Aug 13, 2009

The Family as a Functional unit

BabaOHome relentlessly pleading- as a pro friends &   family social activist. A universally accepted Ideal of Multidimensional, Multifunctional, Multinational POSITIVE faces of HOME -Love & Light- global oneness. 

Polarization is a must - weaving poverty to attain sustainable development goals for world peace & harmony.

" The biological, emotional, and economic needs are the foundation of a family. It grows out of biological needs, particularly those of the expectant mother and the infant child, who cannot support and live by themselves.

Every association of people; it be a state, a nation, or a tribe -- has its own distinctive culture, its modes of living and thought, which are developed as a response to the peculiar circumstances of the environment, natural and ideological. Family is the agency through which the impressionable rising generation is made familiar with such traditions. It teaches the individual what situations to anticipate, how to behave, and what behavior to expect, by giving one the gifts of language and dress which integrate within one’s cultural ethos. It facilitates adjustment to people and groups outside the family circle."  let's UNITE "WE CAN" save our family home out of GUILDER'S imitating golds.
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