Jun 5, 2010

My fairy tale freelance journey by boat, first job, trainee and money

For about three years I used to the Internet as a fortune. Has been engaged in learning, Changes world how it works. With a high moral to earn a white living: A solo tinny boat without a sail, navigator, and started the journey to concur the freelance market places, deep huge ATLANTIC! Dogged and nubs, hopes, and doubts but consistent WAKE UP 70+ hours week, whole night seated dozy sleepy eyes, again new morning comes and gone out HOPES- light has come. No guide- self-motivated journey to cross, and touch the heights. Relentlessly- Google mail Account to free blogger blogs (after several modifications) here is YOUR BabaOHome and so many trials and errors, experiments- Join Yahoo Ans! Forums sharing All great generous caring helping FREE peoples efforts eases, solves my problems. I am Grateful, indebted- blessed off. After a year later- When the glints of harbor lighthouse coming out, joined as a Lecturer- dept of Accounting, University College at my metropolitan city home town. With bored in mind the dream of new generation Bangladesh concept, ideas- CAUSE graduate employment generation through internet online freelance home jobs. Graduates are in dark about USD $800 billion market place waiting for NEW cheaper HANDS footsteps. Who is to bell the Billions? Except for the state of imitating GOSPEL digital BD., Vision 2021 goals election pledges of its nature to GRIP- GRAB their dream SEAT- Sole PM POWER!! I put more effort into pleading to my students... 

The only way of our self-reliance and sovereignty- the light has comes through it. But 99% without having a computer and internet connection- got rid off! Because of the BONSAI graduation system, they are careless about forthcoming practical life than knocking on their door. I believe in Dr. M. YOUNUS way- “WE CAN” and at large I have gotten a VA job under Elace.com the light has come- And Emran Hosen, A Chittagong University, fine arts Graduate honors student hear and came out as my first practitioner and paid-up course fee money BIG BUX “Light” of CREATIVITY comes and exists..BEGAN….WE CAN> Click on images(TOP L-R)to view my earning N SIGN UP NOW!!
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Jun 4, 2010

GetAElance be self reliant- sovereign.

Globalization maid easy excess to market place erases geographical boundary. Changes worlds how it works? No difference between far and near, black-white, USD-EURO, develop-under developed, G-8 or G-5, Rich-Poor, Master-Friend, BUSH-LADEN explore the internet BROWSER global oneness experiences. The world’s most SUPERPOWER of the time ever. You are CLICK away from anything would like to GET, SHARE, BUY, SELL, PROVIDE, and CONNECT whatever A-Z!! Staying in a remote village connect the distant online virtual office to earn living from the comfort of your HOME. Couldn’t get it? TRY and GetAElance and SIGN UP NOW!! Set your profile and get START earning. Free individual free globe freelance jobs. Be self-motivated, consistent, and self-reliant. No office no BOSS no MASTER self-ruled SOVEREIGN faculty of mind and Free State!!

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Jun 3, 2010

Elance the way of self Reliance

Elance is the best way to get your work done. BabaOHome, a home-based online individual provider supported by the HAWAI '5 O (officials, family members) indeed. Elance is my self-reliance- in words.

Best marketplace to provide your services, get works done and let the compensation next at your wallet. Very secure and trusted one I ever worked with. Get first, SIGN UP NOW! Kick up your paddle and start to earn living from the comfort of your home. Who YOU are? what do you have? At the capacity- beginner to heights. My current job- weekly works 45+ hours, at a minimum  @ $5 hr, invoice figure comes over $225 per week. Why don't you? YOU can earn even more...!! Rely on- self-motivation, self-reliance- GetAElance NOW!! You can Elance your skills in 3 easy steps:
1   Build Your Profile
2   Market Your Services
3   Get Paid for Your Work

Are you sit idle? Why you are killing your productivity? Be a proud member of ...
The (r) evolution of Work: How NextSpace, Elance & Freelance Camp Are 
Creating the Infrastructure for the New Economy. Changes worlds how it works. 

Here we go...GREEN living...Free world.....free jobs....freelancer...Free individual
No office....No BOSS! YOU are your self-motivated, self-reliant- BOSS or LOSS !!

