aim for that one big content marketing campaign. But there's a lot to be said about optimizing your content strategy for the long haul, too.

According to Larry Kim, one of the reasons WordStream is a successful business is because their customer acquisition cost (CAC) is so low. When I say CAC, I'm talking about the investment that's required to get a new paying customer for your business.


How to align your content strategy with your sales funnel 


This is the first step into mapping your sales funnel to your upcoming marketing campaign.

We’re struggling to attribute content to revenue and carrier.


If you’re reading this, you probably know that SEO can help businesses bring in new clients, increase cash flow, and encourage existing clients to spend more money. But have you ever thought about how, as a marketer or a consultant, SEO can help you market yourself, boosting your own career, connecting you to people,

Convert Your Content Marketing to Revenue

How to map content marketing into Revenue and carrier- this is the most important goal to achieve. 


Whether you are going to a scrappy startup or a leader at a large company, it’s safe to say that a digital marketing strategy is essential to your business's success. We live in a world where content marketing and digital advertising is taking up an increasing amount of market share. No matter the industry or a sector, companies large and small are relying on digital marketing to build brand equity, develop closer relationships with their audiences, and drive more sales.

How these companies accomplish these goals, however, obviously varies. While much of the discussion today centers on things like predictive marketing and voice search, one long-standing yet extremely effective strategy is search engine optimization (SEO). Even with the near-unlimited content on the internet, SEO can be a true game-changer for your business. Done correctly, it can be the gift that keeps on giving, providing you with higher brand awareness and a passive source of warm leads for your business.

The Power Of SEO

SEO strategy as part of their overall digital marketing strategy… But having said this, two of the most notable benefits are a stronger brand equity and increased revenue.

Let’s start with stronger brand equity. One of the reasons search engines are inherently valuable is because they provide extremely relevant content to user queries. Companies or individuals that can target the keywords their audience is using and deliver valuable, relevant content are much more likely to stand out in the eyes of their audiences.

You and your company can do the same, so long as you have a smart keyword strategy and create compelling content for your viewers. Even if this is your first time hearing about SEO and you have no idea which keywords you should use, optimizing content is something you can take on. What you want to consider is which keyword phrases your ideal target is using that should be getting them to your site.

SEO’s Money-Making Potential

Most often, companies don’t want to build brand equity solely for the sake of brand equity. The ultimate objective is almost always monetary. Luckily, SEO is perfect for this. One of the best parts of a comprehensive, well-executed SEO strategy is that it can deliver a significant number of warm leads to your business. Even better, if you are creating and releasing evergreen content, you can access a consistent source of new leads.

Most of the work that SEO does for you will be in getting prospects in this awareness stage. To make sure your content is optimized for awareness, focus on creating engaging content that answers the reader's question. Someone in the awareness stage isn't necessarily looking for your specific product or service, but if your post can answer their question, they might just stick around.

You should also optimize your content to convert those prospects who are further down your funnel. Embracing long-tail keywords and delivering valuable content about discrete problems or issues in your audience’s lives can substantially increase your revenue opportunities. In an era where we’re all busy and don't have enough time, ranking highly for these keywords, while simultaneously delivering stellar content, puts you in the best position to generate more revenue from your audience without wasting any more of your time.

As potential customers approach the bottom of the funnel, they already know about you, and they most likely already have a pretty good idea of what they're looking for. Their searches get more specific, narrowing in on the intricacies of the decision they have to make, which makes those long-tail keywords even more your friend. For targeting any stage of the funnel, SEO will offer you the most results if the content provides what prospects are looking for while in their specific stage in the journey.

An Effective Strategy That Isn’t Going Away

Google receives over 40,000 searches, on average, per second on any given day. This translates into 3.5 billion searches per day and at least a trillion searches per year. To put it simply, search engines like Google offer tantalizing opportunities for you to grow your business. Whether you are looking to enhance your credibility in your industry, generate more revenue, or do something else, SEO can take you to the Promised Land. All it takes is a smart keyword strategy, hard work, and being laser-focused on your ultimate goal.


