Take a look...on Caricature!
Family grouping of individuals based on blood relations, houses, tribes, religions, cultures, languages are the most universal and strong organization for socialization. Socialization was found great threat by the imperialists. The fall of colonial rule after the great world war II. In the meantime, the subsequent NEW inaugural showdown was made through BIG BANG at Hiroshima Nagasaki. Until now in Bosnia, Palestine, Afghan, Iraq, Sudan, Swat, Somalia...many other parts, where family value exists, heated by WAR, and continue...! Next through WW free sex and free life sponsoring MEDIA propaganda war against moral values and norms to jeopardize the UNIVERSAL family home. Outstayed from their land only to make them homeless to break their Grouping, moral courage, values to CAPITALIZE unipolar corporatism BRAND O BIZ N SHOW BIZ O BIZ?
" Universality. In view of the fact that all aspects of an individual’s life, are considerably influenced and made possible by family grouping, it is found all over the world and at all levels of culture. Besides, there is no conclusive or convincing evidence that there ever was a time when this institution did not exist. Modern civilization has not so far succeeded in providing a complete and fully satisfying substitute to this grouping. Family is the most universal and the most important organization for socialization."
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