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May 23, 2010

BabaOHome on Elance- online freelance service provider

abaOHome Looking forward to earn living from home one jobs. Bababazar, BabaOHome, Lekubd, Ali Baba, try keyword search to explore- this remote global village home that connects share thoughts & pleading- Universal Authentic conscious living in a LOVE go green tips on Jobs Biz Sex Kids Foods Emotion Education Supports all under one roof resort HEAVEN- hugs love and light oneness global village. Looking forward: A

War Terror pollution Corruption Master's FREE freelance's world- No BRAND, NO CORP, NO office no BOSS no commitment. Changing world how it works. GRIP and GRAB are the USD800 billion marketplace! IT age erases the geographical border. Seating at remote SUNRISE home working with distant- SUNSET.ON, CANADA!! HOW it works? Online Internet- the ALADIN"S magical lamp that connects.
Minimum hourly rate: USD 05, status- 01 Virtual Assistant

About Us
Would like to get the benefit of globalization through online jobs as under: 
* According to deed
* In time hassle-free delivery
* Self-motivation oriented sincere services
* Full-time dedication 60+ hrs per week
* Flexible timing and best prices ever
* Hard and consistent working
Service Description
Individual provider having 5 family members eligible for works.
Writing & other writing- Finance credit banking insurance articles, blog posts
Bookkeeping and accounting
Forum posting
Administrative and Virtual assistance
Ads posting

Kick up YOUR paddle and get RAINBOW RIDE glints of Happy HOME and start earning.............. SIGN UP NOW!!

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May 21, 2010

One thing we can't give up- COMPUTER!

As a developing nation status, weaving unemployment or hopefully graduate employment generation to attain the UN sustainable development goal and merely saying vision 2021 goal DIGITAL BANGLADESH concept. We never give up the Computer and its use. I am talking about self-employment- Outsources to freelance. Online jobs to earn living from the comfort of our home."10 Things We Can't Live Without" This is an American way of living. Finds the interesting glints of this news fact Nearly everything had to go. A few months after losing her administrative job in the summer of 2008, 23-year-old Brianna Karp got rid of her furniture, a beloved piano, and most of her books so she could move back in with her parents. When that didn't work out, she moved into an old trailer a relative had left her, settling into an informal homeless community in a Wal-Mart parking lot in Brea, Calif. By the summer of 2009, she was living without electricity, regular showers, home-cooked food, and most basic conveniences. 

Karp held tight to one appurtenance, however: her laptop computer. She spent hours at a nearby Starbucks, using the wireless network to surf for jobs. A friend suggested she start a blog about her life on the edge, which she called the Girl's Guide to Homelessness. It generated attention that helped land a part-time magazine internship. Then came an offer to write a book about her ordeal, which is due out in 2011--and might get turned into a movie. With some money from a book advance, Karp has upgraded to a better trailer, on a friend's property, and she's eyeing a Victorian fixer-upper she'd like to make her permanent home. Yet she craves a few of the material things she's given up while cherishing the friends and opportunities she's discovered online. "When you're in survival mode, you slash everything," Karp says. "That makes the online community that much more important. Online, somebody will always be there for me."

The grueling recession that began in 2007 has upended American priorities, with frugality now considered a virtue for the first time in decades. Despite recent upticks in spending, retail sales remain lower than they were three years ago. Sales of homes, cars, and appliances have plunged. Shoppers have cut back on toilet paper and cigarettes, once thought recession-proof. Even porn sales are down. Thrift, it seems, has no boundaries.
Yet Americans have clung dearly to a few surprising necessities, reflecting changes in American society that go far beyond penny-pinching. Food, clothing, and shelter have long been the most obvious staples. But data that's finally rolling in as the recession winds down shows that we also require a bit of entertainment and a tasty beverage or two. Companionship is as important as ever--even if it's not human. And you can't even look for a job these days if you don't have Internet access. As we redefine what's really important, here are 10 new American essentials:" So we have to live with COMPUTER to GROW UP.....Live BIG...cheers...

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Apr 30, 2010

Living in a couple- univesal HOME life

What you find in others is ultimately a reflection of you. 