Introducing The QTI Framework

In the end, it comes down to more than just SEO — it’s a reputation management, or personal brand building, and it involves elements of SEO, Content Marketing and Social Media. I’ve often wished there was a way to integrate these three practices in a cohesive manner that’s effective and long-lasting. So I took a stab at it by coming up with the QTI framework, which weaves together, 3 key elements that are applied to all three:

  1. Quality — to achieve a high ranking in search and high visibility in social media, it’s imperative that information by you and about you be of the highest quality
  2. Trust — this content, whether it’s a LinkedIn profile, a guest post, or a personal blog must bear all the marks of a trustworthy source.
  3. Intelligence — This is about working smarter, no

 1. Quality

Quality is the foundational notion of any marketing campaign or career. You must be doing excellent work and providing value to your clients or employer, or you have nothing to market. To perform quality work, you have to keep up with the industry, work very hard, and achieve measurable results. This establishes your product — what you’re marketing to potential future employers or clients.

2. Establishing Trust & Authority

Trust is king! Once you know your stuff and have that essential foundation of quality, you must convince others that they can trust you. But who should you focus on convincing?

If your audience won’t take you closer to your goals, it is of no value to you. Posting cute kitten photos on Facebook may win you likes and shares, but is practically worthless in building your brand as an SEO expert. It’s much better to move people emotionally, add value, and offer assistance in your business field of choice. Be a valued resource that they will treasure, respect, and eventually do business with.

A few tips, once you’ve correctly identified your ideal prospects:

  • Connect with your audience
  • Quality trumps quantity (page views alone don’t matter, quality traffic does)
  • Be yourself, be authentic — and add value
  • Be generous and help without expecting anything in exchange; it will come back over time
  • Think as a brand, act as a person; the human touch is very important
  • Dive deep into your areas of expertise

View every contact with others in the industry as an opportunity to build trust. If you’re writing a guest post, a social media update, updating your blog or speaking at a conference, show people that you’re an expert. Don’t pitch — that’s a turnoff. Make them want to come back for more. Nurture relationships with your readers and social media followers.

Each time a visitor arrives at your website or reads your posts, comments or articles, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are they interested in what they found?
  • Did Do they do what you intended them to?
  • Will they convert into clients or offer you a job? If not, why not?
  • How can you improve things?

To do this really well, you must know who your ideal audience is, understand them as individuals, appreciate their challenges and problems, acknowledge the way they think (know their psychology), and know-how to influence them to do what you want them to, thereby attaining your ultimate objectives.

When you do this correctly, you will be regarded by your audience members as their trusted advisors. And this isn’t a one-time interaction.

My clients are great at running businesses, but not so great at planning their digital marketing activities and online strategy. This holds them back from achieving their full potential. To win their trust and establish a relationship with them (Editor’s note: Marketing Land contributor Rachel Balik calls this “getting into the friend zone.”), I guide them through my blog posts and guest columns, through personal meetings and consulting sessions, showing them that:

  • With better research, they can reach, engage, connect and influence more people.
  • By understanding user intent, they can serve audiences better.
  • By knowing their people better, they can press the right emotional hot buttons.

This helps develop trust — even before a formal client-consultant a relationship has been established.

3. Intelligence

The last element of the QTI framework involves working smarter to achieve more at the same time, effort, or money.

Now that you’ve decided to focus on delivering high-quality content, and know how you’re going to build trust and authority, you must be able to accomplish this within a reasonable time with a modest investment. How to do that?

A. Use The Right Bait

What’s the best bait? Whatever the fish want! Give your readers what they want. Solve their problems. Meet their needs.

B. Forget “Word Count” And Tell Your Story

Many content marketers obsess over the right word count for a blog post. Forget that. Just tell your story. Use as many words as you need to do it well. My best posts on SEL are longer than 2,000 words, and they tell stories. Those are the ones that convert into leads and paid SEO work. The “secret” lies in using the stories to position yourself as a trusted advisor.

