Feb 22, 2010

Go green or junk : it's a choice

Go green or junk it's choice, green sex-xx or junk foods it's taste. Unlike the two-way track good & bed ( evils ) habits broad Gage engine brought traffic through safest rail journey towards the station (to reach Satisfaction, Happiness-Peace) another derail one ACCIDENT cause injury or perhaps at a cost of lives! 

Despite the statutory WARNING on CIGAR can't debar us from suicidal slow poisoned injury by self! The path- GREEN AND RED! Way out what to choose?

"our sensation of consciousness exists within our Ego (Our desire to enjoy ourselves). All five of our senses distort our reality by dividing it into what can bring me pleasure, and what can harm me."

Here is an exact note by my FB friend, visit Roni lipstien or read the same (copy-paste) as under:

"We live in a world with BILLIONS of others just like us, yet each having their own thoughts, feelings, opinions, and BEliefs.

It’s easy to get caught up in our differences, to ‘wage war’ over miscommunications, incongruent thought patterns, 
JUST AS EASY as it is to CHOOSE Acceptance, Compassion, Empathy, Tolerance & LOVE. See that which holds us together, unites us ONE, for, in TRUTH, we ALL KNOW, WE ARE!

Big Hugs of LOVE’s Light to YOU Earth Angels Divine, Each and Every ONE of WE!
Radiate Soul Light
Radiate ONE LOVE"

WE CAN- Go green and enjoy safer healthy HAPPY PEACE LAUGH LOVELY HOME LIFE.

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