Jan 3, 2022

How TO LEARNING co-opt WIN competitive DYNAMIC TECH BIZ Career Teamplay

How TO BE an outstanding performer ROCKSTAR unicorn EMPLOYEE is the main theme 

Digital Marketing has many variables parts and tools. It is a data-driven amalgamation of innovation, creativity, and analytics; one should have a creative mind, data analysis, writing and editing, and technical skills that must have won to be a rock star Marketer TEAM PLAYER. Here is how to learn to co-opt with the dynamic tech and collaboration with TEAM mates to drive career goals and stand out...

In a working team environment how to be a UNICORN by providing Creative Innovative Challenging passivity to go far and beyond to drive the company's goal success, and to get recognition in the team. Best employee of the company…


Working is no more a place. LOW-COST HEAD HUNTING FROM THIRD WORLD to minimize the cost of operations. Multinationals and corporate companies have been going virtual working environment through project management, time tracking, and team viewing tools in post PANDEMIC era. In the pandemic, it gets new momentum and became new norms and growing the use of remote working from the home office. Zoom MEETING takes the place and stands out rising download and its share value in the stock market. 


What is a dynamic environment in business?

A dynamic environment is changing rapidly. Managers must react quickly and organizations must be flexible to respond. Today's business environment is generally very dynamic. Technology, consumer tastes, laws and regulations, political leaders, and international conditions are all changing rapidly and dramatically.

Co-op is an experiential learning program that gives you the opportunity to use your classroom knowledge in real-world, productive work environments;

The Rules of Co-petitions

Rivals are working together more than ever before. Here’s how to think through the risks and rewards.

“Co-petition”—cooperating with a competitor to achieve a common goal or get ahead—has been gaining traction for three decades. Yet many companies are uncomfortable with the concept and bypass the promising opportunities it presents.

The moon landing just over 50 years ago is remembered as the culmination of fierce competition between the United States and the USSR. But in fact, space exploration almost started with cooperation. President Kennedy proposed a joint mission to the moon when he met with Khrushchev in 1961 and again when he addressed the United Nations in 1963. It never came to pass, but in 1975 the Cold War rivals began working together on Apollo-Soyuz, and by 1998 the jointly managed International Space Station had ushered in an era of collaboration. Today a number of countries are trying to achieve a presence on the moon, and again there are calls for them to team up. Even the hypercompetitive Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk once met to discuss combining their Blue Origin and SpaceX ventures.

A version of this article appeared in the January–February 2021 issue of Harvard Business Review.

So this is and co-operation era to work together. Personalized HELPING is new 80/20 rules of marketing other than acquiring new customers.  

Competitive Environment: Definition

competitive environment is the dynamic external system in which a business competes and functions. The more sellers of a similar product or service, the more competitive the environment in which you compete. Look at fast-food restaurants - there are so many to choose from; the competition is high. However, if you look at airlines servicing Hawaii, very few actually fly to the islands.

We are working in an office TEAM working environment in the dynamic internal system is where a TEAM of workers/employees competes with each other by providing creative innovative best services providing to be an outstanding performer, the more the environment in which we compete…


In our body's blood, red and white cells have been continuously competing to have central deviation. Everywhere in our nature and life competition going on… survival of the fittest the dialectic of nature… life cycles…

B2B competing in getting marketing shares to be best seller RANK #1

 In a TEAM playing to be #1 employee of the Month or Year

SEO for Google search ranking to be#1, SERP 1-10 to get CLICKS


In an education competing with classmates to be First CLASS First Gold Medalist position to secure.

WAR between bulls and Masterminds to destroy and survive to be a beast and dictator #1 to rule in a jungle or to be world superpower by hock or crock …


Companies are constantly trying to one-up the latest best-selling model - a good indication of a competitive environment. Due to digital and online globalization, the market and completion are a HUGE! Works and market is no longer a PLACE.  Worldwide product, services, and job markets…

Compete with the top brands and talents globally. So competition is a HUGE!

Superpowers invading space with a super rockets TECH…

Dynamic and agile Marketing Business Tech world inventing Updating tools and apps to co-opt with the market and keep ahead of competition…


To promote and Brand products it will require Market Use of Platforms Time PLUS more to take in consecration to LAUNCH products… along with UX CX  Season Demographics Age Income level Market size …


Final Thoughts:

  1. Do-following is the best
  2. Ever LEARNING to co-opt with the DYNAMIC new tech and Biz world
  3. Empathy and nimbleness to working together to get the works done on time to drive a common goal  
  4. Won and partnering 

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