As men of flesh and blood we maid up of living in a couple- sex kids emotions education supports- Universal authentic Conscious living in love. Husband and Wife's Honey Comb family HOME.  Human behavior always would like to Share Enjoy friends and family, society as a whole. Free sex and live is a JUNK ISSUE. Get a couple, one life lives BIG. let's learn from learned A HEALTH fact  

Michael D. Yapko, Ph.D., author of Depression Is Contagious

" Rethinking treatment for depression As we observe social conditions around us, including the fragmenting of families and society, we can see that relationships have clearly taken a beating"

" The divorce rate continues to be high, the length of the average dating relationship is measured in weeks, more people live alone than ever before, and people generally report feeling more cynical about other people. When people feel isolated, devalued, and expendable, it’s hard to feel good."
Universal conscious living in a love..lead a couple life♥

Apr 26, 2010

Getting freelance job

Changing World How it Works: CHANGE A CHANCE 

21 century- The information age brings changes in all works of life, erases the geographically distant border, and eases free globe, free profession. Distantly Living in Bangladesh working with a remote office in NY, USA through Online virtual E office. So Get ready and kick up YOUR paddle. This post is the outcome of the oDesk Bangladesh- google group, thanks for sharing being enabled me to create this post : CAN ANYONE HELP ME HOW CAN BE PREPARED MY SELF FORGETTING FREELANCING JOB

Who else to HELP YOU! Everybody minds their own business. Mere sharing immense no value! You may search and finds millions of facts online at your finger click. Why are asking for... YOU should have to warm up through practice. Slow and steady WIN the race. There is no room for Live- let live-WARFARE. Grip and grab.... survival of the fittest is the only universal rule that exists.

Experiencing any problem? Need some work but how could YOU?  Try SIGN UP..... most Bangladeshi's using Odesk.com. Create your profile and get hired..... Lead Happy emerging freelancers POSITIVE BANGLADESH.

Complete readiness TEST and jump over- Keep your tools kit: Start biding and learn how its works. It will enrich your knowledge of English language proficiencies greatly. TRY to make A GOOD COVER letter and Compete providers. If you are not getting hired or award a project. Then try to find REASONS WHY? How it works? 
10 Reasons You Aren’t Getting Freelance Work 

To view, go to the link destination, sign up with google account & join the group. 
You may visit and learn from the original Odesk blog post for the same too.
Do follow share subscribe support blog to continue...to earn living from the comfort of your HOME...Happy freelance. Cheers...

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Apr 19, 2010

Be a honey BEE, love HOME

BabaOHome: Universal Authentic Conscious relation, living in a- LOVE. The smartest way of living. We are maid to be enjoyed in a couple “conjugal condition” married, consists of husbands and wives; to gather honey on to COMB. HOME is clean and GREEN, green is CLEAN VIRGIN HOLLY PEACE. Jobs Biz Sex Kids emotion education supports all in under ONE QUEEN bee. Generate JUNK FREE  healthy wealthy generations. Her nest.. lives in a LOVELY authentic HOME.
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Marriage is good for health

Is marriage good for your health?

What research shows about connection of relationships, physical well-being. Universal conscious living in a- LOVE so taste HOME! BabaOhome: great HOME go green HOME sex jobs biz tips..++

We are maid to be enjoyed in a couple “conjugal condition” married, consists of husbands and wives; Farr’s was among the first scholarly works to suggest that there is a health advantage to marriage and to identify marital loss as a significant risk factor for poor health. Married people, the data seemed to show, lived longer, healthier lives. “Marriage is a healthy estate,” Farr concluded. “The single individual is more likely to be wrecked on his voyage than the lives joined together in matrimony.”  This is less, for more visit the article.. enjoy lollipop honey leap bliss.....wine of heaven and live long. Cheers...

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Get Marry's flower, be HAPPY !

Marriage! SO SWEET- one and only FLOWER blossoms swathe my heart. Universal authenticating conscious living in love- SAFE & SAVE. Sex kids emotion education supports all in one resort's SWEETIE'S HOME. I am made up of and mad at COUPLE HOME. AND YOU? Don't be free! Free is JUNK, boring shocking knocking that BROOK... CROOK YOU!? Be a Marred COUPLE one flower! Go green, one life LIVE BIG. Live long and be HAPPY with lolly bliss lovely SWEETIE fruity wive. Say no to FREE...JUNK life. 

♥+♥ Build JUNK free


GREEN generation !? ♥+♥

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Get Merry- LIVE LONG

“marriage advantage”: the fact that married people, on average, appear
to be healthier and live longer than unmarried people. Free Sexx is JUNK unhealthy, Universal conscious living in a LOVE the only way out....evergreen modern way of living. COUPLE HOME- lolly bliss SWEET HONEY HEAVEN on earth- a gift by god. I am made up of home, born in a home, live in a home, maybe die at HOME. BabaOHome..parents HOME great home


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Apr 11, 2010

Freelance HOME jobs- Bangladesh Brand Passport

BabaOHome relentlessly pleading GO-Green living HOME: Sex kids foods jobs emotions education supports in one resort. Has been organizing events to familiarize the freelance jobs to earn leaving from the comfort of our HOME.