C. Capture All Your Good Ideas

Don’t let an idea escape. Trap it. Grab quotes, screenshots, URLs, or business development ideas for later reference. Evernote is a helpful app for jotting down notes or bookmarking sites, and it syncs between devices so you can expand on them later on a different platform if you prefer.

D. Be Smart About Creating Content

  • Prioritize your writing. Work to a schedule
  • Set aside limited time for research; when it’s over, start writing
  • Ignore distractions; don’t check email; mute your phone; then, write
  • Keep your blog post or article focused
  • Decide what’s the important message of your post — and stick with it
  • Write long first drafts; I often use only 25% of my first draft
  • Stop worrying about keywords and SEO. Write for your human readers

E. Resist The Temptation To Try To “Go Viral”

Beware “Top 10” lists. They often gain traction on social media and are easy to skim through. But they rarely influence reader behavior or make you a trusted advisor in their eyes. Additionally, that bigger audience you’re reaching often isn’t the right audience.

It’s okay to do these posts from time to time, to attract new readers and get a burst of traffic. But make sure to use other content to stand out from the crowd. Create helpful in-depth content that digs deep into your areas of expertise, offers original or unique perspectives, and shares viewpoints that will impact and influence your readers.


SEO content Marketing: Transform business by being #1 with people, hand to hand salesman. SEO Content Marketing is the base ingredient that SPICE UP a business into a profitable revenue-driving one.  Online presence is worth barding. And we can manage Brand visibility across the market with SEO. Goals to pursue content marketing

1.    The matter is Modern approach: How To Be #1 With People S.E.O. (Set Everything Once) – other than Ranking#1 on Google.


Now, greater focus is placed on nurturing high-quality prospects, guiding them carefully through the sales cycle and proving the benefit of the product or service being sold through personalized approaches. Friendly and Helping approaches other than LEAD gen and Sales to create is the modern concept- Focus on Retention & Loyalty- Branding…SEO is all about optimizing Branding Transforming revenues

2.    In short: Friendly and Helping approaches other than LEAD gen and Sales to create is the modern concept- Focus on Retention & Loyalty- Branding…

Retention Loyalty Branding creates ongoing Fans referrals- a long-term relation.  

Content marketing is a long-term effort. In the mix of all other marketing strategies, content marketing is a strategy with long-term rewards. Content marketing, in the digital marketing sphere, is used to develop ongoing relationships with customers or clients through content that’s not directly promotional but also valuable


3.    That way SEO & Content Marketing Can Transform Your Business – And carrier



Recourses used out of the following blog post…for reading more:



Kim's approach. Campaigns From Larry Kim


How Can SEO Online Marketing Transform Your Business ...

 How SEO & Content Marketing Can Transform Your Business ...

How to Use SEO to Build Your Brand - Neil Patel

How SEO increases your online presence - TechAdvisory.org

Building Your Brand's Online Presence through SEO - Search ...

Growing Your Business By Branding Through SEO

7 strategies to improve your online presence in 2019 | Smart ...

Make The Most Of SEO. How To Bring Customers To Your Door.

The Importance of SEO in Digital Marketing - SEO Digital Group

The Role of SEO in Digital Marketing - In Front Digital

From Door Knocking to Digital Marketing | 97th Floor


Jun 12, 2020

How do I Create SEO Friendly Content?

Creating SEO-friendly content- The matter is SEO-friendly content.

Preface On: Why SEO Friendly content

To doing daily to the weekly food shop, discovering new holiday destinations and researching things to do locally, the online world is very much a part of our daily lives.

The page title tag and Meta description tag contains relevant keywords. Search Engine playing a great role in searching. Content that not only appeals to the visitors but also the search engine spiders. When you work on improving your site’s structure and content, you’ll see the impact on your business growth in terms of leads and sales.

The online experience is constantly evolving thanks to content creators, businesses and app developers who are able to find new and innovative ways to help us shop, learn, and connect. So whether you own a business yourself or would like to work for one now is a great time to jump in and see how you can get involved in the digital world.

Every business, big or small, needs some kind of Internet exposure today where the world is headed. And if your business doesn’t catch up, it is bound to stay behind.

