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Short-Term Gains, Long-Term Consequences: While governments may achieve immediate control, they may face long-term backlash and damage to their reputation.
Option 1 (more formal):
The economic fallout from this crisis can be divided into three levels: individual and organizational, sectoral, and economy-wide. The initial effects are most pronounced at the individual and organizational levels, with short-term consequences. However, the entire economy will experience medium to long-term impacts.
percussions at three levels: individual/organizational, sectoral, and macroeconomic. While the first two levels face immediate challenges, the overall economy is at risk for longer-term damage. A comprehensive loss assessment is crucial for effective response.
In today's digital era, it's undeniable that our daily lives are affected by the extensive influence of social media. While social media has its positive uses, scientists are starting to understand how excessive usage might negatively affect our mental health in the long run.
Experts and business leaders believe that the recent deadly protests, clashes, and violence have severely damaged Bangladesh’s image in the global community and the country’s key challenge now is to bring back the international community’s faith.
It was warned that a failure to rehabilitate Bangladesh's image could severely harm export-dependent industries, particularly the apparel sector. Such a decline would have far-reaching consequences, impacting the nation's overall economy and employment rates.
Bangladesh says it forgot to remove UN logos from vehicles as they contained unrest
It should be noted that Bangladesh is already suffering from a foreign exchange reserves crisis, and has secured $4.7 billion in support from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The Future of f-commerce and Social Media in Bangladesh
F-commerce, or selling products through Facebook, is rapidly growing in Bangladesh. With over 80 million people following business pages and more than 3,000 local stores on the platform, it's a promising market. F-commerce is attractive to new businesses because it requires less startup capital and fewer hurdles compared to traditional brick-and-mortar stores.
The business-to-customer e-commerce market in Bangladesh is expected to grow by 17.61% on an annual basis, aimed at reaching Tk65,966 crore in 2022, according to recent market research.
"Not all the pages are by Facebook-only online sellers as Omni channel businesses also present there," said its executive director Jahangir Alam Shovon.
As a nation, we learned the effects of an internet blackout consequences. This is a basic and fundamental right that has never ever used as a political WEAPON.