New sunshine, New year, New Government through Election 08 in the EVE of a new horizon year ended, the supreme victory also marked on 16 Dec 1971. Enough is enough, please no more Negative role, position, and opposition only to oppose. Right, and left-wing of the parliaments equal to hundred, A GOVT. Left behind all drawbacks move forward towards Empowering Bangladesh. In nature, life, society change everywhere. Change is a must and a continuous, ongoing universal process. Our agree ness or denial doesn't matter. If we read the leap, we will be the progressive Nation. Be a peace-loving nation and beloved Bangladesh is a must. No more divide and role! The difference of opinion is the beauty of Democracy to make followers, supporters of it. This is the way of, the path of the demo'. We stand for change. Don't be a disturbing element. Failure is the pillar of success. Accessing all such causes for the failure is the gateway for the next target. Play a positive role is democracy other is autocracy. Thanks, General Moin to empowered genuine masses through a new voter ID. About more than 10 m new generation voters stand for CHANGE along with female boom. Before the election, nobody even thinks of it! A drastic and Revolutionary change. Never mind, I am telling you from a very independent point of view. In my life, I never support AL, it doesn't mean to say no to people's Verdict. That will be the complete disregard and dishonored Poll. From now and onwards opened a new door is that people are not booked for any particular party. Please count on it. No pet politics anymore. People are more educated and thanks to media and talk show too.
No strike, loggi boita, kastee, langhal ! Use if for the CHANGE not to force nor to hit on and hate people of different opinions. Mind it we belong to the same nation, nature, heredity, soil, and nature too. A few are the masterminds but the rest of the nation generous, hard-working simple living general mass. Forward Bangladesh,
we can. There are BOMBS around be boomed and glooming 21-century welfare state achieving Millenium goal by the vision 2121 goals
digital Bangladesh and USD $ 2000 per capita Y status Nation in fact to Real terms. Love and respect each other than the world respects us too! Overthrow Hate and Heat culture to love and peace.
Elet08 and journey to digital Bangladesh hope.
We have to put forward the Economic projects for DEEP seaport Transit and electricity and power generation without any further delay but with utmost sincerity and professionalism out of national interests. Creat new Jobs for this new generation of voters those who bring you on to the 3/4 victory position. otherwise again they sent back you to the pavilion by 10 seats!
The rise and booms of Garment industrial sector, Grameen and Barc Bank and govt. policies for free female educations bring a change to empowering backward to better half on to the front line of our economic forces beyond our imagination. A PLUS. Our NRB's playing a vital role to safeguard the nation by back up now about BDT 1000 crore through remittances. New govt. should have to pay a deep concern and attention about the productive use of their funds to accommodate and accommodate, generate more employment opportunities at home and abroad too. Make a room for them through incentives and Tax Holidays to invest is a must. Arrange to established their voting right when and where ever to honor them.

Develop new opportunities and support like
Ship Building Industrial New Chapter opened the door for new and
POS BD. Penetration of Bangladesh into
Ship Building Export. New govt should have to play a positive role to support this positive Bangladesh diversification towards new generation Industrial growth
Bank for Non-Resident Bangladeshi A group of Non-Resident Bangladeshi (NRB)based in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Jordan, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Japan, South Korea, UK, Ireland, Italy, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, USA and Canada working together in a project to set up a financial institution (similar to bank or investment bank) in Bangladesh. The proposed financial institution would not be a conventional type commercial bank; rather would work as ‘Development Bank’ for Bangladesh. Please contact to encourage this positive Bangladesh issue from all over the world.
FREE Remittances to Bangladesh: Here is a piece of good news for UAE NRB's is that HSBC offering a free internet transfer of Dirhams to BDT. You may try and visit this world local bank to find more about YOUR interest, in fact, other than guilty ADs, always mind your own business and choose a better alternative out of the best services prevailing at the MKT.
Dear Friends, Viewers, Guests, Please send your feedback to upgrade accordingly.......continue under the cons page.....thank you in advance for your help.
Election Results 08