SEMINAR PROFILE ( proposed ):
Venue: Lecture Gallery, Faculty of Business   
                        Administration, University of Chittagong
Date: April 29, 2010
Time table      : 11.30 AM- 01.30 PM (+8 GMT)
Chair Person: Prof. Dr. Harunur Rashid, Dean, Faculty of
                        Business Admin, University of Chittagong.
Chief Guest: Prof. Dr. Abu Yousuf, Vice-Chancellor
                        The University of Chittagong Bangladesh.
Supported by   : Principal Md Ismail, Chairman, Up-Zilla
                        Council, Hathazari-Chittagong, People's 
                        The Republic of Bangladesh.
Organized by: Chittagong University Student Asso'78
Resource per's IT, Banker, Academician, Professionals,
                        practitioners in and around Bangladesh.

For more information keep in touch...share your thoughts by email and pass it on. This is our social responsibility. Perhaps, way out- employment generation to provide our accumulated unemployed 10 million YOUTH graduates.

New era- 21 century IT age free professionals- Emerging "SHABASH" Bangladesh....... 

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IT age erase geo boarder - free individuals freelance jobs

Positive Bangladesh Brand- Freelancer online HOME jobs

The New Way to Work:  Connecting Freelancers to Get Jobs Done-

Idle BRAIN is the devil's workshop. To earn living, Employment is a basic HUMAN right. Employment generation- a Social, Individual Responsibility. EVERGREEN Happy living, Conscious Relation, Employment, Engagement is a MUST- Let's be BUSY to weaving property and attain the sustainable development, vision- 2020 goals. A medium $2000 per capita income category featured emerging BANGLADESH. Professor Dr. M. Younus's way "WE CAN".

21 century IT age - free individuals, freelance jobs providers used to station around the home, have begun to erase geographical boundaries in the marketplace. Internet BROWSER, HTTP: and @ 3D amazing tools to explore, grip, and grab the whole globe at your fingertips on the fly.

This is high time to grip and GRAB the $10-15 B shares out of the $748 B marketplaces. Who is to bell the Cat? Ourselves- self-help is the BEST HELP. we are not isolated, the world will come forward to fill up the gap, and our govt. also, come forward accordingly.

Live- let live WARFARE, no room! The only survival of the fittest exists in the inn. Make the right business connections in the world’s fastest-growing freelance marketplace. Now it’s easy to market your freelance services and find all the business you need to succeed. Thousands of jobs on the database, with fresh contracts and projects being added daily. So kick-start your work-at-home career by signing up for the free edition of The Freelance Job Report to get:

Elance TOUR

Let's move forward- catch the fish out of WATER- to ensure market share.
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Mar 28, 2010

Elance- Outsources to freelancer

BabaOHome Elance.com Service Provider- Project manager:
Blogger Content writer forum poster office and VA Profile. Visit & HIRE US at the Best price EVER. Self-motivated do-follow and can do hassle-free in time services approach. Believe in deeds other than words. Looking forward to a CHANCE to prove in practice that way out - SHINE IN USE.

Posted using ShareThis

Mar 18, 2010

About BabaOHome


Hi.........Welcome HOME, thanks for the visit. Which may encourage me to continue my online presence. Please never mind to stay, find more that of your interests or not up to..anyway- let me know about your thoughts comments share. Feeds & emails subscribe supports Do follow pass it on to the people's friends & family around you.

Acknowledge my heartiest solicitation, am indebted being visited these imaginary blogs, footprints on pages. Always count on cooperation, your kind cooperation solicited yours always.

21 century globalization and New Technologies Open Door, a new dimension  the horizon of info education buying selling banking thoughts  share connect site, social media network marketing, forum entertainment  and the least, not the last  workplace to earn  living from the comfort of our Universal Authentic Conscious love- go GREEN- HOME other than Sex xx foods kids jobs emotions education supports all under one Roof- HAPPY HOME.

