Jun 23, 2024

How Toxic workplace CANNGE you than you are to change it before burnout

A toxic work culture describes a company environment that perpetuates unhealthy working habits in the workplace. It can be caused by ineffective work practices, policies, or management styles.

"Toxic workplace culture was a major contributor to the 'great resignation.' Employees are leaving work environments that are disrespectful, unethical, negative, and stressful."
Amanda Hetler Senior Editor- https://www.techtarget.com/contributor/Amanda-Hetler

Toxic is inflammable, hazardous, and injurious to mental health, better prioritize YOUR mental health before going mad or burnout! 

Migration Birds flew 1000+ miles from sub-Saharan countries to Bangladesh in search of friendly weather. We are human and always looking for an environment and culture to work and grow with. 

What is a toxic work environment?

Toxic work environments make employees feel punished, rejected, guilty, defensive and humiliated. Employees find it difficult to work in this environment because of negative behaviors from management. Common behaviors include bullying, yelling, manipulating, and belittling.

Learned 3 months from Hitler Emotional TYPO mental Bossing and sneaky style personnel management. 

A toxic work environment can impact your physical and mental health, performance, and self-esteem. While it's recommended to leave a toxic workplace, it's not always possible. Here are some ways to protect yourself in a toxic work environment what I did:
  • Set boundaries: Communicate your boundaries to your CEO and consider shutting off your work phone after hours.
  • Document everything: Keep track of tasks, achievements, and any form of abuse.
  • Build a support network: Find a confidant and seek support from trusted colleagues, friends, or family.
  • Practice self-care: Take time off to recharge, decompress after work, and find an outlet for stress.
  • Focus on what you can control: Let go of what's outside your sphere of influence.
  • Prioritize yourself: Consider leaving your job.
  • Seek professional help: If needed, consider seeking legal advice 
  • Avoid drama: Don't take things personally, and avoid getting into arguments or discussions that can lead to drama.

What are the effects of toxicity in the workplace?
The effects of toxicity in the workplace are numerous. To name a few:

  1. Reduced employee engagement
  2. Higher rates of burnout
  3. Greater rates of absenteeism and turnover
  4. Decreased feelings of psychological safety in employees
  5. More symptoms of depression and anxiety in employees
  6. Pervasive feelings of negativity
  7. More company expenses
  8. Increased interpersonal conflicts
  9. Chronic and excessive stress
  10. Employees may experience excessive stress for many reasons. Common contributors include being overworked, feeling uncertain about expectations, disagreeing with bosses or co-workers, or struggling with communication.

Fears of failure and difficulty communicating with CEOs may cause chronic stress, which can eventually lead to employee burnout.

Causes of a toxic workplace

Toxic work cultures can stem from many factors, but here are a few common causes of toxicity in the workplace:

Poorly defined core values: A company without well-defined values can suffer from internal inconsistencies and a lack of brand identity. Promoting strong values gives employees a sense of belonging within a company, and an organizational identity to internalize and act on.
Inconsistent expectations: When expectations change abruptly or frequently without support, employees can feel disengaged, confused, and frustrated. Maintaining consistent expectations and providing support through changes reduces anxiety and encourages connection.

Unclear communication: Communication goes both ways. Employees need clear communication from their supervisors, and they need leaders who will listen to their concerns and encourage them to express themselves honestly.

Rampant bullies and cliques: Bullying is a real problem in the workplace, and it can decrease your employees' sense of psychological safety. Eventually, this can result in significant problems like reduced self-esteem, increased susceptibility to mental health issues, and higher rates of burnout.

In an interview with HR Bartender, Workhuman Global Head of Analytics Jesse Harriott said, 

“Psychological safety is critical for employees to be productive, strive for excellence, innovate, and generally bring their best selves to the workplace. Toxic work cultures are a breeding ground for things that undermine psychological safety.”

Some signs of a toxic workplace culture include:

Poor communication: Lack of trust between employees and management, or unrealistic expectations

Negative behavior: Bullying, yelling, manipulating, or belittling

Unhealthy competition: Hurtful office gossip, or a "cutthroat" environment

Micromanagement: Superiors who micromanage employees

Blame culture: When problems or failures are blamed on individuals instead of situations

Low morale: Employees who feel undervalued or unappreciated, or who dread going to work

High turnover: Employees who leave the workplace at high rates 

Other signs include Disengagement, Low enthusiasm, Role confusion, and Chronic stress. 

Toxic workplace cultures can lead to employee burnout, reduced productivity, and damage to profits. 


This and that way I did my job without keeping a direct connection with MY CEO for about 90 days. Bring wonderful outcomes at the end of sales calls and lead conversions. From day 1 my vision was to change the Toxic environment by fighting Arguing with CEO. At large I had changed my mind to save my soul and mental health and take a forced leave for 20 days to repair my Social Family and Mental health... burnout!!!!!!!!!!! 

Toxic is inflammable, hazardous, and injurious to mental health, better prioritize YOUR mental health before going mad or burnout! 

At large- Toxic workplace CANNGE you than you are to change it before burnout

More resources and contributions: 

Google searches, Gemini AI