Here are a few stats:

  • 90% of overall traffic on the web is generated by search engines.
  • 57% of B2B marketers believe SEO is the top leads generator when compared to other marketing methods.
  • 81% of people use search engines to do their homework before committing to a big purchase.
  • 64% of Internet users depend on search engines to decide whether to buy something or not.

Once you’ve created website pages that are optimized for search, you’ll want to optimize that content on social media as well. When it comes to using social metadata as part of your SEO strategy, you want the metadata words and phrases to match the needs and voice of your target audience.

Keep in mind that Facebook itself is a search engine! When optimizing your page on Facebook, consider what a user might type into the search box on the social site so that your page comes up. Be very clear when creating your page’s description and profile content. Use social SEO tips on your other social media platforms as well, such as Twitter and LinkedIn. 

History of this post PLay BACK-

This post is the outcome of my recent situation opportunity. With the world’s #1 SEO Marketing company- Coalition Technology. Applied through another world’s #1 Job site Indeed.com- both GREAT!

Thanks for shortlisted me for the interview. Enabling me to open more avenues.  Through the interview screening questions and answering.

There were 14 questions so far…one 3-5 min Video:


o    Introduce yourself and explain your interest in this industry

o    What excites you most about Coalition's position?

o    What are the top three reasons we should hire you?Bottom of Form

The 12 question is the matter of nondisclosure to leak. So please let me keep it a secret… OMG!


To attend the interview I have gone through so many searches, research, and study. To prepare me brainstorm, thinking, taken notes, etc... Create MS word documents in the CT interview. Record Videos, Trim/Edit to cut to size accordingly from 7.30 to 4.3 minutes with my YouTube Studio account. Again download to Desktop-pc and uploaded again with provided built-in QUE…


To sharpening my ideas, memorize and reproduce the main subject matter- Digital Strategist. After completion and sent the interview the acknowledgment email received-


After completion of my interview on 08 June 2020, I have been gone through more deep-dive research. on SEO Content marketing. This is the out of my said thriving be a marker

To resize me with the 7 wonders point should evolving and learning to grips…keep me on track.

“The business and tech world is ever-changing. To co-opt with the ever-changing world we have to be a learner to grow business and carrier to the next level. As marketers, we live in a fast-paced world. With a 24-hour news cycle. In which marketplaces, software, and tactical competitive advantages are constantly evolving.”

Thanks, Coalition Technology again the #1 SEO Marketing Company… and to HAT’S OFF… SEO…


What level of experience do you have in web design and development? Are you able to create a nice website designs in Photoshop / Illustrator? Are you able to convert PSDs to pixel-perfect HTML & CSS? Are you able to write PHP? Perform Sys Admin tasks?

This question is related to production. I have web design and development, some HTML ideas. I don’t have a grip on CSS and PHP. I can perform some sysadmin tasks. Reasons why I didn’t address the question exactly- only poor response. Others 10/10! 



Introductory Play on track (current):

Develop, implement, and track digital and email marketing campaigns across all digital channels it will require Research and implement innovative marketing technologies. This is a work of collaboration and TEAM playing. With brainstorming, creative thinking, and deep-dive research. With the help of marketing tools. SEMrush, BuzSummo, MOZ, keyword surfer, Hubspot, Google keyword planner. Adwords express, MillChimp, ZOHO, Google search console. Plus more use of competitive research. And trend on Facebook LinkedIn, Amazon, eBay by searching too.

