Sep 22, 2009

Living authentically in LOVE- a TURE desire

Kalyn + Kris a real-life partners, universal home lovers FB friends N family of mine. Kristopher Raphael- a writer. An outcome of inbox message by Kalyn B Raphael to me~ This is a Universal green living essence and would like to share this wonderful message as if: To honor the COUPLE ~ Let's enjoy and looking forward......opt-in.....a primary overview posts...more yet to come...please stay tuned....!!

Following is a message especially for you from the Oracle.

In this time of upheaval and chaos in the world, living authentically in love, which is the essence of Who you are, is not only more important than ever, but now you have more help to bring love, abundance, and the power to manifest the life you truly desire than ever before.


"Every day is meant to bring you closer to Who you are, as each experience helps you see the direction your journey is taking you. It is said you are on a journey with no destination because there is truly no start, no finish, and no goal. Nothing changes on your journey except you and your energy.

At some point on this journey, you come to see, with every experience, what love is. You go beyond believing what you have been told and beyond thinking- and you come to knowing.

We can tell you what love is, but we prefer to point you in the direction of your journey so that every part of you comes to remember, comes to awaken to, and comes to shift in your knowing and living what love is.

Love is a state of being, a state of recognizing yourself. Love is a flow, just like a water current that nourishes all the life in the stream and brings fresh experiences and cycles to them, love is a stream of energy flow in your life that brings you experiences, dreams, and your being. Words can point you in the direction, but they cannot necessarily shift you the way you will change, evolve and become Who you are when you know love in your life.

Love is compassion, joy, expansion; love is remembering, being in your Golden Flow, and taking a deeper breath of life than you ever have; love is endless wisdom, quiet and within.

Love can be experienced in romantic relationships, in people, and in a walk. Love is discovered in joy, not things or places, in self, not in life, but through the living of your life.

Love is a religion because it becomes the way you live and the way you are; it becomes the air you breathe and the breath you speak. When you come to know that love is the energy behind every other energy in your universe, you will have begun your true spiritual path, a path in which you come to be, see and experience love with every step of your everyday, normal life."

Love and Light,
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