Jul 31, 2009

Demo - CRY SEE ? A BIG Q, under BLACK !

They are Bulldozing our house by two folds war. One FREE media BRANDED junk sex and foods, Secondly, by Demo CRY SEE export... A safe home is a safe Civilization- some total of POSITIVE people's generation. Go green home. Stop junk foods and sex generation. Build a safe HOME save. 

Sustainable development goals 2012
No to 50% : 50% = 100% ? No some total of...PLUS PLUS! Direct oneness 100 !! No man N woman issues all Human and humanitarian. No Divide n Rule- Machiavellian theory. Loaf of Hooks mostly used by chanting Slogans procession- POLITICS N TRIX to win majority. S warn POWER in inn.. at large...Bushes...Blair ism, Baghdad down CHANGE..!? Bale Recession up...New colonial weapons, corporate MASTERY by force, either side of the COIN. Under BRAND demo CRY SEE!?
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Global Oneness- not a SHOW BIZ !

BabaOHome pleading Universal Green living Friends N family One global village. A step POSITIVE Love and Light...peace. These not a SHOW BIZ, an emotion. emotions came to an end- expression! And the expression in to believe!! AND believe BECOME faith and truth- real life!!! We became lovely friends in deeds. Virtual or presence doesn't matter- spiritually linked and threaded like NETWORKS. This is natural and supernatural too. This is Oneness...LOL. "WE CAN" we shall overcome one day. Join share thoughts support carry the FLAME
Torch.....hand over to next...

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Jul 29, 2009

Universal - friends N family- incredible glints off...waves of life !

wonderful images of sun waves # 07. BabaOHome- Go Green living POSITIVE one Globe village urges.  Different reflection of waves on WATER. Water welcome, conceive, and contained the color. The color of friendship, manner, Happiness BLOSSOMS water " Friends N Family " heart swathe!! Water dancing, ruling, moving, glints off waves: Tubular shining, Beach ..surf crashes down, Molten...on liquid golds, White ... tumultuous, Splash ... stunning,  Red ... mysterious,.Break ... wave crashes down..moves to express. .creates imaging SUPER colors. Exactly THE COLOR OF FRIENDSHIP- not a FREE sexxxxx. Helen of Troy nor Monica of White house. Mama Taj Mahal of Agra Delhi, Romeo- Juliet or Titanic. A natural pious heavenly happiness...beyond...far..more Spiritual SOULS light reflections in inn <3<3 More than SEVEN wonders. Do-Follow..stay tuned BABA...
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Veronica - the voice of Freedom

Ali Baba a Facebook user friend-group message by Bold Veronica Ashe. SHARE the power of an online forum...a dashing, daring, dazzling kind lady the voice of freedom. She believes in POSITIVE love and light, the power of free people. This is an overview face of her feelings....about my presence as a friend and family lover. I have admired her and the very facts..coming next.......do-follow and stay tuned...

July 26 at 2:26am

Dear Baba...

You radiate love to all...and I am always so moved by what you write. Never change this about yourself! I too am self-educated...following my heart...my dreams and my path. We journey together side by side...and I am grateful to have you...a man of such worth...traveling along with me. :)

You know from my messages to you how much I strive...to not just live a loving life but to help others to find ways to live theirs with joy, health, love, & peace. Please know how much and how deeply you've touched me...a self-taught singer, lyricist, poet, ESL instructor, and artist. The ordinary can be extraordinary if we look at the beauty, light, and gifts therein.

YOU are LIGHT...You are LOVE...and in your heart of hearts,
You already know all you need to know...for You know LOVE.
God Bless!

Namaste & Sat Nam
Dozen Red Roses                                                                                 

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Jul 27, 2009

America's Economy- A freelance opearation !!

BabaOHome pleading green living Universal friends and family home.Sex kids foods emotions education love and peace maid in HOME. All war, terror, democracy, UN peace Maid in America by force- taking others rights, outstayed from their own home . Snatched living being given refugee status through jelly fish US pet UN peace and relief ! New warrior of god BUSH - LADEN : BRAND, Blend Packed and exported ..... now ....game by ..!! Thanks
" Fw: [mdm99] Fw: America's Economy. A Simple Analysis " message and messenger for such a fact extract from a day folks wonderfully...and all credit goes  to my dear Univesity Alumni bosom and online inmate KING Cobra a NGO leader S.G.U.Manik to .........