  • Modern buyers gathering knowledge/info about products and brands through a web search. Search Engine Optimization or SEO importance comes first. AI surfing relevant content through Local Search. Nearby BIZ in the forms of search results: Organic, Text, or PPC ads. Whatever all is content…?
  • By better understanding of how each piece of content plays into my sales funnel. I can track their results and optimize them to improve my ROI. Reassess quarterly and continue to seek ways to improve marketing strategy.
  • Plan and execute marketing strategy is the art and science of generating revenue. Using marketing reach out Identify trends and insights. Integrate social media strategy across all current social platforms. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, blog, or generic search or paid traffic. Identify trends and insights to plan and execute. All webs, SEO/SEM marketing, and PPC, Text, SEM, advertising accordingly
  • Creating content for users goes way beyond just adding the right keywords to page copy.
  • The understanding audience, and creating an editorial calendar that aligns with business objectives. And your sales funnel. It will help you to do more conversions and increase your lifetime customer value (LCV).
  • A funnel is a step-by-step staircase. A useful model for visualizing the CVJ from initial awareness. All the way through which I can analyze for business and identify areas of improvement.
  • Understanding the concept of sales funnels is important. Because it's a useful model for visualizing the customer journey. From initial awareness all the way through conversion. The sales funnel provides a useful framework. Through which you can analyze your business and identify areas for improvement.
  • The high-converting marketing funnel is the matter. Choose which of the funnel to start with and pick one or two tactics for each funnel stage. Create content, connect, and build continuity. To keep the customer throughout the journey- CVJ.
  • Create a More Engaging Buyer's Journey. That said the general approach remains the same. Understand your audience; develop your funnel around your industry. And audience intent, and create a documented content marketing strategy. That maps custom content specific to each phase of their journey through the funnel.
  • Creating & Measuring Content KPIs Identifying leaks in your funnel. Primarily where users bounce will help you optimize your website. And the content strategy to increase your revenue.


My main major subject matter is SEO content. What is SEO Content? How to Create and its importance in Digital Social Media Marketing, Inbound and outbound marketing Plus more

But the bullet point consists of total parameters. TEAM, Tolls, SEO/SEM marketing, Paid, and organic traffic PPC, Text advertising. Scope etc. Crating REVENUE is the GOAL of any business.


To drive SEO in line with marketing strategy. We have to be concise on our mark to get set go to GOAL to EARN REVENUE.

Curate SEO in line with GOAL. The universal proverb:


SMART SEO Content Mapping or strategy is necessary.

PRO SMART-Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant and Time-Bound plan and strategy matter. Not a mere desire.

The character REVENUE is the most critical to manage to have a sustainable business as a going concern. Collaboration and TEAM playing is another hand to DRIVE the revenue goal. So how to manage:

  1. PRO SMART-Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant and Time-Bound plan and strategy. BIZ savvy Social Intelligence Digital literacy. Collaboration TEAM is the next solution to overcome… with marketing tools
  2. Deep-dive research with the help of so many marketing tools- is the main thing. Small companies can’t afford to go for deep-dive research. A collaborative TEAM job to get better SEO-friendly Content. It will exercise brainstorming, creative thinking, Writing, Editing. Customize your design, Edit, and publishing. Next final stage- Promoting content…. Will discuss later part of the post…
  3. By better understanding how each piece of content plays into my sales funnel I can track their results and optimize to improve my ROI. Reassess quarterly and continue to seek ways to improve marketing strategy.
  4. The understanding audience and creating an editorial calendar that aligns with business objectives. Your sales funnel, will help you do more conversions. And increase your lifetime customer value (LCV)
  5. Creating & Measuring Content KPIs Identifying leaks. To analyze in your funnel, mainly where users bounce. It will help you optimize your website and content strategy to increase your revenue.
  6. How to curate its SEO and content friendly. In line with a marketing strategy to drive traffic, lead gen , and drive sales
  7. The business and tech world is ever-changing. To co-opt with the ever-changing world, we have to continue the learner to grow business and carrier to the next level. As marketers, we live in a fast-paced world. With a 24-hour news cycle. In which marketplaces, software, and tactical competitive advantages are constantly evolving.


Game Planner/Getty 

Managing all such jobs must need a strategist or LEAD, Manager. Game Planner!

Altogether- this is a FACTORY. RAW Material, production, Finishing, Quality Control, Marketing, and Sales….

In Digital Marketing the Digital Production of SEO stands out in #1.

Here- SEO content crating service, processing words into SEO content: As a whole a Production FACTORY likes Manufacturing Industries… with TEAM of players.