Perhaps the greatest challenge of all is that of competing in the global Erina:- Globalization and the use of technology- Power of Broadband internet to link supply chain partners, jobs providers stationed at home around have begun to erase geographical boundaries in the marketplace. To minimize and cut services price, buyers moving forward to the cheaper global market.  New CORP MASTER mind BRANDS imitating FREE xx FAST life leading culture has been punching blows on to politics culture taste fashion foods jobs sex xx educations, traditional values norms, religious believes, universal HOME green living too. GREEN-PEACE became corrupt and Polluted.

I visited JAPAN USA UK 20 + other countries and after personally spending quite a bit of time browsing the internet from Jan'08 and continued studying free individual peoples power, online Biz & job
marketplace, I’ve learned that there are a few ways that you, as a proactive progressive positive social activists, we can stand out cooperation from the rest. So before you jump the gun, familiarize yourself with the following tips.

Now that you’ve known the ropes around New world order that taken places through the aforesaid System, it’s time for you to push the pedal to the metal. Survival of the fittest, WE CAN. Let's put our hands together, "We shall overcome someone's day" be proactive this is my social responsibility to LEARN and SHARE thoughts, that's it !?

Keywords/levels/ niches :
Objectives :
  • Pleading to Go green living for biz jobs sex kids emotions education supports universal authentic conscious in a lovely couple's sweet O HOME unit BabaOHme- Believe in, Green is clean pious virgin peace. Free xx past foods lead junk- Health and generation pollution!?
  • To build a positive green living globe for all- war terror master pollution corruption-free GUTTA DUNYA friends & family global village oneness HOME. We are one, being part of you this is a moral obligation to share my efforts to this end...
  • To learn share thoughts forum friendship blogging against corp. to lite, the torch of social nonprofit business life & live together.
  • weaving poverty to attain sustainable dev. goals by Yr- 2020  
  • Equality no discrimination gender differences religious races color-rich and poor literate illiterate- oneness globalize village concepts open to all ages all works of life- A meeting place.  
 Connects :       
For more about my complete profile & online presence links all in one  or in particular out of major forums as :

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No words to appreciate YOUR patience presence, valued time, and thanks for caring supports subscribe Share this non-profit voluntary PUBLIC welfare blog.
WE CAN we shall overcome someone day. Go green universal authentic conscious in love- A true desire to built a JUNK-free parented generation's world. GREEN is CLEAN pious virgin holly Lolli bliss LOVE. Where there is love there is PEACE & LIGHT.   

Enjoy hi honey's heaven sex kids food biz jobs emotion education supports in one at- HOLLY HOME.....friends & family Happy journey...SEE you...cheers...

Hearts GREEN, am mad of friends and family
Best & W. Regards

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Mar 15, 2010

How to get start freelance jobs to earn living.

Online Home jobs tips- 01

21-century globalization and New Technologies Open doors to the FREELANCE new workplace to earn living from the comfort of our HOME. This is GAME a like TRACK and field. Blindly sign up is easy, but don't take it easy to run & win. Have a LOOK and continue to earn living through Universal Authentic Conscious love- go GREEN- Sex xx foods kids jobs emotions education supports all in one- HAPPY HOME.

Now that you’ve known the ropes around the freelance Work System, it’s time for you to push the pedal to the metal, sign up first, next profile page set up, area of works job that fits your skills perfectly, be sure of category & subcategory selection. Go for readiness test- passed. NOW you are ready to bids- primarily.  At least 3-5 tests are necessary to pass out of 200+ online tests.

After personally spending quite a bit of time studying the marketplace, I’ve learned that there are a few ways that you, as a provider, can stand out and shine from the rest. So before you jump the gun, familiarize yourself with the following tips.

Many competitors are on YOUR mark to get set GO. So good start that may result from the good morning as because morning shows the day. First of all, YOU have to find choose the best-reputed CLUB or outsourcing company to register with. So care being come forth on the first place. if you had had any freelancer friends to share with, may join the forums like YAHOO ANS, social friends forums Facebook, Twitter, or through searches. It may cause a handful of time to expand on. Sharing my practical experience, please don't go for an easy PTC PPC scam site for nothing Or earn daily $500-$100 from home- imitating GOSPEL words GUILTY GOLD ads. Please don't run behind shadow at a cost of YOUR valued time and patience too.

