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see Provider Profile and know more About the Company
Minimum hourly rate: USD 05, status- 01 Virtual Assistant
About Us
Would like to get the benefit of globalization through online jobs as under:
* According to deed
* In time hassle-free delivery
* Self-motivation oriented sincere services
* Full-time dedication 60+ hrs per week
* Flexible timing and best prices ever
* Hard and consistent working
* In time hassle-free delivery
* Self-motivation oriented sincere services
* Full-time dedication 60+ hrs per week
* Flexible timing and best prices ever
* Hard and consistent working
Service Description
Individual provider having 5 family members eligible for works.
Writing & other writing- Finance credit banking insurance articles,
blog posts
Bookkeeping and accounting
Forum posting
Administrative and Virtual assistance
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Bookkeeping and accounting
Forum posting
Administrative and Virtual assistance
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