In my content marketing certification course LEARNED. The least number of content creation teams is 5 persons. Ideas and content writing to Editing PLUS more…

But a company with one man, multitask cases… one man doing all jobs. As for example- when I am going to creating this post, I first have gone through Search Research…


1. what is SEO content - Search results        554,000,000    

2. how to create SEO content.......                 261,000,000

3. How can I Create SEO Friendly Content?   49,200,000

4. How do I Create SEO Friendly Content?     46,100,000

5. How do I make my content SEO-friendly?   35,200,000

6. How do I maintain SEO and content friendliness? 

7. Creating SEO friendly content-                    18,800,000


After that- products and tools search…

Update: The keyword ... Rank checker, See how well your content is ranking for many keywords. SEO Content ... Great tool, to make a page SEO-friendly!

SEO friendly content generator

SEO friendly content checker


Content SEO Score.  SEO Content Assistant & Keyword Suggestion Tool

Tips And Tools To Write SEO-Friendly Content - GetResponse

 5 Tools to Create SEO-Friendly Content Step-by-Step

How to Create SEO-Friendly Content with SEMrush




Let’s discuss our post subject matter:

This is going to be like a record player. Tape recorder- With Play Back (rewind) Play on track (current) Play Forward (future) method as a whole to summarize the matter.


YOU are in a DIGITAL mobile-friendly Android iPhone and internet age generation. 

The player and Tape recorder are of Analog age… we are from


In my Introductory I would like to bring all issues to this context using these 3 Buttons.


NOW SEO and content friendliness… You’ve probably heard content referred to as a demand generator and lead nurturer, but the role of content in your marketing strategy should extend to all stages of your sales funnel.

From Post Images Infographics all are content. So we have to curate it SEO and content friendly in line with a marketing strategy to drive traffic, Lead gen, and drive sales…    

Digital World- it's especially relevant in digital marketing. SEO Content Strategy Content Marketing playing an impactful role to drive traffic paid or organic…


Before- my content marketing certification course, I have completed SEO training on Udemy. 


And it was an adventure for me. I discover the amazing importance of SEO and Content in Digital Marketing arena. I was about to puzzle by experiencing that SEO and Content domination the whole world Politics, Economy, Govt., Corporate whatever.

When finding a justification of SEO & Content…. Says that:

A political Lead’s speech … budget, planning whatever is a sum total of content… isn’t it?

Picture, Infographics, Video, Songs, Advertisement, PPC, Text Ads, Lead, Funnel, prospecting, phone call, Email, chat blab la all are content …

I always love to LEARN and interested in new tech and research. I have got the avenue to explore and develop my skills.

An MBA- Born natural Business faculty member. 50 years of golden jubilee relation.  

Secondly- Sales and Marketing are my favorite niches throughout my carrier. Now I became a student and fan of SEO & Content. So interesting and in-depth subject matter to LEARN ….I am learning by thinking, Creating, Editing posting.

 ONE MAN SHOW!! Hard and branded Perfume of our time, 1975-1985.

In the staring, I have mentioned some tools. These Tools, Apps add X factor revenue, sustainable growth depends on greatly.


Organic traffic boils down to providing useful content for your target audience so that they'll share it with others. ... You could employ black hat SEO techniques and quickly boost your web

In order to stay ahead of the curve and keep your organic search presence in tip-top shape, you’ll want a good SEO checklist.

That’s why we’ve created this 25-point SEO checklist of all the essentials needed to help you optimize your content, drive quality organic traffic, and deliver more conversions.

In this guide:

  1. Create Relevant, Quality Content
  2. On-page SEO Checklist
  3. Technical SEO Checklist
  4. Security Checklist
  5. Reputation & Backlinks Checklist

Create Relevant, Quality Content read more… 25 points… from Alexa…renowned site traffic agency.


This should be the first item on any SEO checklist. No matter what format your content takes, it needs to be valuable for the user and match the user’s intent.

11 Proven Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website


SKYROCK social media popularity redefining marketing with new Tech, Ideas, and Apps come up daily.

The business and tech world is ever-changing. To co-opt with the ever-changing world we have to continue learners to grow business and carrier to the next level. 


