Conduct a startup-
RESEARCH in the FIRST place a KEY to success HUNTING sustainable growth Marketing
“Whoever gets closer to the customer wins.”
Bernadette Jiwa - Founder, The Right Company

When I have gone through their
online site visit, conducted an overview and site audit online. I was
astonished by… only one monthly organic visit and Zero social media traffic.
But they are maintaining a Facebook page!!!
I have got
an interview with an American FITNESS TRAINER company as a Freelance Marketer
Applicant (Commission-based). I have found so many issues to address before
scheduling a Skype one – on – meeting. I have sent 8 FAQs to answer. The Owner
is a TRUE and honest gentleman that he discloses the facts so very nice and
wisely in detail answered my 8 questions one by one separately marked and
He is supposed
to thinking of a part-time job advertisement next. I have expressed my interest:
finding his courtesy for the late response, honest detailed answers, and 90% autonomy
of doing work that pleased me to conduct and paid a courtesy visit to 2
websites, 2 blogs, and FB, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram YouTube social media
profiles to have looked all about the BIZ. Conducted an online site overview
and Site audit…..which takes about 4 hours time to complete (For free)
all professional-looking website social media profiles but driving very poor organic
and social media traffic to websites plus more…issues
I have
compiled all my findings and sent an email report to this end to schedule a Skype
meeting for discussion as a Business Development, Digital Marketing, and Sales
LEAD- manager situation.
Both cases niche
almost the same as well as Startups Business and Marketing Consultancy. Out of
these two, I am thinking of myself starting my own online consultancy BABA HOME (experimental
online Google Business (Free) has already been open). Now I am thinking of
moving forward with the same to grow…. And this is the outcome…. As a case
And yesterday 28 Feb 2020, out of intention and good faith I have
First of all and common practice, I have LEARNT through a training course
on General Marketing:

So, those competitors have already been drive success in your niche, products, SEO, tags, Mention, plan, strategies whatever PLUS more... Search and copy/paste from them.... easy and add yours
Second Tutorial that I have done in my Marketing Strategist internship with money Mouth Marketing very recently:
Digital Market Research Blueprint- Driving Traffic EPs (Execution Plan and exercise) Find the new market, Locate “SPY” on competitors and ad/Landing page copy based on data.
Market research can help startups understand where they should be
placing their resources and time. It can tell you everything from how people perceive
your company, as well as which features to drop or continue developing. And
while there are plenty of ways to conduct market research, not every market
research method is right for every situation.
Market research can help play a major role in developing your product,
marketing, and overall business strategy. Understanding the different market
research methods can be the difference between wasting months of engineering
time or exceeding your ambitious revenue targets.
The 2 types of market research are eminent in general
All market research falls
under two distinct categories: primary research and secondary research.
Primary research looks at any data
you collect yourself (or someone you pay). It encompasses analyzing current
sales, metrics, and customers. It also takes into account the effectiveness of current
practices, while taking competitors into account.
Secondary research looks at data that has
already been published by others. It includes reports and studies from other
companies, government organizations, and others in your industry. Say for
Once Yahoo thinking of buying Google
when Google was in trouble….
Now Google is the front runner…..and
While there are many ways to perform market
research, most businesses use one or more of five basic methods: surveys, focus
groups, personal interviews, observation, and field
trials. The type of data you need and how much money you're willing to spend
will determine which techniques you choose for your business.
There are several ways
to categorize the various market research methods. The vast
majority of techniques fit into one of six categories: (1) secondary research,
(2) surveys, (3) focus groups, (4) interviews, (5)
observation, or (6) experiments/field trials. ... The other five are all different flavors
of primary research.

To show you how it’s done in the real world, I’ve included a
market research
Why is market research so valuable?
Without research, it’s impossible to understand
your users. Sure, you might have a general idea of who they are and what they
need, but you have to dig deep if you want to win their loyalty.
Someone day I may go for writing another post
on Deep down Research Next.
Here’s why research matters…
Obsessing over
your users are the only way to win. If
you don’t care deeply about improving
user experience, you’ll lose potential customers to someone who
Analytics gives
you the ’what,’ but research gives the ‘why.’
Research beats
assumptions, trends, and so-called best practices. Have you ever watched your colleagues rally
behind a terrible decision? Bad ideas are often the result of guesswork, emotional
reasoning, death by best practices, and defaulting to the
Highest Paid Person’s Opinion (HiPPO). By listening to your users and focusing
on their customer experience, you’re less likely to get pulled
in the wrong direction.
Research keeps
you from planning in a vacuum. Your
team might be amazing, but you and your colleagues simply can’t experience your
product the way your customers do. Customers might use your product in a way
that surprises you, and features that seem obvious to you might confuse them.
Over planning and refusing to test your assumptions is a waste of time, money,
and effort because you will likely need to make changes once your untested plan
gets put into practice.
Furthermore interested to know? Continue reading Cheers
and take care of HEALTHY and Wealthy Growth… Best wishes …contact share …..
Please do reach me…