Parents HOME & re-perenting egos- a global oneness.
Family home- others: brothers, sisters, elder, young, father & mother- parents. A guardian supports plays an educative role under the lovely hearty caring emotional blood relationship that makes kids cool gentle under the chain of the green circle. After age, Re- Parenting egos to soften n soothe cool. Myths overactive egos always inflammable that destruct the CHAIN of commands by FORCE. Generally- accepted notion that the ego needs to be destroyed. But mine is that- to transforms SUNLIGHT into MOON shine that's worthy. TRUTH n FALSE, RIGHT n WRONG arguments make room for DEVILS egos to in inn..forth ONLINE. Then wear the goggles of might is the BEST! Let's put our soft hands- egos to deviate and divide. Against Global oneness, friends, and family values. Get lost...dump egos...let's honor each other...
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