Feb 22, 2010

Abuse sex life- Eclipse of chaotic world !

Hope and positive wishes to build a green living friends and family global oneness HOME through authentic relation- sex.

Child sex Brothels Homo perversion the Eclipse of upheaval chaotic world. Dark under light- The image creates its own shadow and follows. We never ran away from bad news out of HUGE positives... The charity rescuing child sex slaves

" Going undercover to rescue child-sex slaves from Southeast Asian brothels sound like something out of thriller fiction, but not to a group of dedicated ex-soldiers and former police."

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) estimates that as many as 1.2 million children are trafficked for sex every year. We never bell the cat but do something to create AWARENESS, to minimize, to save OUR GREEN living GLOBAL HOME "WE CAN". Be optimistic and let's unite to do so "LOVE PEACE " 
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