One of the
excellent benefits of attending motivational workshops are that they get you
energized about changing your life. before beginning the main Freelance job fair and Seminar these may be used to say WARM-UP ...
6 workshops are in consideration by this time. Starting first one from East Delta University, Chittagong CAMPUS, and hopefully by the next fortnight.
A Best Case Scenario
Workshops seem to work best for people who already
have a vision/mission vehicle in place, or have a fairly clear idea about what they want their
future professional vehicle to be. People with an established vehicle go to work (or to
their businesses) on the following opening day brimming with new ideas and
strategies which they are able to put to work immediately. And because success
builds on success, each successfully implemented strategy leads to the next, and
so on. These participants can truthfully say that the workshop changed their
lives. It gave them the necessary impetus to move their career or business to
the next level.

The same applies to those who know what vehicle they plan to use in the future. On the Monday morning after the workshop, they make their first (or renewed) moves towards establishing the vehicle. They make phone calls, arrange loans, write letters, purchase new equipment - whatever steps are required to turn the idea into reality. The motivational energy from the workshop propels them to make the decisions and take the actions that will lead them to their goals. If they continue to build momentum, they are also justified in claiming that the workshop changed their lives.
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