John Smith started the day early having set his
alarm  clock
(MADE IN JAPAN) for 6 am.
While his coffeepot
was perking, he shaved with his
electric razor
He put on a
dress shirt
designer jeans
tennis shoes
After cooking his breakfast in his new
electric skillet
he sat down  with his
to see how much he could spend today. After setting his
to the  radio
he got in his car
filled it with GAS
(from Saudi Arabia)
and continued his search
for a good paying AMERICAN JOB.
At the end of yet another discouraging
and  fruitless day
checking his
(made in MALAYSIA),
John decided to relax for a while.
He put  on his  sandals
poured himself a glass of
and turned on his
and then wondered why he can't
find a good paying job

Forwarded Message ----
From: Joaxxx xxxxbat <xxxxxx@ yahoo.com. ph>
To: xxxxxxx@ rcbc.com
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2009 12:48:24 AM
Subject: Fw: America's Economy. A Simple Analysis

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Jul 24, 2009

Ambassador Oliver M.Zock- Dear Face friend !

Facebook- a well-known high profile and RANKED meeting place of friends around the globe from all works of life. What is Facebook? What face book does- simple ANS! Now about BabaOHome- Green living friends and Family GOTTA DUNYA. Out of - My dear friend, Ambassador Mr. Oliver M.Zock Look after Online good manner and more...To visit him you have to sign up first, after joining the GROUP or you may be a fan...Never forget to see this gentleman. Prior to that take a look at short STATUS along with my brief know-how about this personality too.

Germany, Sex: Male, Birthday: September 25
Hometown: Klais, Germany
Political Views: liberal, Religious Views: rk
Looking For: Friendship Dating Networking
Bavaria- Germany Ambassador http://politician.to/ Bavaria, Consultant (www.global-arena.com), Traveller, Net(t)worker, Traditionalist, Gourmet, microfinance, sales-director,recruiting-professional, freemason (WM);
Mutual Friends10 friends in common, Friends1,333 friends

Oliver is my best group out of 114 friends. I believe in all good friends in common no mutual. POSITIVE green peace, Global Oneness, Micro Finance, Social business, Multidimensional world order is the common issues that we are works to gather- to pleading the thoughts. He is very cool on my face and heart too...passionate, caring, honoring each other values and norms. We are engaging with so many CAUSES GROUPS activities- Share, like, comments, send wishes, gifts through different applications, messages. Interact differ views- love & light. Seeing is believing, no imitating GOSPEL! Let's move to visit the FACE imaging world!
More than World Disney! OUR world's of BILL OBAMA CHARLES and many more TALK and SEE them all in ONE FACE one world one net one forum one heart. Oh..forgot about all the lovely Angels all around earth and FACE heaven too.......Hurry JOIN N VISIT NOW!!
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Depacco.com : proved a 100% scam site

Online SCAM, an ongoing issue. Internet maid easy outsources to the freelancer: Earn a living from home. PTC PPC MLM many easy-to-learn loaves of hooks prevailing side by side. Every advantage having some disadvantages within. I have been experimenting with cases since March 2008. With a view to gathering a few practical knowledge about. and to share same on the net- as my concerns are HOME. Gone through some test cases and depacco.com is out of one My last post was on too. But today 24 June 2009, cross over minimum payout by 30 !!
( following the copy pest from the source site deepacco.com )

Account Balances Total Cash Balance: € 5,030.0000 
Account Transaction History
07/24/2009 03:57 Paid Mail Earnings 4,190.00000
07/23/2009 09:13 Paid To Click Earnings 740.00000
02/25/2009 11:37 Sign-up Bonus 100.00000
PAYOUT button found SCAM ( copy-paste): You don't have a minimum of payout. The present STATUS up to date on the landing page as under without paying anything:
Join to 64,159 Members who paid out 2,337,481.95 EUR
Please let me know about the authority that takes care of all such online scams and you are most welcome to share all such practical experiences for the well-being and newbies keep out of such scams to TRAP TRIX Hooks too. Take care " We CAN " we shall overcome! Will digs more......
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