As marketers, we live in a fast-paced world with a 24-hour news cycle in which marketplaces, software, and tactical competitive advantages are constantly evolving. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, it can certainly be a daunting endeavor to keep oneself up-to-date on all of the latest concepts, strategies, and technologies.

Luckily, there is a myriad of great resources we can look to for guidance, support, and training. A favorite of the team here at Digitopia Agency is, HubSpot. HubSpot, an industry-leading, enterprise-level marketing, sales, and customer service Software Company, is also one of the preeminent authorities on all things Inbound Marketing - the most widely adopted marketing philosophy today.

Digital Marketing Success Will Keep You Ahead of the Pack
Staying ahead of the competition is no longer something you can do alone. There’s simply too much work to do. For example, your success with digital marketing will take planning, implementing, analyzing, and improving the elements that make up your digital strategy. Therefore, to maintain a steady pace, consider utilizing powerful tools for digital marketing success.


When it comes to Add charts and visuals, creating beautiful infographics! Here are some 12 free tools providers:

  1. Canva
  2. Venngage
  3. Piktochart
  4. easel.ly
  5. Visme
  6. Infogram
  7. Vizualize.me
  8. Snappa
  9. Animaker
  10. BeFunky
  11. Biteable
  12. Mind the Graph


Earlier I have said Back/Rewind-Play-Forward. 

NOW Play Forward (future) method as a whole to summarize the matter.


Retargeting vsremarketing, the main difference is in the strategy. Retargeting is mostly about serving ads to potential customers based on cookies while remarketing is usually based on email. Reasons why I have pointed out about MillChip… at the beginning,

It's important to first distinguish between prospecting & retargeting

Prospecting is any activity in which you target users who have not yet visited your site. Retargeting, in contrast, is targeting users that have been to your site, this is achieved by leveraging cookie pools collected on site.

In digital marketing, remarketing (or retargeting) is the practice of serving ads across the internet to people who have already visited your website. It allows your company to seem like they're “following” people around the internet by serving ads on the websites and platforms they use most.

Remarketing is a tactic that involves showing ads to people who have visited your website or used your mobile app. This strategy is a particularly cost-effective way to increase your sales conversions because you're reaching out to customers who have already expressed interest in your products or services.

Benefits of remarketing

  • Benefit #1: improving brand recall. Remarketing is a fantastic tool for reminding prospects of your brand. ...
  • Benefit #2: Improved conversion rates. ...
  • Benefit #3: audience targeting. ...
  • Benefit #4: Improves the relevancy of ads. ...
  • Benefit #5: Reduce loss.

The Power of Remarketing in PPC (Infographic) | Digital ...

 Wise business owners and digital marketers competing in the very competitive world on Internet marketing makes use of both organic and paid online marketing channels. With Google controlling 67% of the search engine market in the United States, it is but logical for these marketers and business owners to do so.

The Google Display Network, on the other hand, has the capability of reaching up to 92% of all online traffic in the United States, proving how effective display advertising can be for promoting your business – any business – online. Google now makes it possible for digital marketers to conduct Remarketing – basically showing your display ads repeatedly to online users who have already visited your site or clicked on your ad. Google allows you to generate a special code using Adwords.

So, wherever they may be within the network of websites in the Google Display Network, the variation of your ads will repeatedly be shown to them. This is a very efficient and effective system of marketing your brand to highly targeted audiences, boosting your conversions and revenues as well as hastening your ROI.

Such is the power of Remarketing in PPC and the following will tell you more about how your business can benefit from Remarketing.

Understanding the Buyer’s Journey- is the key issue of SEO.

Sparking Interest and buyers personas- Matter.  

The first stage of the sales funnel is typically referred to as consideration. At this stage of the funnel, users encounter your content and brand for the first time during their research.

At this stage of user research, you should present content that answers customer questions and offers innovative solutions.

All top-funnel content should be informative and authoritative.

In terms of promotion and reaching customers mid-funnel, this is where offsite content creation and sharing will be most effective. You can reach customers mid-funnel on:

·   Social media (paid promotion or organic).

