Close your eyes for a minute. Forget all your troubles and problems and imagine something pleasing. What do you see? Maybe you imagine yourself as a president of a large company with a lot of subordinates and constant high income. Maybe you a captain of a snow-white yacht and even feel salt drops on your cheeks. Or maybe you dream to be at home, sitting in your favorite armchair with a beer, and watching a football match.
When I close my eyes I imagine the ocean and tropic beach. I walk along the surf line with the loved person. Then he embraces me tightly and whispers sweet nothings. I look into his eyes and see the love for me in them. But it's only a dream and my loneliness surrounds me again and again...
My name is Oksana. I was born 25 years ago in a small industrial town Amvrosievka which is situated in the east of Ukraine. Here I try to find only one special person who I couldn't live without. That person who would make my life complete, who will be interested in my thoughts and desires, whose heart beats at the same tact as mine, that person who presents me the sweetest kisses, the warmest hugs, the most passionate nights, who drives me wild and untamable. I need no wealth and social value. Race, color skin, and nationality are not important for me. He and I will be in a fairy-tale together.
I hope you liked the way I am and you would like to share our lives together. Every morning we'll open our eyes and understand that life is a wonderful thing and it's worth living and getting the joy from it!!
messagefrom OksanaSaturday, 18 April, 2009 19:11From: **@**com< **@**com>To: lekuctg@yahoo.comMessage contains attachmentslook into my eyes.jpg (292KB),
every day with smile.jpg look into my eyes.jpg

1 comment:
Thank you for your e-mail. I am glad that you have responded to my earlier message. It is important that now we open up to one another so
that we can be able to communicate more and more.
As you already know my name is Oksana. But my friends call me Ksyusha,
Ksenya, Oksanochka and so on. You can think up something new and it
will be only your creation. I am from small industrial town
Amvrosievka which is situated on the east of Ukraine. It's small quiet
town where live only 20.000 inhabitants. I love it because I was born
here and my friends and relatives live here.
I was born on June,4. It means that my Zodiac is Twins. It's impulsive
but some changeable sign. It explains my explosive nature. I always
create a lot of plans and purposes and each trouble causes concern.
Sometimes I seem as prickly and inaccessible. At the same time I am a
treasure for only one person how can understand my quivering soul.
I always dreamed about medical carrier. My mother was a
doctor-pediatrician and I'd liked to follow for her example. But
unfortunately my father had no funds to pay for my training. And
that's why I had to choise another profession. Since I had mathematic
skills I have entered to Donetsk Economical University. I am a
manager. Earlier I worked at the trade company as a economist. But
because of economical crisis I lost my job and now I work as a shop
assistant in a boutique. I have simple and quiet life.. But I have one
big sadness: I have no my own family, there is no children laugh in my
home, nobody calls me "Mother"...
I grew in happy family. I have grown in encirclement of loved people.
I feel how my parents loved to each other. I saw their tender touches,
hear their gentle words. My father always kissed my mother before
going to work and after return to home. They never quarreled. We liked
to spend time together: we are fond of fishing, gathering mushrooms,
skiing and sledging. But my mother died when I was 11. It was terrible
stroke of bad luck for our family.. Now my family is my loved father
and my younger brother Alexey (he is a student). And I'd like to
create the same family without lie,hypocrisy and mistrust. Tell me
please about your family. What relations do you have with your
parents? Do you have sisters or brothers?
I am open woman and I value such quality in people. I become attached
very soon and it's very painful to disappoint later. I had negative
love experience in the past. And I am afraid to repeat this. But I
can't live without love. For me Love is life..And if you lose love you
lose life. Love is amazing it makes life worthwhile. Love is
unselfish,understanding and kind, it sees with the heart and not the
eyes. Love knows no season,no climate,no hours,days, or months, which
are but the rags of time. Love is discovering joys even in the little
things of life ,just like cooking for your loved one. Love speaks with
the eyes,listens from the heart and cares unconditionally. Love is a
long journey of care,trust and understanding each other. Love is the
blossom,where there blows everything,that lives or grows. Love is
celebration of each moment spending together.
I tried to tell you something about my life, about my work, my family.
And I send you photos with hopes that you'll like them. And, dear, I
hope you liked my thoughts. I'd like to know more about your life,
your work, you rest. How did you spend your leisure time? Why are you
looking for woman in Internet? Do you believe in serious relations
after virtual communication?
I end my letter with a desire to receive your answer as soon as
possible. Take care and feel my presence. Truly Yours, Oksana
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