I am using Odesk and Elance. So far- Perhaps if you are in a position to believe me. YOU may try and Now one CLUE is over. Follow my referrals links below or click Odesk ads on the right sidebar of this blog, to show YOUR support to continue my blogs- pass it on, share emails to people you know, friends & family.
ODesk Using reverse auction-styled job boards enables its users to hire, manage, and pay technology service providers around the world. Sign up and join. Do follow and subscribe blog for more home jobs tips and tutorials & practices on HOW to manage a 3-4 figure income through MASTER debit cards... Do- follow and subscribe to get regular updates on.......Enjoy HAPPY signUP.....will be back with...MORE...How to know HOW! Good wishes.......Cheers.
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Mar 13, 2010

Mr. 10 % BRAND of world family politics

CAUSE of corruption & instability the corp. US sole agency BIZ?!  pleading- go green politics to build a  green living Happy friends & family HOME oneness globe.

Mr. 10% represents the BRAND of world corrupt FAMILY politicians. Perhaps Mr. Pak President publicly well-known FACE out of dirty Doz families in our region. Weaving poverty to attain sustainable development goals is the only way to over throne all this monarch family worship BIZ.. imitating GOSPEL words of promises...GUILDERS gold! Do the needful as PIC...FACE. Go, free POL.. be conscious. Say no to worship and supports as others doing...blindly! We paid a lot? They took too much...

Please let's move to CHANGE no more...JUNK politics! This is high time to find out the right path. Here is the CLUE- Exactly modified GREAT picture. I liked that... and I think YOU too. See....boy.....watering on to MR 10% FACE? Really he is a BUTCHER! CUT TO SIZE this 10% POL...out. Right theme to protest. You see DOG also took part..? Why don't YOU?

Pass it on to free individuals friends and family - you know and take PART to this movement

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Feb 24, 2010

Greener SEX life - Be a Major

Progressive and regressive- Greener sex and free sex life are twins. Any objects or light crates SHADOW under and moves in a couple. Green living is our common goal and we all agreed upon it. WE a relative term" Majority." We never win & fight the GOSPEL shadow other than minimizing the length. The allowable offense is a tolerable limit.

There are no ZERO defects ABSOLUTE theory. Facts that central deviation and contradiction within contradiction. Electron and proton, positive + negative equal life circle flow, floodlight.

Lead Authentic relation Conscious love go Greener sex life - A positive modern progressive ONE- Be MAJOR honors getA+! WE CAN. Drive safely within allowable limit.
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HANDS TO GATHER Greener SEX life to safe mother HOME.

Subject Green the TALK of the time. Green issues consist of a HUGE that connect individuals' sex foods living home workplaces, energies, fuel-gas, sea, global environments as a whole. Green denotes YOUNG CLEAN HEALTHY SAFE PIOUS VIRGIN PEACE + + Green foods good for health, living home to freshen breath & rest, the workplace is easy & friendly, energies gas fuel to cut emission. Maintain optimum eco-balance out at 1.5% a tolerable  POLLUTION limit.  

Greener sex Mr + Mrs couple green living HONEY HEAVEN home reproductive unit leads green pious virgin quality kids. A parented generation in this chaotic upheaval world of free sex- cause HIV+, trafficking a child for sex slavery, Rafe, brothels, war crimes, adulteries........endless train.

Some total of HOME units = Civilization- Nation Region- Mother WORLD. 
Let's HANDS TO GATHER - oneness Greener sex life to safe- LOVE+PEACE. 
Live together life to gather- safe & save. Enjoy universal authentic conscious love's HOME- sex kids emotion supports education all in one- 7 STAR RESORT....cheers.

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Feb 22, 2010

Brand out greener sex for whiter generation

Brand and quality- Green and white one

When we used to buy goods and services, always think of brand and quality. No compromise...perhaps which imitates our inner egos emotions to satisfy...!

Greener sex is pious and virgin, white is the outcome or generation to build a green living PEACE LOVE-LIGHT worthy global oneness home. We like fresh foods and fruits to taste other than JUNK one. Think of Free sex used to go with an impersonal life..! Everybody's business is nobodies BIZ and everybody's assets are PUBLIC assets, like public toilets, hotels public beds.....CAUSE HIV+ and so many so forth...
Let's go GREENER SEX- married life. Authentic scientific socially approved and ever loved heavenly relation - kids emotions education supports all in one under UNIVERSAL green living HOME. WE CAN- I LOVE YOU!  

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