·   Organic search results.

·   External publications (guest posting, press releases, link building).

·   Influencers.

·  In terms of keyword queries, optimize titles and meta descriptions for terms, such as:

·       How

·       What

·       When

·       Where

·       Why

·       Guide

·       Tutorial

·       Tips

·       Tricks

·       Hacks


The best type of content to address this research would be:

·       Ebooks

·       White papers

·       Blog posts

·       Webinars

·       Guest posts

·       Evergreen guides

·    Offering other forms of media (e.g., video, infographics, interactive quizzes) is another way to make your brand appear more professional and authoritative.

·    By separating your brand from the competition, you can lead customers into the next stage of your funnel.

Nurturing Leads

Once a user lands on your website, they’re going to conduct intensive research on your brand and the services you offer before making a purchasing decision. This means that customers will consult everything from user reviews to any success stories you’ve had.

Here, you’ll have to advertise your business more than your content.

At this stage, users are looking for:

·         Positive user reviews.

·         A fast and engaging website.

·         A clear and powerful value proposition.

·         Social proof or evidence for your brand.

Expanding more on that the last point, you should offer content that communicates your experience as an authority in the industry.

Provide these forms of content for social proof and evidence:

·         Case studies.

·         Testimonials.

You’ll also want to provide more descriptions of your services and products.

Demos, tutorials, and how-to videos will allow customers to visualize how your business operates and what you can offer for their individual needs.

Once you’ve convinced your customers that your brand is top-notch, it’s time to close the sale.

Getting the Sale

Bottom-funnel content will tend to represent sales copy and target terms with high shopping intent.

Here, you’ll offer your customer's page copy with a CTA to include promotions, limited-time offers, discounts, and everything else.

You might also want to consider links to top-level evergreen content and blog posts for users who do not enter top-of-funnel.

Creating & Measuring Content KPIs

Identifying leaks in your funnel, primarily where users bounce, will help you optimize your website and content strategy to increase your revenue.

Here is a list of content KPIs that can be tracked on each piece of content based on its placement in the sales funnel:


·       Brand reach

·       Traffic

·       Referring links

·       CTR

·       Bounce rate


·       CTR

·       Sessions

·       Bounce rate

Bottom level:

·       Conversions

·       Bounce rate

This brings up the need to establish a quarterly editorial on the calendar that addresses these leaks, as well as a quarterly SEO and content audit.

Establishing an editorial calendar will allow you to actualize your customer data research and target growing trends in the industry and new demands. Most of all, this will allow you to track results thereafter to address holes in your funnel.

In terms of topic selection, this should be based on your keyword research and competitor analysis. By assessing this quarterly, you can keep your strategy flexible to new trends and determine whether your goals are being reached.

Don’t forget the benefits of repurposing or retargeting successful, top-level content for some easy wins.

Focus on Retention & Loyalty

Finally, your content marketing strategy should not focus solely on new customer acquisition. Following the 80/20 rule of marketing, we know that a majority of our business revenue will come from our most loyal fans.

Incorporate content into your remarketing strategies to increase your LCV. Strategies include:

·       Remarketing.

·       Follow-up emails with special promotions.

·       User polls and surveys on ways to improve your business.

·       Rewards programs for referrals or multiple purchases.

·    Always follow up on lost leads and customers who’ve made purchases from your business with informative content that reaffirms your authority. Measure the effectiveness of these campaigns and optimize them.


By better understanding how each piece of content plays into my sales funnel I can track their results and optimize to improve your ROI. Reassess quarterly and continue to seek ways to improve your marketing strategy.

Strategy, Editing Publishing Promoting SEO Content creation, Digital Production TEAM PLAYER.  All are HOT niches in the Market.  To land a job and prospects grow. But you have to fasten your seat belt with all the interesting niches you go for a LONG DRIVE…. Ongoing relation and may wish a wonderful journey.    


Too many tools, apps, technical SEO issues Research more. Passion in Creativity Collaboration TEAM playing is necessary.


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